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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Is it really surprising that the five wealthiest counties in the U.S. surround Washington DC ? That's where are these elitist political pricks live the good life at the expense of working class America. Donald Trump is blowing up their little game and now they're fighting back. The establishment is scared shitless that they are actually going to lose their influence and control over the American people.Must keep the American working class under control so that the Washington elite can continue their little game.
  2. Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy at the border was “the most telegenic example of misrule” and it provided “fresh if redundant evidence for the principle by which” independents and moderate Republicans should vote in the November midterms, Will wrote Friday in the Washington Post. As part of the policy — which Trump pinned on loopholes created by Democrats — families were separated and young children held in questionable conditions before the president later reversed the separation mandate. Will said a GOP majority’s position to fill any upcoming Supreme Court vacancies is too high a price to pay for undermining the executive and legislative dysfunction he tagged in this column and other comments. Writes Will, “the congressional Republican caucuses must be substantially reduced. So substantially that their remnants, reduced to minorities, will be stripped of the Constitution’s Article I powers that they have been too invertebrate to use against the current wielder of Article II powers.” “They will then have leisure time to wonder why they worked so hard to achieve membership in a legislature whose unexercised muscles have atrophied because of people like them,” he said. “Not because James Madison’s system has failed but because today’s abject careerists have failed to be worthy of it,” Will wrote. “Congressional Republicans (congressional Democrats are equally supine toward Democratic presidents) have no higher ambition than to placate this president.” Party criticism comes after a tumultuous week for Trump, during which the president ultimately signed an executive order to stop the practice of separating families at the U.S.-Mexico border, although it’s not yet clear how divided families will be reunited. The president followed up his policy reversal with a White House event featuring family members of victims killed by individuals in the United States illegally. The president told Republicans late week to stop “wasting their time” on immigration but was tweeting on the matter again early Saturday. Will’s condemnation of a Trump policy is not new but the column shows little mercy for the GOP congressional leadership, and arguably, a party in flux, Will’s own party. Earlier this week, longtime Republican strategist Steve Schmidt dropped his party, saying the Trump administration is responsible for a “coarsening of this country” and calling the president a “useful idiot” for Russia. He, too, called for a Democratic wave in the midterms. George Will is just part of the Washington DC swamp.I characterize George Will,Steve Hayes,Jonah Goldberg,and other elitist intellectual conservatives as the Conservative wing of the Washington DC establishment. If you look at Donald Trump's actual accomplishments as president,and not just his rhetoric, you will see that his policies are much more conservative than either of the Bushs' presidency's. Goerge Will and the others I mentioned are just ivory tower conservatives who pontificate about political issues,but have never done anything in the real world to put those theories into practice. Trump is in the real world what they claim to be in their intellectual,highbrow,elitist,non stinking shit,theoretical world where reality never creeps in. Donald Trump has been implementing the conservative policies they have been promoting their whole careers as so called conservative political pundits.
  3. Steve Schmidt is the ignorant fool who ran John McCain's presidential campaign.He is part of the Washington DC swamp that needs to be drained.You are so obsessed with your hatred of Donald Trump that you are unable to see why voters elected Trump president. His election did not represent Democrats vs Republicans,Trump represented the American working people vs the Washington DC establishment swamp.Steve Schmidt is just now showing his true colors. Yeah,building up our military really makes Trump a useful idiot for Russia doesn't it. Steve Schmidt is just displaying how he is a useful idiot for the Democrat Party..
  4. Speaking of immigration,I just saw a news story on MSN saying that Obama is going to Kenya.Guess he's going back to visit the town where he was born.😂
  5. More proof that you have no idea what it means to be educated. You don't follow rule #5 very well,do you? Rule #4 makes you to be a total hypocrite,because that is exactly the type behavior you engage in.#6 is because liberal,progressives like you only want to talk with people who totally agree with them(group think).Opposing ideas make them nervous and unsure of their beliefs. Truly educated people talk however they feel like talking because they are secure of their own personal knowledge and beliefs.Uneducated people like you who pretend to be educated speak in a way that they think will make people believe they are educated. I think that perfectly describes you(Phony).
  6. If you go back and review the record you'll see that I told of my education in response to your comment where you portrayed all Trump supporters as being uneducated.My comment was personal proof that what you said was not true.
  7. Morning Joe on MSNBC? Now I know why you have a distorted view of reality.
  8. But I didn't lie about my education. And you strike me as someone who believes he has much more knowledge than he actually possesses.
  9. That's probably because you have no personal life.In fact,I'm beginning to believe you don't really exist. Unless you're condemning the U.S. you have nothing to say.
  10. Do you have a BA or BS in Liberal,Progressive,Bullshit?And from what university?
  11. Apparently you haven't learned that lesson,since you keep coming back for more. P.S. One of the most brilliant people I knew in college was a mathematician who couldn't spell worth a shit.
  12. And educated people know the difference between the words "know" and "no",but apparently you don't.
  13. Now you're babbling.And just how do educated people talk,Mr. person who knows everything about everybody? You sound like an uneducated person who thinks he knows what it means to be educated. You are good at expressing the thoughts an ideas of other people,but are unable to formulate his own thoughts and beliefs based upon your on real life experiences. I understand you,because when I was an undergraduate in college I believed much of the same socialist,Marxist bullshit you espouse,and then I grew up. Apparently,you have never and probably will never grow up.
  14. Only insane deranged people like you and the people on MSNBC and CNN would equate our immigration policies to Nazi Germany.Such comparisons just show how sick and detached from reality you are. Your leftist ideology has totally poisoned and perverted your mind.
  15. Were you watching the football games on your mommy and daddys' tv?
  16. And you probably still live with your mommy and daddy and have never ever had a gf. You are the liar.In fact,almost everything you believe about America is the result of all the socialist,Marxist lies you have been indoctrinated with.
  17. I really don't give a damn what piece of shit like you believes anyway. Now you speak for everyone? You really do believe you are God,don't you? In truth,most of the same people on CC think you are a deranged,loudmouth lunatic.
  18. Sorry,time for me to leave.My gf just arrived.Out to lunch.
  19. But you still used the words improperly. Too bad you can't use autocorrect to correct your flawed political ideology. 😂😄😂😄
  20. And I bet you still don't understand the proper use of the words "no" and "know".
  21. Again,the great Maturin,who knows more about my life than I do. If you were half as intelligent as you think you are you would be God.
  22. But you are a cheap imitation of yourself and every other leftist,socialist Marxist I have ever spoken to. Never an original idea.
  23. Why are you so obsessed with my MBA? Jealous? Ever learn the difference between the words "no" and "know",Mr.Brilliant Genius?
  24. Inhumane treatment?The children in the detention centers are enjoying much better living conditions than they have in the countries they came from. You are the one who has the authoritarian mentality of a Nazi. But you will never get it because you are detached from reality and lost in your leftist utopian ideology.
  25. I understand the problem very clearly:PEOPLE ARE ILLEGALLY WALKING ACROSS OUR SOUTHERN BORDER. The question is, "What should we do with those people?",and the solution used by the Clinton,Bush and Obama Administrations has resulted in "illegal immigrants" flooding into the U.S. That policy is no longer acceptable to the American people.
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