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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. You must not be a reader either, because you didn't read all my comment beyond my asking if people had insurance previous to the illness.
  2. When Trump decided to run for president, the one thing I did know is that I did not want another fucking, lying politician. I was tired of those fucking liars promising to change things in Washington for the benefit of the American people and then doing nothing to change anything. So I supported Trump because he was not a fucking politician, and now I support him even more because of what he has done to change Washington and to improve the U.S. and improve the lives of working people in America. The swamp in Washington (both Democrats and Republicans) hate Trump because he has disrupted their little game where they live off the labor of American taxpayers while doing nothing to improve the lives of those taxpayers.
  3. And how long are people in the UK on a waiting list for needed medical treatment?
  4. Did it say whether or not they had insurance before becoming ill with cancer? And that's with the present healthcare system which Trump and the Republicans are trying to correct, and I thought Obamacare was suppose to solve all those problems.
  5. If people are so happy with how government runs things, why are people always complaining about government? The difference between America and the UK is that you trust in government and we trust in the private sector. Time will tell which is better.
  6. If the Washington D.C. swamp were to remove Trump from office with these totally bogus articles of impeachment, I hope the 63 million people who voted for President Trump march on Washington D.C. and burn the fucking city to the ground. Because Trump''s removal means that elections don't mean anything anymore.
  7. Not if there is true competition among insurance companies. That's why health insurance companies should be allowed to compete for customers across state lines which they are not allowed to do right now. Also, under Obamacare everyone gets the same healthcare plan, rather than insurance companies being allowed to offer numerous different plans to cover the needs of their customers. I am a 73 year old male. If I were to buy an Obamacare policy I would be forced to buy a policy that includes maternity care for me. Does that make sense?
  8. Because we don't want government running our healthcare system. And if we can ever get true competition among insurance companies, drug manufacturers, hospitals and doctors we will be able to lower healthcare costs in the U.S. We would have taken a big step toward that end had not the asshole John McCain voted no on the healthcare reform bill in the U.S. Senate.
  9. A Canadian or British conservative would probably be considered a liberal in the U.S. Other than Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro those people are not big name spokes persons for conservative ideology in the U.S. Ever hear of Dennis Prager, Thomas Sole, Mark Levin, Larry Elder, and Rush Limbaugh who are real everyday conservatives and not the intellectual egghead theoretical bullshitting conservatives.
  10. Because it's based upon your ability to pay. You are eligible for Medicaid only if you do not have the income to pay for insurance or to pay for health care services.
  11. I think someone should arrange a contest between Adam Schiff and Elizabeth Warren to see which one of the two can tell the bigger lie.
  12. So you receive the same level of care as the Royal Family, right? LMAO
  13. And what are the names of American conservatives that Joe Rogan has had on his show?
  14. You are totally ignorant of medical care in the U.S. No one in the U.S. is refused medical care when they go to a hospital. If people don't have the income to pay insurance premiums nor pay out of pocket for their medical treatment they are covered by Medicaid.
  15. More lies from you. I received a tax break and I'm not rich, and if you say you didn't receive a cut in your taxes you are a liar. The union leadership is corrupt, no longer represent the best interests of union members, and are just an extension of the Democratic Party. Rank and file members of the unions will vote for Trump. I'm not a Republican. I have never belonged to any political party. I vote for whomever I believe will do the best job for America and the American people. Right now that is Donald Trump and the Republican Party. Members of the Democratic Party have gone totally insane.
  16. And it's people like you who believe all the lies the Democrats and the news media tell you. Again, I trust Dershowitz and Turley's opinions much more than a partisan Trump hater like you.
  17. Most of the increased costs are the result of Obamacare which Republicans tried to undo and replace with a better and less expensive system, but your buddy John McCain with his decisive vote shot down the plan in the Senate. So John McCain screwed the American people just to spite President Trump.
  18. Donald Trump in three years has done more to improve America and working Americans' lives than did the four previous presidents in their 28 years in office.
  19. You should know all about shit, because everything you said is shit. I trust Alan Dershowitz's and Johnathan Turley's knowledge of U.S. Constitutional Law much more than the biased views of a biased educator like you. You can't handle the truth! tRump committed no crimes against the constitution. That was done by Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Jeryy Nadler, and the rest of the Democrats in the House of Representatives.
  20. Trump has caused you to become totally deranged. The Bidens' have never been investigated. Joe Biden bragged on a video that he had gotten the Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating the company his son worked for fired by threatening to withhold U.S. government funds from Ukraine.
  21. Why didn't Democrats allow Republican witnesses to testify in the House impeachment hearings? Ever hear of Executive Privilege? If the president allows his closest advisers to testify anytime the Congress demands there is no longer the separation of powers as outlined in the U.S. Constitution. That principle must be protected at all cost. The Democrats could have tried to get those witnesses to testify if they had issued subpoenas and then gone to court to have the subpoenas enforced. Disputes between the Executive and Legislative Branches are to be resolved by the Judicial Branch. And on the other side, if Joe and Hunter Biden did nothing corrupt nor illegal in Ukraine why do they not want to testify at the impeachment trial? What are they trying to hide?
  22. Both articles of impeachment are unconstitutional.
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