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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. But if Yura screws her over again,it will be my decision to not have any sympathy for her.It's to the point where I think of the statement,"You can't fix stupid."
  2. Thank God for Kitek or else we would not have the slightest idea as to what Kamila has been doing lately.I figured she was either with the guy from the party,the club manager or had gone back to Dima.Can't believe how fast she kicked the hometown party guy to the curb.From the way they behaved together at the party I thought she really cared about him.Fooled me.
  3. Could it be that Kristy is becoming concerned that Kami is going to move in with Yegor,so she feels like she needs to put on a show for RLC management in order to keep the free apartment?
  4. I wonder if Kristy might be becoming a bit concerned that Kami will leave the K&K apartment and move in with Yegor.
  5. With the appearance of the new guy Yegor I'm really confused as to what the whole episode with Kami and the guy at the K&K apartment party was all about.Kami and that guy were all over each others bodies sexually,but when he was unable to perform in front of the camera and wanted Kami to go to his place she said no.And when he left he asked Kami if this was the last time and she coldly said yes and then hugged and kissed him good-bye.Was that guy just a sex toy for Kami?
  6. Kami's recent lovemaking experience sounded very similar to her lovemaking with the German dude in Thailand. Physical description of Yegor also sounded very similar to German dude.
  7. Per Kitek's translation of Kristy's conversation with Nastia,"Kristy tells story of a colleague who never had health problems and she caught infection after oral sex with her boyfriend.For a month she is taking antibiotics and nothing helps." Kami?
  8. More like he came for a booty call and left because she was sick and didn't feel like fucking.On to the next girlfriend. lol
  9. I call Kristy's boyfriend a loser because he continually cheats on her with other women.
  10. Not all the b/fs.If Kami is with the guy from her hometown I think he seems to be an okay dude who really cares about her.
  11. I wonder if Kami will be back home tonight.She has not slept in the apartment since Friday night.Starting to notice a routine here.Basically she comes home late in the afternoon or evening,bathes,takes medication leaves around 20:00 and then repeats same routine the next day.Is this to be her permanent schedule for the rest of her time at RLC?
  12. Sorry about that,but I hadn't seen nor heard from Kami for so long that I was excited to see any communication from her. lol
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