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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. I keep hearing how Mueller by putting pressure on people around Trump will cause those people to flip on Trump. When legal pressure is put on McCabe there is a good chance he will flip on all those who used illegal actions to spy on and undermine the Trump campaign and presidency.
  2. The investigation of Andrew McCabe is an investigation of the conduct of the DOJ and FBI in their investigation of the Trump campaign during and after the 2016 election.
  3. The end of the Mueller investigation has just begun. Andrew McCabe has been called to testify before a grand jury.
  4. But Cory's Black ,so he can do whatever he wants;and if they do discipline him he'll run to the news media yelling racism.
  5. Last word is that they've narrowed it down to twelve people.Maybe if Jess Dweck watched something besides CNN and MSNBC she would know that.
  6. True,but I was just responding to someone on here who compared President Trump to Hitler. I agree that comparing any American president to Hitler is ridiculous.
  7. It would be fitting justice if an illegal alien Muslim terrorist did it.
  8. If Barack Obama had been as open and honest about who he really is as Trump does,Obama would have been one of the most hated presidents in American history.
  9. If the news media ever revealed the truth about the Obama Administration people would see that Obama was much more like Hitler and Stalin than Trump could ever hope to be.
  10. Sort of the Stalinist approach to justice?Stalin said,"Show me the man and I'll find you the crime."
  11. The hypocrisy in the news media is amazing.They all ran with the Trump/Russia collusion myth even though they had no evidence,but had absolutely nothing to say about a 2010 speech that Bill Clinton gave in Moscow where he was paid $500,000 by a Russian company. Why did they not investigate to see if there was any connection between that payment and Hillary Clinton's actions towards Russia while she was Secretary of State? And why did the news media say nothing about Russian companies donating to the Clinton Foundation while Hillary was Secretary of State?Should they not have investigated to see if those companies received any favorable treatment by the State Department?
  12. I'm not sure who is more sleazy,Michael Cohen or his attorney Lanny Davis.By the way,Lanny Davis has been the Clintons' attorney and big Clinton supporter since the 1990s.
  13. Destroy Donald Trump?I thought they were investigating Russian/Trump collusion in the 2016 election.Glad to see you've finally admitted that the real purpose of this investigation is to destroy Donald Trump. Like I said before,Mueller was not hired to truthfully investigate collusion in the election. He was hired by the Washington DC establishment swamp to overturn the results of an election and get rid of the Washington DC outsider,Donald Trump.
  14. When Michael Cohen was indicted for his crimes the news media portrayed him as a sleazy,low life attorney who worked for Donald Trump.Now that Cohen has turned on Trump he has become a saint to the news media. LMAO
  15. Trump just calling out Jeff Sessions for "not taking control of the Justice Department" may prove to be a brilliant move.Jeff Sessions fired back that he is in control. And according to a CNN headline,said that the "DOJ won't be'improperly influenced'. So now Jeff Sessions has the mainstream news media on his side against President Trump.I wonder how the media will react if Sessions announces that James Comey,Andrew McCabe,Peter Strzok,Lisa Page,Bruce Ohr,Nellie Ohr,Christopher Steele,Glenn Simpson and others have been indicted by the DOJ.
  16. Violating campaign finance laws?Alan Dershowitz says not,and I think he probably knows more about campaign finance laws than you do.I agree that you are tired and depressed and also brainwashed by the propaganda of mainstream media.
  17. A biased college professor like you who lives in his intellectual ivory tower knows nothing about the average man in America.Strange in your analysis that you left out the employees in the coal,steel,aluminum and oil industries.
  18. And after Trump is impeached,then what? Come up with some more phony charges to remove Pence? Where does it end?
  19. If you want to know what the Mueller investigation is really all about read "The Russia Hoax" by Gregg Jarrett. And Jarrett's assertions are documented with 130 pages of footnotes included in the book.
  20. If Trump is impeached the stock market will crash and the U.S.economy will go into a deep prolonged recession.So go ahead,Democrats,impeach Trump for paying money to Stormy Daniels and see what happens to your political party in upcoming elections.
  21. No,another nail went into the coffin of the U.S.Constitution and the U.S.legal system.If Trump is impeached the U.S. will have become a banana republic where elections no longer matter. I thought Mueller was investigating Russian collusion in the 2016 election. But now Trump is to be impeached for making a legal payment to a porn actress for her signature on a non-disclosure agreement? Cohen plead guilty to something that was not even a crime(payment to Stormy Daniels) just to give prosecutors what they wanted in order to receive lenience for other personal business crimes that he had committed. This truly is a witch hunt.The swamp wants to use a corrupt legal process to take out Trump because they know they cannot defeat him in an election.
  22. I think you are fake.I'm tired of unhappy,miserable people like you blaming all the world's problems and all your personal problems on the U.S.
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