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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Gyana and Dantez - Russian speaking Venera and Lion - Russian speaking Linda and Tibor - Czech speaking Esenia and Dima - Russian speaking Cheryl and Nikolas - Czech speaking Valerya and Dio - Russian speaking (? ) Eliska and Pepik - Czech speaking
  2. Leora being a slave , I can’t agree less than this .. she needs to clean , wash , cook , pet , this is like I am watching a couple of the 20th century when women where doing all and the men were there just to “ reproduce “ for the society .. the thing is though that Leora does all of these with her own will , she doesn’t seem to bother or even if she is , she doesn’t show it or she needs to “‘pretend “ that it is all fine . As I have said in the past , I think that Leora after Paul’s arrival , she has completely abandoned whatever life she wanted ( ? ) / started with much patience building in the Czech Republic and within some months , all the previous years in Prague became the boring , repeating , nothing of socializing and isolating life they both had in Russia . It can’t be a coincidence that they want this kind of life BUT Leora saw that she LIKED another kind of life and she tried to adjust to it and get accustomed to the European mentality and civilization . Unless Paul had come , I think she would slowly become European ( despite always a Russian in the blood 😇 ) .. but I think the way she simply lives this kind of “ invisible “ slave’s life is because she is SIMPLY afraid to be or end up alone . She has no one else in Prague after nearly 4 years ( or the ones she knows she doesn’t even trust or aren’t her type or she’s not interested for closer friendships - in one hand this can be explained since both her and Paul have absolutely zero social skills to interact and when you don’t know the basics , it is more than difficult to make new friendships , build trusts , enter society groups and enjoy this incredible city , Prague ) . My conclusion is that all that is happening , it is simply a decision from Leora which with her own decisions and actions has come to herself , but she kind of having accepted it because she has no other knowledge of things in life . If people here analyze with clear mind , it is clear that it is exactly the same life we see since 2013 .. and when you have no idea about and how the real world works , you simply can’t , don’t want or afraid to face it . The biggest proof for me will always and forever be that these two NEVER EVER have people in their apartment . In the history of this site 12 years now , for long term tenants , this in this extend , HAS NEVER EVER been witnessed . I am not saying it is against rules or whatever , obviously it is real life decisions and it is more than perfectly right that they both live such a life as it seems fitting them and belonging to a kind of “ comfort zone “ to them . BUT , this is not THE REAL WORLD and when they will both go out of the cameras and they will need to face it , well , I DO HOPE I WILL PROVE WRONG , but they will both be like two children getting ready to know how to walk . Money will never ever solve problems , make life easier or give no worries . Money will just make life a bit more comfortable at times and less worried when something major needs to be done or decides .. But life it is all being active people in the society , having people that when we get older to be able and share times and moments so as to fight boredom or repeated routine , if Leora and Paul believe that they will be having this life that they currently have even when they are out of cameras and till they get both with full wrinkles and white hair , I WISH FOR THEM THAT IT WILL BE LIKE THIS , but this will be a world miracle to achieve it as it is against all of “ life rules “ and how the world works . Anyway , when the time comes , these two people without the cameras exposure will be sooner or later forgotten and only the people who follow them for nearly 10 years will actually be able to remember that “ once upon a time , there were 2 Russians in a European capital working for a site which had cameras installed in the apartment(s) they were living …” I do hope with all of my heart that it goes with the “ AND THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER “ , but for whatever we have been watching , experiencing , observing and trying to analyze , i very much wonder how this can become truth . But I guess others think that it WILL NOT BE A PROBLEM AT ALL , so , what do i know about life functionality ?
