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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. So you actually believe Mitch McConnell works for Putin? You just proved to everyone on here that you are a total complete fucking idiot.
  2. And I have no patience with lying Chuckie Schumer.
  3. If i can't take the heat, why am I still here? I just don't see you having any thoughts of your own. You just keep posting stories from the same liberal, progressive "news " organization which just present their biased interpretation of the news. You still never explained what you and the Democrats mean by "Moscow Mitch".
  4. Nadler and Schiff are boring. Besides, they're just repeating the same garbage they spouted in the House impeachment hearings.
  5. I want you to keep on talking just like I want AOC and the Squad to keep on talking, so the whole world can see your and their ignorance. You are the one who is trying to shut people up. You told me to get out of your kitchen (CC Forum).
  6. Moscow Mitch? Dictatorships and fascism? You are an idiot. I'm beginning to believe YOU are the Russian agent.
  7. One of the first witnesses called by the president's lawyers should be Adam Schiff. I'd love to see him testifying under oath.
  8. Maybe that's because you are blinded by your liberal, progressive bias. I stand by my statement.
  9. The GOP is not even presenting their side of the case yet. The only ones talking now on the floor of the Senate are Democrats, you damn fool.
  10. But the saintly Bean never calls anyone names,does he? At least ipiratemedia has honesty, integrity and character which you are totally devoid of.
  11. And twenty years ago Schumer and Nadler were opposed to witnesses.
  12. What do you mean wrong category? The only reason the Democrats impeached Trump was to damage him for the 2020 election. They knew from the beginning that the Senate would never remove him from office. So any talk about the 2020 election is very much a part of this category.
  13. The more Adam Schiff talks, the deeper he digs the Democrats grave for the 2020 election.
  14. You may have the balls, but you don't have the brains. You are very similar to AOC, a person who has a mouth bigger than their brain.
  15. AOC is now talking about Bernie Sanders running as a third party candidate if Bernie doesn't win the Democratic presidential nomination. Wheels starting to come off the Democratic Party?
  16. Rick Wilson is an establish Republican who hates Donald Trump. If I were a Republican he is one of the last people I would ever take advice from. He has lost almost every political campaign he has been a part of.
  17. You have no original thoughts. All you do is repeat what other people say and make nasty comments about Trump.
  18. Keep on displaying your ignorance, you simple minded fool.
  19. Do you realize how stupid comments like Moscow Mitch make you look?
  20. Trump is not my king, he is the president of my country. And you have no brain.
  21. Wikipedia is a lot more politically neutral than any of your fact sources.
  22. You are beginning to bore me. Not sure I want to toy with you much longer.
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