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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. He fucked nearly 2-2,5 hours ago another one , she’s completely wasted and there’s no point to do anything , this will be no pleasure at all , except if putting a dick inside a pussy gives pride to a guy .. he isn’t missing sex and his behavior can help him establish an even better relationship - pure FWB like Dylan and Ashley - and solve any sex issues whenever the hunger of it comes .
  2. If it was another guy , I would say that he should insist and I believe finally get her .. I don’t think that Zara would be a lost case , she’s just feels special and doesn’t want to have the role of the “ easy “ girl .. As you see , Dylan not only hasn’t flirted her but not even touched her once .. With patience and nice approach , all can happen , think of Samson and Loraine and for how long he was trying .. Of course , it might be that Zara has “ borders “ as it seems of what she wants to do on cameras and this also being a reason .. And also the fact that Dana is always there watching .. He could try make her jealous if he believes she likes him and then we can see where it goes ..
  3. Anthony’s biggest target will always remain Zara .. I think today he simply wanted to piss her off by fucking Wendy , if you noticed , he didn’t even bother to flirt her tonight .. We will see what happens .
  4. So … the teams slowly seem to getting formed . Ashley and Dylan will be an excellent team doing their thing , sex , fun , sharing all , they really enjoy one another’s company and they are both open to whatever .. Gloria will either slowly step away from the trio or she will be joining at times , but she’s not the same feeling for Dylan like Ashley who are really enjoying each other’s company .. Having now a couple who are completely identical to their RLC approach , it will be interesting to see how they will be approaching others .. In general , this is now a good period watching , finally things happening and people living their lives and trying to get / taste / enjoy the most of it for as long as they are going to stay . Let’s hope that the boring days having girls like Karen / Oks and Kassandra / Ailey are PERMANENTLY A BAD BAD viewership experience .
  5. Late personal care for Elli .. let’s see if it is just a coincidence ( most probably ) or some preparation for her male friend ( however , past experience shows that they do the most the day - better say night - before he departs ) …
  6. Say whatever , I would really like RLC to find a way and introduce Yanai in the villas ( Spanish dance lessons , flirting ) or even Don … Anthony might be whatever but i still think his mind is always around Loraine .
  7. AND .. I don’t care being due to Bogdan’s incident , the heat gathered for being inactive and unsocial for nearly 2 months but personally - as she was very deserved criticizes negative - I applaud and encourage Aziza’s change of character , participating and trying to be a good tenant and roommate with the rest , a change definitely happening because of the insertion of Dylan and Co … Aziza , well done for the change , much more fun and pleasant to watch than the very confused - AND ALWAYS REMAINING - mysterious girl that she is .
  8. Let’s see if we finally gonna get the crazy 3 and Aziza at the penthouse , warming up in the jacuzzi and finishing in Aziza’s bed in crazy style 😉
  9. Very dangerous games from Zara being close with Ashley … 😉
  10. Maybe we get a Dylan / Wendy encounter .. the only “virgins “ and just not going for more seem to remain the mama and daughter Dana and Zara ..
  11. And apologies for a statistic mistake , Anthony has fucked also elsewhere in B4 before today , it was Alsu at current Azura’s room .. UPS 😬😮and apologies for wrong reminder earlier .
  12. Excellent Aziza teasing for a possible joining the team later 😄 .. and Wendy might become Daryl tonight ? Ahh , good to have finally unpredictability in the party places ( as these row apartments should always be … ) .. let’s hope for outsiders sooner or later and more scenarios to be discussed
  13. I think all these people ( girls ) knowing that it might be a very sex active period are taking precautions . But it is how everyone sees this subject , my opinion isn’t a popular concerning this subject 😬😏
  14. Can it be Aziza joining the sexual adventures ? Or .. how long the others will stay not sex active watching fellow tenants enjoying ? Time will give the answers ..
  15. Ahh … Bow down 🙇‍♂️👏👏👏🙌 as always and very fast this time ☺️
  16. We should stop really bothering with this “ detail “ .. most of these girls either have a spiral or taking the pill , so , they will always inform if they want outside / not inside cumming ..it is how it is .
  17. Will Dylan respond tonight to equalize or he will keep his strength / energy for another evening ?
  18. Fan fact .. this is the last time he fucked in B4 in this exact room his long time ex girlfriend 😊
  19. Wendy finally wins 😂😂 … and Antony showing being pissed off with Zara … AND .. it is now Anthony 4 - Dylan 3 😏
  20. Yes , you are very right , it is like she has an incredible amount of admiration and respect for this friend , it is like her whole world changes being next to her . It might be that she’s the one who knows all about her life , her best friend perhaps ..
  21. I think this shows that all 3 have moved on with their lives and Masha has accepted it , as i mentioned when she joined them for holidays , it would need/take big balls and courage to share time with her Exs ( they were both her lovers as this was a clear three-way relationship in my opinion ) . Masha is a very modern woman , i have also said that in a way she might have always wanted such a relationship for whatever reasons . She brought Sophia as a roommate , we saw the black guy and the heavy tattooed girl for a period , she was very close with Hedi and his ex , she was trying I think for that . And then came Elvis as a sexual relief before submitting to an incredible and passionate ( exactly as she likes and enjoys sex ) summer with Sam . I am saying it to friends in my private life and will share it here no matter how funny might look such a comment but - for me - Masha is the ideal girl for anyone to marry in 5-6 years time . The woman has done it al , she has experienced almost everything , she’s educated , clever , talented , she’s a person of our era . Such people who have done all , the person who will get involved serious with her , will have nothing to be afraid for a non successful common life . It will be time that since she has done all , she would wish to chill , relax and enjoy life with peace , her own house most probably , family , kids , cats . Because she has done it all and she’s not missing to discover whatever . Simply think and analyze why couples get divorced ( the majority due to cheating ) and that’s where I justify my thoughts for Masha .
  22. Harley is so many more than the boring day in and day out life of Leora . She has people visiting in the apartment and she’s not shy showing her private life . She has - as the majority of the girls of her age - a variety of sex partners and experiencing life traveling and doing things than a woman who is and isn’t at the same time in one of the most beautiful European capitals . Harley will not open her legs towards the cameras to “ invite “ people to watch her but she will try and satisfy herself while being horny during the morning when she wakes up , the afternoon after eating or late at night before sleeping . It is always a choice wanting to watch variety or the “ variety “ of changing rooms to masturbate so as people still follow the apartment.
  23. Only big 👏👏 for your post , thugs that so many people wish to say but they stay away from the toxic and worshiping topic of her’s where such opinions should be posted and shared / heard .
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