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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. You said people who come here to apply for LEGAL immigration are stripped of their children.People who apply for LEGAL immigration ARE NOT SEPARATED FROM THEIR CHILDREN.So what you said is a lie. I stand by what I said.
  2. Just walking across our border is LEGAL immigration?Any families that enter our country legally through a port of entry are not separated from each other.So quit telling lies about how legal immigrants are treated. Trouble is,Rammer,you're strong on liberal progressive rhetoric and hatred for Donald Trump,but weak on facts.
  3. So nations should have no borders and people should be able to immigrate wherever they want whenever they want with no restrictions,right? Try that in Britain and see how long your country lasts.
  4. Wouldn't surprise me if the quote is accurate.I've personally seen Maxine say things just as stupid.
  5. In 2020 I hope Maxine wins the Democratic Party nomination for president.For good measure the Democrats could add a member of ISIS as the VP candidate just to prove they are not prejudiced against Muslims.
  6. One positive if the socialist/Marxist candidate is elected president of Mexico is that the pretense of Mexico not promoting illegal immigration is over.The candidate has openly stated that he will promote illegal immigration into the U.S. That should make it much easier for President Trump to convince the American people that we need a wall on our southern border.
  7. If your eyes are wide open you must be blind or hallucinating.😊
  8. What has Trump done policy wise that is a disaster? What has he destroyed other than your mind?
  9. That's exactly how I felt for the eight years that Barack Hussein Obama was president.Now it's your turn. I hope Trump keeps talking just so that I can enjoy watching people like you go insane.
  10. The cartoonist forgot to put the "Make America Great " hat on the guy signing up to vote.😄
  11. The last moment in Peter Fonda's career.Never been heard from since,until his Twitter rants against Melania and her son.
  12. Under Trump the U.S. is open to legal immigration,not illegal immigration. Is that too difficult for you to comprehend?
  13. Isn't it strange that before Donald Trump entered politics he was considered to be a great guy? The Clintons,Chuck Schumer,Mitt Romney and many other politicians came to him for campaign contributions.If Trump was such a terrible person why would they accept any of his money?
  14. So why didn't you protest when Barack Obama took kids away from their parents and placed them in cages?And the reason the kids were separated from their parents is because of a court ruling stating that kids can only be detained for 20 days,and their parents will most likely be in detention for more than 20 days before their immigration status is resolved by a judicial hearing. If our immigration laws weren't so fucked up,when we catch people illegally entering our country we could just send them back to the country where they originated from.
  15. I believed the media was "Fake News" long before Donald Trump ran for president.Maybe you are the idiot for believing the "Fake News". I hated Ronald Reagan when he was president because of the "Fake News".It wasn't until many years later that I learned of the lies that had been told about him by the "Fake News",and how great a president he truly was.
  16. No one else on earth is more evil than Hillary Clinton. 😂
  17. There is a real possibility that a number of Mueller's investigators may end up in prison as a result of their unethical and illegal behavior while conducting the Hillary Clinton and Russian investigations.
  18. And you were chastising me about my behavior?Maybe you need to look into a mirror.You are the one doing the name calling now.
  19. No way to prove one way or the other what effect Comey's actions and Russian interference had on the election.Any conclusions are pure conjecture.
  20. And the news media made sure any controversial policies by Obama were not made public just like they make sure any popular policies of the Trump Administration are not made public.
  21. In a weekend tv interview,Jeh Johnson,the Homeland Security Secretary for the Obama Administration,confirmed that the Obama Administration did detain some immigrant children alone and some immigrant families together at the border.He also confirmed that the 2014 photos of immigrant children being held in cages were authentic. So why didn't the news media make a big deal out of the children in cages in 2014 like they are doing now? I think the answer to that question is very apparent.
  22. That's the beauty of Donald Trump.He ran for president because he believed certain things needed to be done to improve our country and he is attempting to implement those policies regardless of political blow back.If the American people agree with what he is doing they will reelect him,if not,they will vote him out of office. At least he is not like other politicians who look at elected office as a career.With most politicians the purpose of being elected is so that they can be reelected. Trump sees himself as being there to do a job for the American people and not to have a permanent political career.
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