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Everything posted by merz28

  1. That was an awesome bate Ginger. Maybe suggest a towel underneath........yummy
  2. Maluma seems like she is very out of place at this party.
  3. Gina back on her scooter with booze. However, not Jagermeister.
  4. However I believe Gigi's dress is still in the bedroom?
  5. Kylie just locked the bedroom door so Gigi can not get back in
  6. well that is your thought. However, their conversations are in sync. one talks the other one listens and then vice versa. just saying
  7. Gigi for President................Has a great presentation
  8. was not sure who she was talking about there? Maybe the gentleman she met and was yelling at outside?
  9. actuallt Sera is in with Ginger, not Gigi. Just a clarification.
  10. I believe Anna is having a tough time finding her vibrator
  11. Kylie and Russ preparing a lot of food. Wonders if B1 is going over there for the celebration?
  12. I am sure it was a bit unnerving for the first time (on Cam). We can only hope it becomes a more frequent. Nice comments may result in great things...........Ya never know?
  13. kind of like Charlie Browns teacher talking. whaa, whaa, whaa and roll eyes.
  14. Tell me if I am wrong but Sera, just swept and mopped all the floors today at 01:00. The crazy women is at it again and zero to little traffic in there today.
  15. wonders if Sera joins with them at the end to try and scam some of the bonus $ from Ginger and Gigi?
  16. who doesnt deep clean the entire downstairs at 1am? Sera hant even touched the kitchen yet. that should last another couple of hours.
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