  3. Join the fun club 🥳🥳
  4. It’s still an expensive product but much much more improved than a month ago when it was massive boredom .
  5. I don’t think I attacked her , for sure it wasn’t my intention .. in a way , I wanted to see if other people will take the chance to comment and criticize of Nelly .. not getting many responses , i think it is safe to say that Nelly’s presence leaves the subscribers indifferent , that’s my opinion at least . I want to repeat again ( easy searching for any past archives posts of mine ) that I do really like Bogdan , I find the guy exceptional and he is ok , he definitely “ lost “ much of his credit for my eyes when he did this unacceptable thing while being at Aziza and the deleted footage , i just think that the guy simply doesn’t fit in this place anymore , I think him and his wife are “ blocking “ even wilder and crazier things to happen. As for Nelly , she’s as quite some people think about it but maybe don’t share it ( few have done ) , the woman is unattractive . If you like her dir whatever outside appearance , character , personality , my kudos to you and respect for anyone sharing the same thoughts like you . Careful , I express my thoughts about Nelly and criticize her but I NEVER EVER characterize her or categorize her like many “ haters “ do here calling the girls prostitutes , whores , sluts , wanna be orb actresses and drug queens . In a way then , I comment on how I think of Nelly as a person currently and thinking of what AN ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE AND WONDERFUL WOMAN SHE WAS … Till she moved in Barcelona and her life being fucked up since then ( no friends , almost destroying her marriage , alcoholic , substances addicted . having a dog so as managing her isolation and loneliness ) .. if all is happy and fine with her and her life , explain her meltdowns , her tears , her remarkable ups and downs .. As I have said in the past , watching RLC , you get to care about the people you are seeing daily at your screen .. As a human being and for the sake of whatever this woman ( couple ) has offered to this site ( which is really really much ) , for me it feels like a ghost is wondering around trying to find a purpose on WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING here with my life stuck in this apartment ( obviously money , no cost obligations and that’s it - or am I wrong ? ) .N&B have apartmentS in Russia , they have no financial issues and it might be that together with Leora and Paul and Masha , they have stashed really enough money even for their children . Again, you like to watch them , it is fine , please obviously do . But for the Lord of God , at least RLC give them an apartment for themselves alone and downtown . Let’s see then how much far they have gone with their life in Barcelona and what they have succeeded and not being the mama and papa to young , wild , full of stamina , energy , fun and MADNESS that the majority of the villa tenants carry .
  6. I think I have a good reputation on answering back as I am true fan of good chats and debates and when it is something they can take a good amount of discussion , I am certainly “ into “ it . I didn’t give my opinion to your question and there’s also one more answer I “ owe “ at another topic , but , since here isn’t a quote to a previous post , I will say that there was no answer by me at least because I have personally no idea if one of the girls had an operation . But watching her wearing this kind of “ special legging “ ( ? ) I think , it might be possible .. still , these two girls are quite and more than ok with nudity , goofing and fooling around with one another and the dogs , they do seem like they are a real couple but.. no sexual activities which for such young age people , it is kind of strange and of course even for the relationship they have .. Maybe indeed a medical issue but perhaps others who might be watching / observing better , can give a better insight .
  7. Whatever you say 😂 The benefits of living in an island are incredibly enormous ( just think why people choose them and what it offers them so as to make holidays there ) .. I am sad to tell you that the girls of your country are considered “ easy “ to have. 😂 .. some of the most difficult are Italians and also the French in a way .. I can tell you any detail you wish for any European nationality girl you want , how to flirt them , approach , what to expect , chances and so on .. and .. who are maybe the hottest to sleep with .. But if you say “ keep dreaming “ , nothing more to add since I will be going very very fast off topic 😂🤣😂
  8. I have had quite a lot of Danish girls with some of the tactics described earlier .. maybe the aura of the island made them think a bit differently than what applies with life rules there 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ ( no alcohol involved most of the times )
  9. Ahh .. you touch sensitive matters .. 😂🤣😂 Let’s continue for the B2 girls because then we will start commenting on another level even bigger joke 😂🤣
  10. You can always judge the “ NO “ of a woman , a no it isn’t always a no as women like games for their own vanity uncountable times . Anyway , enough for me as there’s no point .
  11. Ok .. we will never agree , there’s no point .. I back off because there are other things to do as well than trying “ to make you think mostly “ and not prove what’s right or wrong as you maybe think .
  12. The problem is that so many people trying to tell you that maybe this you are seeing it from a wrong perspective and whatever morality and you insist .. so , WE ARE ALL FOOLS who tell you that maybe it is a bit different than what you are thinking and that you are possibly wrong and you are the right and clever guy here .. OK
  13. They haven’t done so even after many years 😂 Maybe you are thinking wrong on this ?
  14. Nobody cares then for a fine ( in 5,000 people at a weekend in a public square , maybe they will give a fine to 10-20 who maybe are - as epikouros I think said - making a problem being noisy or whatever and the weed can be an excuse .
