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Everything posted by Ridgerunner

  1. The newest mystery for this apartment,where and with whom did Kami spend the night?Did she stay with her sister,a girlfriend or boyfriend #1,#2,or #3? lol
  2. Appears Kristy and b/f are preparing to leave the apartment.Bring on the second shift with Kami and one of her b/fs. lol
  3. My comment was a question not an instruction.Did you not see the question mark?It was a comment describing his past history.
  4. I hope Kami took enough medication with her.And I wonder how Kami is going to react to this guy eating her food?
  5. About time for Kristy's dude to leave Kristy and go to one of his other girlfriends? lol
  6. I believe both Kami and Kristy have been having sex with their men outside the K&K apartment.I think Kristy decided to bring her sex life into the apartment in order to ensure that RLC will continue to pay their rent.There is no way K&K could afford to pay rent on an apartment this nice in Moscow.So it's either put on a show for RLC viewers or lose the apartment.
  7. Yep,Kristy left apartment at 12:25 with b/f still asleep in her bed.It would be funny if Kami showed up now not knowing he was there,undressed and walked around the apartment nude.
  8. Looks like Kami and Kristy planned this out in advance so that Kristy and b/f could be alone.Kami still has not come home.Now it is time for Kristy and b/f to leave so that Kami and one of her b/fs can spend the night together in the apartment. lol
  9. I wonder with whom Kami spent the night?Was it Dima,the hometown guy,the club manager,or is her true love from Thailand visiting Moscow as promised?
  10. I can't watch anymore of this.Can't believe Kristy is this stupid.How many times does he have to hurt you before you learn,Kristy?
  11. It appears to me that this relationship begins and ends with sex.Not much depth to it.I think Kristy is trying to make something out of nothing.
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