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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. Approximately one hour ago Kami posted to her social media account complaining about weather in Moscow.Temperarue was 12C and raining.
  2. Per Kitek translation Kami cannot have sex for the eight days that she is using her medication.I think she can use those days to her advantage to learn things about this new b/f.If he wants to be with her and spend money on dates with her even though he cannot have sex with her that sort of shows he thinks of her as being more than just a sex object.Might be why Kami is spending so much time with him right now.
  3. Actually she has been out four nights in a row,and since 7:00pm Saturday she has spent 5-10 minutes in the apartment.Came home just long enough today to take her medication and then left.
  4. I think I've been watching this apartment for too long.It's almost 3:00pm where I live and I feel like it is almost 11:00pm.My body is beginning to function according to Moscow time. lol
  5. One observation I make about this apartment is that Kristy at least shares some of her life with us.Kami's life has become a complete mystery.
  6. But if you have always had sex without a camera and without thousands of people watching you,don't you think it might be difficult to do it in front of a camera.
  7. You just agreed with my original contention that K&K did not want to have sex in front of the camera for whatever reasons.
  8. Kristy is watching tv in the living room.That was how last night started out for her.I wonder if we'll have a repeat performance of last night? lol
  9. I think Kami will be home later tonight because she could have easily picked up a clean set of clothes to take with her when she was at the apartment earlier tonight but did not.I think she and some guy went on a date last night and then spent the night at his apartment and all of today together doing something.Kami came home long enough to take her medication,then went out on date again.Kami has been wearing the same clothes since before 7:00pm yesterday.That is not normal for Kami to wear the same clothes for that long outside the apartment.Hopefully,they will spend tonight together at Kami's apartment.Anyway,that's my speculation.Or she could be with girlfriends having a good time. lol
  10. I know,Kami left at 7:00pm last night and didn't return until 7:00pm today wearing the same clothes because she was babysitting a friends dog. LMAO
  11. Kristy had her turn in the apartment last night,so it should be Kami's turn tonight.They need to save their free apartment.Or Kami could be working really hard outside the apartment to secure a relationship with a sugar daddy because she knows the RLC experience is coming to an end. lol
  12. She went into the kitchen to rapidly swallow her medication,went to the bathroom to brush her hair and then quickly out the door.Hopefully,she ran out for date with a guy and will bring him home later tonight.
  13. Kami came home at approx.20:00 went into the kitchen,took her medication and left again.This place gets stranger and more mysterious by the minute.
  14. My thinking is based upon K&K's conversations as translated by Kitek combined with what I have seen both Kami and Kristy do in bed.The only reason we have not seen more is because they did not want to have sex in front of a camera.That may change if they think they will lose their beautiful free apartment if they do not perform on camera.
  15. I think both Kami and Kristy are more sexually experienced than you could ever imagine. lol
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