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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Bathroom session for the people who doubt of their lighting in their bedroom .. I need to say ( taking into account all of their lifestyle , friends visiting at home , socializing , on cameras behavior and other minor or major things that i believe the majority appreciates for this couple ) that I think this couple is the BEST and NUMBER 1 couple across all of RLC apartments . Karol and Kos are great also but not so much socializing , Tereza and Timur are fantastic and maybe the 2nd best .. all of the rest of couples , it is either weird relationships or not so much of social life and interactions , I think anyone who watches can define which and what couple .. Venera and Lion are simply a pleasure and pure enjoyment watching a HAPPY HAPPY couple .
  2. Masha always has a plan how to do things in her apartment , let’s see now .. But also , being sex hungry very soon I believe , we will see how she will be handling it , especially when she says that the top thing she liked from Elvis was just that he was satisfying her with sex . But this was already mentioned multiple times when many seemed to believe that Masha and Elvis seemed to become serious and some “ longer watching this place “ people were trying to say that it was just fun pleasure for Masha as she indeed loves the sex with him . Let’s see how strong Masha will be to change her life once again if she will be going back to him to at least enjoy the summer ..
  3. As always , you are again right 😇👏
  4. I totally agree , Olya for me will always be one of the best . In the bigger picture , I am satisfied on how Barcelona apartments have changed ( the villas are better to watch ) but at the same time we now have an even bigger problem in B2 when with Karina and Lavika it was nice watching the adventures of those two girls . Ari is “ alone “ as of being fun in B2 and Shantal is a really nice girl but the other 2 girls aren’t helping so we could see a better “ chemistry “ there and more things happening . I don’t say that B1 and B2 should be the party atmosphere of how the villas slowly become and how things happen there but I would like to see kind of things like in B5 with the couples ( in B2 there have been a couple of events ) but B1 , the two girls are completely isolated and stand alone from the rest of the tenants .. maybe they could visit the villas and see what can be done with their “ plans “ 😄😁😆 .. let’s see how the summer will be played out .
  5. I think you should calm down with your language , maybe you need to masturbate more simultaneously with the girls while watching them so as to clear your head and mind so as to learn speaking better to others here .
  6. As always , you are right 😊 , you are one of the few that has figured me out so extremely well ☺️ . Good morning and have a nice day ☺️
  7. I think such things happen between couples who “ really “ have something .. as I have mentioned , I never believe there’s love between these two , it’s kind of an agreement but they both really like and appreciate one another .. Most probably it is their way to make some money and then do things by the “ RLC book “ ( sex , nudity , visitors , cameras exposure as much as possible ) .. we can for sure call this apartment “ bizarre “ and “ weird “ but there’s this really nice “ child girl “ who provokes to tune in and watch her …
  8. Few people have supported Dylan , the guy simply is a “ boy “ of his age , young , active , good looking , life as should be for people like him includes women , sex , fun , enjoying life and that’s what he dues .. he is getting paid for it and I think whatever he provides as a tenant so far , it is appreciated being a viewer and subscriber . He is daily in top cameras as his around the girls or the girls being around him , this shows that they like speaking English to him and he us s fun , cool guy to interact . My only “ objection “ so far is that he hasn’t done much out of the villas world , I think he will have the sex thing with Ashley during the whole stay ( which will be great for both of them so when they are pissed off or whatever they can relax ) and both of them will be seeking adventures .. Let’s hope that and if Dylan and Ashley bring outsiders , they can add even more crazy adventures in the B7 villa .
  9. If it is not entertainment as you say , you wouldn’t bitch around for “ do nothings “ and “ fucking jokes “ and you would simply tune in to watch whatever content you prefer to watch ( cough cough 😷 masturbations ) wherever you see them .. About me getting a fucking life 😂🤣 , you would wish to have mine if you only knew 😂🤣 .. entertainment is when you relax and enjoy , if you start moaning , it isn’t pleasant to watch and you do it daily .
  10. The only one thing missing now will be for some people here to come and say “ I miss Serafima and Zhanna “ 😂🤣 ( Yana was fine but most probably she asked out .. )
  11. They do it for you so you keep on subscribing and with your words to finally make them DO SOMETHING… then you will come with a post saying “ they heard me and that’s why they started doing things “ or “ I was doing it on purpose so they go out of their shell “ .. ahh , well , it’s your tactic , sometimes you will win ( Azura / Wendy ) , sometimes you will lose ( Liza ) …
  12. Everything in this apartment , I believe it works really great .. it’s all kind of things happenings and pure authentic content for everyone .. from solo sessions to partners , to visitors , to cameos ( Fiora ) , even the famous butt plus that we first saw while Harley was on that bloody couch sleeping and the mouse was visiting her , honestly , I don’t know wha more we could have asked and requested from this apartment in just only 2 weeks ..These two girls are simply “ gold mining “ for RLC , it is the “ HAVE IT ALL “ apartment .. Excellent .
