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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Most of the hate in this country right now is directed at President Trump by the liberal progressive left. Barack Obama and Eric Holder resurrected the racial divide in the country with their purposely divisive political strategy.
  2. And what was the national debt on Jan.20,2009 and on Jan.19,2016?And who was president during that period of time?
  3. An aluminum manufacturing company is going to open a new plant in eastern Kentucky.Average annual worker salary at the plant will be about $70,000 .Wonder if the building of that new plant has anything to do with the 10% tariff on aluminum imports? The type jobs Barack Obama said were never coming back to America.
  4. Why do some people always attack successful wealthy people?Probably because they want to be wealthy themselves,but don't have the ability to accomplish it.Pure jealousy.
  5. Maybe that's why our colleges have become a joke. Nothing more than Institutions of liberal indoctrination.If you are such an economic genius why are you not a billionaire? I heard the same bullshit when Reagan cut taxes. What are you using CBO figures?When was the the last time the CBO was right about anything? Canada was a part of Britain during the War of 1812,and the British did burn down the White House.Bur I wouldn't expect a current American university instructor to know that.
  6. Speaking of Trudeau.He has criticized Trump for not being willing to accept immigrants from Central America who travel thru Mexico and illegally cross our southern border.So if I were Trump,when those people cross our border I would load them onto passenger trains and take them to the our northern border,release them into Canada and see what Trudeau has to say about that.
  7. He's running government the same way you run a business.You keep replacing people until you get people who do the job the way you want it done. Why would he ever fire Mueller and give the establishment an excuse to impeach him? That's why the news media continues to say he is going to fire Mueller.That's exactly what they want him to do. Mueller's investigation will collapse on it's own when the truth comes out of how this whole Russia collusion myth originated.Why do you think the FBI and Justice Department are unwilling to turn over to Congress documents revealing how the investigation originated.
  8. Politicians wrote the bankruptcy laws,not Trump.If he had not taken advantage of the bankruptcy laws he would have been sued by stockholders of his corporations.
  9. Sounds a lot like the progressive,liberal Democrats in the U.S. Unfortunately,we have a lot of Republican politicians in Washington DC who go along with the tax and spend game.The four or five wealthiest counties in the U.S. adjoin Washington DC. That's because the U.S. government employees of Washington DC live in those counties.Those employees live the high life off the labor of the American taxpayers. Trump is a threat to the Washington DC political establishment and that includes the news media.That's why they need to destroy him. I judge Trump based upon his accomplishments and not his rhetoric.
  10. That's because he was willing to take risks.Show me a person who has never failed and I'll show you someone who has never accomplished anything.
  11. Intelligent enough to become a billionaire.I live in Barack Obama's home state of Illinois where he was a state legislator and state senator.He was so unaccomplished in those positions that I didn't even know who he was until he ran for the U.S. Senate. Trump has been much more honest in doing what he said he was going to do than most other U.S. politicians have been. Trump was elected in large part because American voters were tired of politicians who promise one thing when campaigning and then do the exact opposite when in office. In Canada where do you get your news about American politics?
  12. You may understand taxes,but you apparently don't understand economics.Very simple,tax cuts stimulate the economy which results in higher wages,more taxpayers,higher corporate profits, and increased capital gains;which in turn results in increased tax revenues. Trump is forty times more intelligent than Obama or Clinton could have ever hoped to be.Obama and Clinton were slick talkers who did nothing.Trump is not a polished speaker,but is a doer.
  13. Obama never was a real president.He was just a little boy pretending to be president.
  14. Anyone who truly believes that Donald Trump is Putin's man is a complete and total idiot.
  15. So was Bill Clinton.How much time did Obama serve in the military?
  16. I spent one year and four days in Vietnam from April, 1969 to April,1970. "Better schools,better infrastructure,more secure borders and more secure voting",is that not what Trump is doing and trying to do?
  17. And how many of those indictments and guilty pleas were for colluding with the Russians?Not one.And many of the indictments were jokes because they were of Russian bloggers who Mueller knew would never appear in U.S. courts. Mueller is a part of the Washington D.C. swamp. Trump is an outsider who is hated by both Republican and Democrat members of the Washington D.C. establishment. You are the one who has been drinking the MSNBC,CNN and liberal,progressive,Marxist cool-aid.
  18. It's the liberal,progressive Marxists who are the real intolerant fascists in America.They attempt to shut up anyone who does not agree with them. I believe in welfare for people who truly need it,but not for people who can support themselves. I also oppose crony capitalism.
  19. You are the one who appears to be lost in the socialist/Marxist bullshit propaganda.There is no dignity in living your life dependent upon the government.The whole Russia collusion thing is one big joke.If anyone colluded with the Russians it was Hillary Clinton's campaign in the development of the bogus Trump dossier.Also,it was Bill Clinton who received $500,000 for one speech he made in Russia.
  20. If there is a fair and honest investigation and prosecution,most likely the only people going to prison will be James Comey,John Brennan and James Clapper;and possibly other members of the Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.
  21. The welfare system in the U.S. supported by the liberal progressive Marxist Democrats is intended to promote dependence on government.The intent of welfare should be help people to become independent and self-sufficient,not to become permanent wards of the state. Democrats want a permanent dependent class who will give their votes to Democrats in return for government benefits. That is also the reason why Democrats want open boarders in the U.S. They see all those government dependent immigrants as future Democrat voters.
  22. And when the tax cuts actually result in a decrease in the budget deficit what will you have to say then?More people working at higher paying jobs,increases in capital gains from higher stock prices,and increased business profits produce increased tax revenues.And those increased tax revenues combined with a decrease in government spending will result in smaller budget deficits.Maybe even budget surpluses.
  23. Ruling as a dictator?That is such an ignorant,stupid comment.Obama is the person who ruled by executive order.
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