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Everything posted by merz28

  1. Hopefully Gina will open up with Mila and show them how it needs to be done........... Hell even the twins showed more.
  2. Nora is saving money on house cleaning at least......but Nora is not making the money she could be if Sera would melt a tad.
  3. Not sure??? Sera is fiddle fuckin' around and wasting time so Mila falls asleep before she is done taking a bath, doing her nails, feeding the cat, mopping the floor, Ironing the napkins and etc. Then, Sera climbs in bed.
  4. well we have candles being lit on the bed frame head rest so we never know................... maybe the Sera lair is going to thaw out a bit tonight?
  5. Welcome Gina,,,,,,,,,,, would this be the return of Gina that was here before?
  6. back into the hidden room again.........................RLC time to take control here.
  7. Yes Angie tried helping a few times........however, she has since passed out in her bed.
  8. she might want to consider upright on the couch.........lying down rarely helps.
  9. However, I learned to never puke in the wifes boot and not tell her...............bad experience. Reprocutions are hell...........needlessto say she got a very expensive nice new pair of boots.
  10. woops Emily took the wrong turn and went out to the outside door
  11. Emily is having a hell of a time navigating her way around........breaking shit and walking into walls, and going to the outside door.
  12. too drunk to walk but can use a smart phone just flawlessly
  13. Now back to your regularly scheduled program............brought to you by Under Maintenance.
  14. yes I believe so........wonder if she is texting with Mila???????? seems Mila is texting as well
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