  13. Everybody can have their opinion about Masha , hate her , like her , adore her , disguise her , anything . BUT … NOBODY can blame her that for all of the money she has made all of those years and sharing her life on cameras and being dependent from this site , she hasn’t deserved each and every cent of it . I HONESTLY can’t think of anyone else being so sincere and sharing on cameras everything like her . She never hid , she was never fake , people can hate her of whatever character she has but I don’t think anyone can hate her that she’s hiding even that . Again , Masha is the definition in my opinion how RLC wanted all of those people ( or at least the majority to be and evolve ) .. compare Masha with anyone of the OLD tenants currently ( old tenants include Leora / Paul - Martina / Alberto and Linda / Tibor ) and we can make our conclusions .
  14. It is as you say … and more and more and more .. Masha is on fire with her talks tonight 😇
  15. Very nice and honest talk between Masha and the girls in English .. if anyone wants to learn a lot of things about her and how she thinks and make his / her one conclusions about her , this is one of the best now discussions 😇.. As of Masha and her two ex’s , well , these two people will always be more than anything , I believed that Masha wouldn’t do anything visiting them and I was MORE than surprised when she had sex with Dasha .. but in the end , I believe that these 3 really have made peace and have left life and time to fix all and they are absolutely fine with that they have and they appreciate and respect each other . Masha was , is and will always be the definition of this site , REAL LIFE. , a total character that this is who she is , the person we see on cameras , it is like she has shared all of her life and we know her .
  16. They have some remarkable quotes so far .. when Ashley visits in the morning , he or she will say “ are you here for breakfast / can I have my breakfast please ? “ 😁😆 .. or plain simple from Dylan “ ahh you came late here , is it so we fuck ? “ 😄 , pure and straight to the point , these two are wonderful to watch and as mentioned , Ashley is fantastic .
  17. This woman simply could have much better looking guys ( Marat wasn’t a good character but I think he was the nicest looking of who we have seen ) , this one and the one we saw at the villas ( the anarchist 😂🤣 ) would say that aren’t her level of looking but as long as she’s happy and fine , all is good . The question is if this ( as it looks like ) is an “official “boyfriend or just a temporary situation , it looked with the things on cameras that this wasn’t the first time .. let’s see .
  18. Funny 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Doubting Ulyana … Who ? The girl that it is only needed for a guy to want to be on cameras and the rest is history … Have a bit faith and of course patience to gilts who have proven themselves .. Even the finishing was back from the old Ulyana days 😆
  19. I am always trying to “accept “any kind of shows but this between Anthony and the two virgin girls is RIDICULOUS .. still ,it is serving its purpose , that is viewership …BUT … Gloria isn’t into games and that’s what make it in a way kind of unpredictable .. Anthony shows nothing that we didn’t know so far , he is a MASTER show orchestrator having learned from one of the greatest ever that RLC seen in such situations , his incredible pretty EX .. and now he just copy / pasted her tactics but because he is a man , the critics are coming like a storm to him .. That’s why I LOVE watching Dylan and Ashley currently , no stupid games , they do whatever and they fuck out of their own pleasure and they both allow to each other freedom , I won’t be surprised to see Ashley having multiple partners if the occasions and circumstances appear .
  20. My good friend omedo 😇 , you know I am also the optimistic guy here 😏
  21. Really pathetic post speaking for a residence’s flag which for many people is one of the sacred things .. Anyway , nothing of a surprise here of someone who has the masturbation watching addiction .
  22. Shantal seems to be a singer and a model .. if this is a reason that she shouldn’t be with RLC or that it is a surprise , I can only say then that Olivia recently recorded a really excellent song and whatever she has done on cameras , it could be considered things that people who notice her , could be a reason for her having regretted her RLC life but apparently ( and this is because we will be seeing her for sure as a guest .. ) she doesn’t seem to care about it . The past is the past and the present is the present for all of these girls , they have absolute knowledge of what they have signed for and what it is expected from them . I think that Shantal will open herself and won’t have limits .
  23. For some it is strange , for some others isn’t .. Your English is fine as it is mine , maybe you as a Dutch you aren’t used to talk a lot but I am .. this is a difference of character , that’s all . Illogical and unbelievable would be if people would ignore what’s written ( you are taking the time to answer to me , it seems then that your disagreement with me isn’t for what you mention ) .
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