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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  2. You are a walking talking point for the liberal progressives. I don't think you are capable of an original thought.
  3. Define exactly how much "fair share" is. That is a meaningless term. What percentage of their income should the rich and corporations pay in income taxes?
  4. You are so brainwashed and ignorant. You sound like a liberal progressive parrot. Sound like an ignorant European or a typical brain dead American college student. If you are American, HOW MUCH DID YOU PAY FOR YOUR FAIR SHARE IN INCOME TAX LAST YEAR? I'm a veteran and I don't sleep on the street. The vast majority of people who sleep on the street in the U.S. have mental or drug problems and refuse to sleep in shelters.
  5. He said he wanted to put the executives of fossil fuel companies in prison. How is he going to pay for Medicare for all, the Green New Deal, and payoff all student loan debt? Bernie may not call himself a Marxist, but his proposed policies prove he is. You say, "Bernie is "not"a socialist ", but then you say, "he defines himself as Democrat Socialist". So according to you Bernie calls himself a socialist, but he is not a socialist. Apparently you didn't learn much in your economics classes. And you are just repeating the bullshit you hear on CNN and MSNBC.
  6. The only thing keeping Khamenei in power is the Iranian Republican Guard.
  7. Wonder if the brilliant leaders of Europe will side with the Iranian government or the Iranian people in the people's fight for freedom from a fascist Islamic tyranny? I bet they side with the mullahs.
  8. And you are still a Marxist fool who worships at the altar of the man-made climate change religion, mate.
  9. "Giant douch and a turd sandwich", and you are the cultured one? Yes, that's what America needs, AOC a socialist bartender just like Venezuela chose a socialist bus driver to destroy their country. You really are an idiot. What are you anyway a stupid Marxist professor? You truly sound as if you are Piled Higher and Deeper.
  10. Also, Bernie is a phony. He is a multi-millionaire who owns 3 homes.
  11. How many times does socialism need to fail and how many countries does it need to destroy before people learn that socialism and communism do not work?
  12. And exactly which Bernie policies will help the working class and the poor?
  13. And in most of those polls the voter sample was biased in favor of the Democrat. Most times the sample includes 40% Democrats, 30% Republicans, with the rest being Independents and other parties. Unless people are allowed to see the internal make up of a poll I don't trust the results.
  14. Not the latest polls. How old are you and what country do you live in? The Democrats will never allow Bernie to win the nomination, because they know his nomination is political suicide for their party.
  15. Crashing the stock market and causing people to lose their jobs, homes, vehicles, and retirement savings will help the American people? Have you ever had an economics class in your entire life?
  16. It appears the Iranian government has more support from Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic Party than they do from the Iranian people.
  17. I am 73 years old and in those years I have observed a lot of college students. In my opinion, present day American college students are among the most stupid, ignorant, and uninformed people I have ever seen. No wonder Nancy Pelosi wants to lower the voting age to 16, then we would have a bunch more voters just as dumb as she is. Personally, I think the voting age should be raised to 21.
  18. And if that happens, the American people will lose big time.
  19. How much you want to bet? I don't think the American people are quite that stupid.
  20. I see where Joaquin Phoenix was arrested at Jane Fonda's climate change rally in Washington D.C. Wonder if he flew to Washington in his private jet?
  21. I would advise you to tape her mouth first because she would drive you crazy.
  22. Oh yeah, go out in public in Canada and say something negative about the Muslim religion and see what happens to you. But you can say anything you want negative about Christians. Ask Mark Steyn about freedom of speech in Canada.
  23. So now you are calling for Trump's assassination? "We're all hoping and praying the fucker doesn't get a second term"? Not me, I'm hoping he wins in a landslide. I think you need to be more concerned about your country and less about the U.S. You don't even have free speech in Canada anymore.
  24. Your hatred of Trump so distorts you view of reality. Five of the 10 wealthiest counties in the U.S. border Washington D.C. That is where the swamp dwellers (politicians, bureaucrats, lawyers,etc.) live. They produce no real products, what they do is live off the American taxpayers. This year Trump moved the Dept. of Agriculture from Washington D.C. to Kansas City. 800 swamp dwelling ivy leaguers who worked for the Dept. of Agriculture in Washington D.C. bitched because they did not want to move to Kansas City. So now we will have people who live in Kansas City working at the Dept. of Agriculture instead of career Washington D.C. bureaucrats. I have a feeling that the people in Kansas City know more about agriculture than do people in Washington D.C. If Trump wins a second term he will move more Federal Agencies out of Washington D.C. That is how you drain the swamp.
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