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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Do you work for RLC?If not, you probably don't even pay to watch.Do you?Go to hell,Kris!
  2. Kami needs to make a decision.She needs to spend more time either alone or with her boyfriend in the K&K apartment or else leave RLC and go live full time with her boyfriend.I am happy for her that she has finally found the man of her dreams,but what she is doing now is not fair to paying RLC premium members.
  3. Don't think so,boyfriend changed from suit into jeans and t-shirt that Kami had ready for him on her bed,but when they left he took the suit with him.I figure that means they will go to his place tonight after going to cinema or whatever.
  4. If RLC gave Kami and Yegor an apartment in Moscow then Yegor would not have to commute back and forth to work each day.And then Kristy could have one or two of her girlfriends move in with her.
  5. My comment was just based upon intuition or a feeling I had and based upon the fact they have common roots in the same hometown.I don't think Kami is really comfortable with people in Moscow.Comment was not based upon a cold unfeeling thought process.They show us only what they want us to see.Still say more happens in private.
  6. I have a feeling they do a lot more sexually at his place.Kami masturbates and has sex at the K&K apartment only in the dark.I think she is fearful of being recognized by family,friends,and people in the modeling business.I agree that this guy really cares about her and I would not be a bit surprised if in year or two they end up getting married.
  7. I like this new guy because he allows Kami to be herself.Dima expected her to put on tons of makeup before they went anywhere.This guy seems to like her just the way she is.That's why I think their relationship has a good chance of succeeding.
  8. Think you're wrong.Actually believe there is a very good chance she marries this guy.Just my feeling.
  9. That was a start for them.Now the question is,Do they sleep at his place or her place tonight?
  10. Turn out the lights.The party's over.Kami did it to us again.Blue balls everywhere. LMAO
  11. Kami,tell your mom you have an appointment to meet someone and that you will call her back later today.
  12. I think Kami is trying to figure out how to get off the phone with her mother without being disrespectful.Been there,done that. LMAO
  13. With my luck as soon as Kami gets off the phone Kristy will show up while Kami's b/f is on the bed waiting for Kami wearing only a towel. lol
  14. Egor is a big enough to be a linebacker in the NFL.If Dima is smart I think he'll stay away from Kami. lol
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