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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. If we had not saved your ass from the Soviets the western part of Germany would not have been a democracy since 1949.
  2. And it was the Democratic Party that opposed the voting rights act.
  3. And how many African Germans have been chancellor of Germany?
  4. I think you need a new source for your info about the U.S. In previous impeachment hearings the president's party was allowed to call witnesses and cross examine the prosecutions' witnesses. In Adam Schiff's impeachment hearings the Democrats called 18 witnesses and the Republicans were allowed to call none. Also, Adam Schiff limited the Republicans' ability to cross examine the Democrats' witnesses.
  5. You don't understand how our government works. We have three co-equal branches of government. The Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial branches. The Legislative branch does not have authority to tell the Executive branch what to do, nor does the Executive branch have authority to tell Legislative branch what to do. We do not have a parliamentary type government like you do. Both the Legislative and Executive branches are directly responsible to the American people in elections. Democracy since 1965??????????????
  6. No, actually he is my president and will be until Jan. 2005.
  7. That would be better than having liberal progressive Marxist ideology as your God like you do.
  8. Trump is Putin's puppet? Poland just agreed to buy 32 F-35 fighter jets from the U.S. Putin must really love Trump for that. LMAO
  9. Next you'll be trying to convince us that you are God. "superior thinker"? I've yet to see you with an original thought.
  10. For sex shows recurbate.com is better and it's free. Even the girls there are better looking and you don't need to watch for hours waiting for something to happen.
  11. I can't wait for 2020 election day either. Can't wait to see all the reporters at CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, and PBS crying again like the did in Nov, 2016.
  12. Trouble is that your facts are not facts. They are just propaganda from liberal progressive news sources. Just like the latest bombshell bullshit story from the New York Times released this morning. Again, no named source for the story and no direct quotes from Bolton's book.
  13. Catch up? You and your political party are still bitching about and contesting the results of the 2016 election.
  14. I think you need to pop another Valium. You sound like you are about to lose it, boy.
  15. Trump will win the 2020 election in a landslide, and the Democrats will be wiped out in the House. LMAO
  16. Adam Schiff's Congressional district is close to Hollywood. I think he needs to start writing fictional scripts for the movie industry, his actions in the House have shown he is good at producing fictional stories.
  17. The dirty little truth is that the Democrats do not want witnesses. The last thing they want is Adam Schiff under oath facing cross examination by the president's attorneys. All the Democrats want is to put on a show about how unfair the trial was. Just a repeat of the show they put on for the Kavanaugh hearing. When are the Democrats going to get a new play book?
  18. Cover ups: Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS/ Tea Party Scandal. Is that what you mean?
  19. Before you go to bed tonight be sure to check under the bed for Russian agents. They may be coming to get you to stop you from saving America from Vladimir.
  20. At least I wouldn't eat it like you do. The biggest moron on this thread is you. Too bad you don't have a real life.
  21. But it my contention is that if many in the Democratic Party had their way the U.S. would have only one political party and that would be the Democratic Party. That is very clearly represented on college campuses where any speech in opposition to liberal progressive ideology is not permitted.
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