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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. I do. ze81 said that Alana "played" this plumber guy in R-1, so why would a Moscow plumber be doing plumbing work in Barcelona unless he was in some way connected to RLC? Please give a logical explanation for that.
  2. I think you need to reread the comment which I quoted to which my comment was attached.
  3. And all Republican Senators deny that anyone made that threat to them. Nice try, Mr. Non-partisan lie peddler.
  4. You definitely are mentally ill and now appear to be paranoid. Only a complete idiot could construe what I said as a threat.
  5. The future months of steady revelations about the Ukraine saga will cause many more problems for the Democrats than the Republicans. It will even start to cause problems for not only the Bidens, but also for Barack Hussein Obama.
  6. And maybe you ought to watch Fox News ever now and then, you might actually learn something and not be so close minded.
  7. Nasty name calling is all you ever do. Go back and look at your previous posts.
  8. I'm going to love watching Adam Schiff turn beet red when all his lies are exposed by Trump's lawyers.
  9. Same old garbage from you over and over. You are incapable of an original intelligent thought. Now I will go watch the president's lawyers expose all the lies that Adam Schiff and his friends told earlier this week.
  10. Can't handle the truth, so now you accuse me of something I never did. You were the one talking about corpses, not me. Typical left wing, liberal progressive lying candy ass.
  11. Go to hell. You are the brainwashed fool who said Trump was telling people to kill the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine. Truthfully though, I don't think you could be brainwashed because you don't have a brain.
  12. So the guy probably works for RLC , or why else would a plumber from Moscow be doing plumber work in Barcelona?
  13. Zelensky wasn't president until May, 2019, dumbass. Trump knew the previous Ukrainian president was corrupt and did not want Trump to become U.S. President. You are the ignorant pig wearing lipstick.
  14. That's a perfect description of you, except you're still alive.
  15. Now there is new evidence from State Dept. records and Obama White House records that the whistleblower arranged a meeting in the White House with Ukrainian officials to talk about the Bidens' involvement in Ukraine. Check the story at lidblog.com entitled, " Laura Ingraham Report on 2016 WH Ukraine Meeting Arranged by Assumed Whistleblower.
  16. Apparently you didn't watch the House hearings, because that is where all the witnesses came from. And in that hearing all but one of those witnesses admitted that all their testimony was based upon hearsay and their personal opinions. The only witness who had a direct conversation with the president said he asked the president, "What do you want from Ukraine ?" And the president answered, " I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo. I just want the president of Ukraine to do the right thing." Hopefully, the president's attorneys will show all those video clips of the very same witnesses. How do you know what Bolton would say? He highly praised Trump for killing the Iranian terrorist general. I'm more interested in what the whistle blower, Adam Schiff, Hunter Biden, and Joe Biden would have to say under oath.
  17. He will really be on fire when he ends up in hell for all the lies he told.
  18. But Mickey Mouse is not running. Trump has done a spectacular job for the American people, but not such a great job for the Washington D.C. swamp.
  19. Thanks. lol Notice how he never answers the question of who he wants to replace Trump in the White House?
  20. Why kill her when he could fire her anytime he wanted? And her testimony in the House impeachment hearings proved that she had nothing to say that would cause anyone to want to kill her. You are a fucking idiot who should be in a mental institution.
  21. And why will you not say who you want to replace Trump in the White House?
  22. The President of the United States can fire an Ambassador anytime he wants. The ambassador's job is to carry out the policies of the president, not her own personal policy. I would have fired her long before Trump did. I'm sorry, but Marie Yovanovitch was elected by no one and is not president, so she has no authority to set U.S. policy in Ukraine.
  23. Name the confidante. Most likely just another story made up by the news media. Notice how in all these stories the source is anonymous? I take the position now that if there is no named source for a story then I disregard the story.
  24. And in their polling sample how many people were Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and others. So far only the Democrats have been allowed to present their side of the case. Let's see what happens when the president's lawyers have a chance to present their side and counter all the lies told by Adam Schiff.
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