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Everything posted by merz28

  1. Pretty sure Gina and Stella are talking on the telephone with each other.
  2. on a little bit topic........Gina has really had to frequent going to the restroom.........Her bladder must be the size of a peanut.
  3. However, It always works better to pick the knees up some to get the right angle
  4. I have a theory, maybe the reason this apartment has not been too active the last couple of days is because the cams are crap. I can not even get into Gina's room because of the buffering and spooling. Anyone else have the same issue? I sent RLC support an email of the issue
  5. bummer........Leia was a ball of fire when they first got back to the B2 now she is playing cold fish.
  6. This night has about 0% chance of this turning out to be very productive. The ice queen carried 2 huge bottles of water upstairs.
  7. So, here are the facts........... Sera and Daisy went down stairs to the kitchen...........Gina was in the hallway getting ready to leave and came into living room to get her scooter. Both Sera and Daisy walked by did not say a word to Gina nor acknowledged her. They got in the kitchen and gave a scowl and went on their cold lives. Not good people.
  8. yep another click bate....................total cock tease
  9. I wonder why it is when women get a little achohol they all seem to need to talk over each other.........?????????? Age old problem...........ears are for listening
  10. Gina is on fire tonight............this could be her fun break out party
  11. Seems to have been some trouble in Barca 2 world...........girls came home all distraught about something.
  12. However, this is a rare siting of Daisy fully nude bathing in bathtub
  13. Daisy is home and went straight to shower. took lots of time to blow and clean her nose. Seemed a little dismal and sad?
  14. Hopefully Gina will open up with Mila and show them how it needs to be done........... Hell even the twins showed more.
  15. Nora is saving money on house cleaning at least......but Nora is not making the money she could be if Sera would melt a tad.
  16. Not sure??? Sera is fiddle fuckin' around and wasting time so Mila falls asleep before she is done taking a bath, doing her nails, feeding the cat, mopping the floor, Ironing the napkins and etc. Then, Sera climbs in bed.
  17. well we have candles being lit on the bed frame head rest so we never know................... maybe the Sera lair is going to thaw out a bit tonight?
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