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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Wearing loose fitting top with no bra and white colored shorts.Before leaving she removed all flowers from kitchen and took everything off top of nightstand and put in nightstand drawer.
  2. Now shampooing her hair.I figure either going out or having visitor at apartment.Or maybe going out and bringing someone home.
  3. Kristy left and Kami is cleaning the apartment.Hope that means Kami is expecting a guest(Yegor?).She also very neatly made her bed.But with my luck her mother will probably show up. lol
  4. Hope Kristy goes to her parents for the weekend and Kami brings Yegor to the apartment for the weekend.Fat chance,right? lol
  5. Kami dressed more casual than Kristy.Maybe going to separate places.Also,Kami cleaned her room and made her bed.Hope that means Kristy will stay out and Kami will bring Yegor to the apartment.
  6. Kami is cleaning her room.Does this maybe mean that she is going to bring Yegor to the apartment?
  7. With as fast as Kami went after Yegor sexually,when he finds out about the cameras in her apartment I wonder what his opinion of her will be.
  8. If Kami operates according to her recent schedule,she should leave the apartment around 7:00 or 8:00pm Moscow time and not return until in the afternoon tomorrow.
  9. She needs to bring Yegor to the apartment or go for good and let someone else move in.
  10. I wonder how Kami will go about describing her life to her new boyfriend?Dear Yegor my love,I am a model who has a beautiful,spacious,free apartment in Moscow because I allow thousands of men all over the world to watch me bathe,masturbate and have sex.
  11. I wonder how long will it be before we read of a conversation between K&K where Kristy is complaining to Kami about Yura cheating on her with other women.
  12. But how many times does a person have to stick their hand into a fire and get burned until they learn not to do it?In my book if they never learn then they are stupid.It's like "Fool me once,shame on you.Fool me twice,shame on me."
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