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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. And the make up of the sample was 48% Democrats, 40% Republican and 12% Independent. Poll also showed 84% of Republicans do not want Trump removed from office, so any Republican Senator that votes for removal can kiss their reelection to the Senate good-bye.
  2. Federal prosecutors said the majority of that money had been spent by Parnas on personal expenses and to buy a home.
  3. One of the latest stories is, "Parnas releases extended audio of Trump dinner". My question is, Why was Lev Parnas recording the audio of the dinner in the first place? Could it have anything to do with the million dollar payment Parnas received from the Russians? Possibly hired by the Russians to help smear President Trump?
  4. CNN's men of the year: Michael Cohen (in prison), Michael Avenatti (in jail), and Lev Parnas ( soon to be in prison).
  5. The Democrats put together such a flimsy legal case that there will probably be no need for witnesses. But I want to see witnesses, because I want to see Adam Schiff on the witness stand under oath and then the whistleblower who has direct ties to the Obama White House and the 2016 Ukrainian U.S. presidential election scandal.
  6. And again you just proved you are a fucking idiot who is very, very , very mentally ill. Have you ever figured out why your mother and father didn't want you ?
  7. What I've heard of the Lev Parnas' tape sounds as if it may have been edited. Maybe separate conversations edited and spliced together. In fact, the "take her out" comment sounds like something Trump could have said at one of his rallies when he was asking security to remove a protester.
  8. One thing that really bugs me about tv coverage of the impeachment hearings are tv reporters' analysis of the hearings. I watch and listen to the hearings with my own eyes and ears and then these people feel that they need to tell me what I saw and heard. Their analysis is one of the last things I would rely on since I consider journalists to be some of the dumbest people on the face of the earth.
  9. I couldn't care less what Lev Parnas has to say. He has absolutely no credibility.
  10. No, I don't know it and neither do you. Also, people who listened in on the call say the transcript is an accurate account of the phone call. I trust their judgement much more than someone like you who has no firsthand knowledge of anything. All you have is a biased deep obsessive hatred of Donald Trump.
  11. Also, like his original presentation of Trump's phone call with the Ukrainian president. Too bad for Schiff that Trump released the transcript of the phone call; otherwise, Schiff might have been able to get away with his big lie. And then when his lie was exposed, he claimed he was just doing a parody of the call.
  12. And from what I see, you and people like you have absolutely nothing positive to add to this country. Almost every word from you is negative and nasty.
  13. What about their case was convincing? All they have for testimony is hearsay, speculation, and assumptions.
  14. Disliking a president does not justify impeachment. If you don't like him, vote him out of office in Nov., 2020. I despised Barack Obama, but I did not call for his impeachment, even though he clearly acted beyond his legal authority with his DACA action.
  15. Your madness is apparent to everyone on here except you.
  16. Defending the indefensible is what the Democrats tried to do for three days. Now their lies are being revealed for the whole world to see.
  17. You have superior political prowess only in your self absorbed delusional dreams.
  18. How would you know? You didn't even watch, and even if you would have watched you don't have the intellectual ability to understand anything that they said.
  19. I don't have access to B-1, so my knowledge of current happenings in B-1 is restricted to comments made on this thread.
  20. Can't handle the truth that President Trumps' attorneys this morning ripped apart the Democrats case with real verifiable facts?
  21. You should know, since you have firsthand experience with dementia.
  22. Thank you. My comment was based upon the assumption that what ze81 said about R-1 was true.
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