  15. Don’t show your jealousy so much in public , you are hurting your 4th account public forum image 🫠
  16. Well , women have been thinking different than you 😂 , maybe then their brain works and thinks differently as your man’s point of view .
  17. I don’t say that you are not right or lying …. But you are just saying it , they don’t dare 😂🤣😂🤣 they maybe get a fine every now and then and that’s it . There’s no arrest or whatever and the fine is a joke .. and obviously as I said , if you smoke a lot or being seen buying in a public place , then they can accuse you just to show that “ there’s a law “ or whatever .. NOBODY CARES anymore for the weed in public , this is the general feeling in the western world .
  18. Yes I have done and as I said I am always and forever in great friendship zones with all of them ( BIG DETAIL ; I had sex with the girls in the past before doing so and I haven’t been groping out of the blue an unknown person next to me , please don’t forget that Dylan had sex with Aziza and Miron was seen repeatedly kissing , touching and whatever Lilith before the events that occurred in public and they were / are blamed ) .
  19. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE provide me any recent or not article or whatever news or whatever that the police caught people who were making a joint in public and then I can see what I can think… it isn’t about being illegal or not , it is- as another forum member rightfully said -about that nobody cares . Please go to the police or point to a policeman that “ this guy is making a joint “ and let me know what happened ( I simply think that he will laugh and ignore you and tell you “ seriously ? ) …
  20. Ahh .. some great opinions regarding Aziza ( well done guys stating the obvious ) , the post about Aziza needing to figure out what the hell she wants , it is one of the most accurate . Well done similar opinion guys because in the end here we will even forget how and what we did when we were 15-16 and we were attending the first parties at homes of friends and we would do as a much as possible to touch a boob or the ass pretending that we didn’t want while dancing a ballad with them or similar things … THE WORLD ISN’T a church , whoever doesn’t like what’s happening , i wonder what’s the reason of subscribing in such a site … what should be happening ? Ahhh …. I KNOW .. people laying on their bed or couches and playing with their phones and we can alternate cameras so we can “ voyeur “ them what they are observing on their phones and if they check the forum here and what it is written for them ….😂🤣😂
  21. Wake up and go out of your house , in squares , at a beach , at a bar at night , 80-90% of the people will make at least one joint and nothing’s by occurs . It isn’t legal in my country but nobody cares because this is like a “ law for the books “ and not for the reality in life . As far as Holland is concerned , you can easily make a joint in public as long as you don’t bother someone and the police can just approach you and tell you - politely - that you are bothering others who are nearby and “ if you could please go a bit further than where you are standing “ … I have never ever done drugs , joints or smoked even one cigarette in my life , just in case you believe out of favor for these people . I don’t like smokers or any kind of these people who do it , but they don’t bother me , it is their health and not mine … So , please , 2023 … This is another world .
  22. Life has behaved / is behaving nice to me with women .. whatever you are seeing , I have done it and there has never been any problem ( I just have never done 2 threesomes in 2 weeks like Dylan ) 😂😂 Women will always say the famous “ I don’t want “ “ what are you doing “ and so on and the more you keep on and finally they surrender , they will tell you a big “ THAT WAS NICE “ with a big smile - to say it politely - in the end and especially if you have satisfied them . Live your life the way you have your principles and what you consider right or wrong and state your opinion as you have ALL THE RIGHT of the world in the forum but DON’T JUDGE ME on how I see things when you don’t even know what kind of person I am considered in my private life .. luckily , there are some people here who are open minded and can understand when the lines are crossed , what it is moral and what not and what REAL LIFE in 2023 is and not 1950 that the girls were wearing skirts that if they could see their legs was “ blasphemy “ , disgrace and whatever .. Ding dong hello , 2023 society’s life rules are calling ( it is another story if it s right or wrong and if we like it or not )
  23. In most European countries , it is the famous “ everyone knows it “ but this is now a habit .. of course if it is sold and used in masses , then it is illegal .. but to make a joint in a park or just walking , nobody nowadays says anything .
  24. Nothing more to add … if the “ script “ isn’t emotional and with feelings like Anthony and Gloria currently , it is disgusting 😂🤣😂😅🤣
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