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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. There was no direct quote in The Week story. If you have a direct quote from Bolton's manuscript show it.
  2. No sarcasm on your part. You are now just trying to cover for your stupid statement.
  3. But you never discuss the sample used in that poll, do you? The poll sample was made up of 48% Democrats, 40% Republicans, and 12 % Independents. Also, last week the Democrats have been presenting their case for removal in the Senate with no rebuttal from Trump's lawyers. Let's see what happens to those numbers after Trump's lawyers present their case this week.
  4. Trump doesn't know John Bolton? You really are stupid? John Bolton was Trump's National Security Adviser. Trump probably had personal conversations with John Bolton almost everyday about various international topics when Bolton was NSA. That's why Trump will claim executive privilege because conversations about world leaders with close advisers need to remain confidential otherwise no president will be able to have any discussions about foreign leaders with his closest advisers for fear the conversations will be made public. If we're going down that road, I would love to hear Barack Obama's confidential conversations with his advisers about Iran and Russia.
  5. The info from the manuscript is an assertion by someone, NOT A DIRECT QUOTE FROM THE MANUSCRIPT. AS OF YET THERE ARE NO DIRECT QUOTES FROM THE MANUSCRIPT.
  6. If the DNC continues to follow the Kavanaugh plan of attack, I would expect to see their paid protesters in the Senate gallery today yelling about John Bolton in an attempt to disrupt the presentation by the president's lawyers.
  7. You and the Democrats are the ones who are spinning the story. I have yet to see a direct quote from Bolton's book.
  8. So why does John Bolton not make a public statement on national tv saying that President Trump directly told him that aid was being withheld from Ukraine until the Ukrainian Government agreed to investigate the Bidens? I'm sure that both CNN and MSNBC would welcome John Bolton with open arms for such a statement. Maybe the reason Bolton doesn't do that is because Trump never said anything like that to Bolton.
  9. Anyone notice in The Week magazine story about John Bolton that THERE WAS NOT ONE DIRECT QUOTE FROM BOLTON'S BOOK IN THE ENTIRE STORY. Also, why did The Week not personally contact John Bolton to confirm the validity of the story? I wonder if the so call anonymous associates of John Bolton who gave the story to The Week were named Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, and Nancy Pelosi?
  10. Pencil neck Schiff, the lying weasel, should pay a legal and political price for all the dishonest things he has done for the last 3+ years..
  11. Being a social democrat is your problem, the ideology has warped your mind. Keep your fucking socialism in Europe, we don't want it in the U.S.
  12. So he's a "Nobody" and you're a somebody? You sound like a typical European elitist prick.
  13. And when do you ever use facts? Just because some blog reports a story doesn't make it a fact.
  14. Here comes the last minute Kavanaugh strategy by the Democrats again. Notice, there are no names given for the "close" associates of John Bolton. Same old leftwing tactic. Most likely the excerpt from Bolton's book says nothing like what they are describing it to be. Bolton would probably testify that that he was repeating what someone in the White House told him, maybe someone like Vindman or the whistleblower.
  15. So to regain our prestige in the world the U.S. should kiss Europe's ass like Barack Obama did. You're upset because under Trump the U.S. will no longer support the free loading socialist governments and economies of Europe. Brexit happened because the working people of Britain were tired of supporting the freeloaders in the E.U.
  16. And Trump opposed the invasion of Iraq by George W. Bush.
  17. Banning his account sounds like something the liberal fascists in Canada would do. Thank God we haven't gone that far left down here yet.
  18. What do you think Bloomberg wants to do? And the Democrats are already doing it in Virginia.
  19. The U.S. will get a hell of a lot farther than Germany ever will. And Assad and ISIS have nothing to do with causing the refugee problem in Syria, right?
  20. Was the killer yelling Alllah Akbar as he was killing people?
  21. I thought you were intelligent. If anyone is going to turn the U.S. communist it would be Bernie Sanders and the Democratic Party. The last thing Trump could ever be accused of is being a communist.
  22. Angela Merkel is as dumb and stupid as they come. I couldn't care less what happens to George w. Bush he was just another part of the Washington D.C. swamp.
  23. I think you need to be concerned about your country and your stupid leaders. Kennedy was the great president who got the US involved in Viet Nam. The refugee crisis in Syria was caused by the stupidity of Barack Hussein Obama who allowed ISIS to set up their caliphate.
  24. I'm beginning to believe this CC thread is the only life you have. Probably in your real life no one can stand to be around you.
  25. If the American people so dislike Trump why did Adam Schiff say we can't trust the American voters to make the right decision about Trump in the 2020 election?
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