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Everything posted by merz28

  1. We may have an exhibitionist on our hands here gents.................hip, hip hooray.
  2. High probablity that Sera is stopping off at Club after this. She was in the bathroom straightening her hair.
  3. Gingers socks looked pretty dirty......... I have a feeling Sera was disgusted by having to remotely touching them while taking them off.
  4. Sera is too good of a mood to be staying in. Looks like they are getting ready to go out tonight.
  5. timeline seems to be consistent, that is the only reason why I may think such an activity is in place. Plus Mila is taking and early evening nap in B4
  6. any bets on if its going to be a clubbing night tonight?
  7. not sure but Sera is cooking something on the stove now
  8. I am not sure what they were grilling but a gas grill nothing takes that long. I can understand if they were smoking something but wowzers. Low and slow has a new meaning.
  9. I was really joking but, It happened to be the right moment to bring up a bad human being
  10. I agree whole heartedly................especially since Mila doesn't smoke..........Game play with strategy. Hopefully they let it flow tonight.
  11. Sam is more worried about the Music vs. getting it going with this lady
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