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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. As expected , Nadia AGAIN easily top replay … the benefits of not showing much and when she does , RLC audience appreciates ..
  2. Off topic ; Sambuka providing also for the end of the month 😉😉😏
  3. She has .. and everyone has a button to be pushed and triggered .. we maybe never find out but SHE FOR SURE HAS , she has proved with her insane sexuality when she wishes ..
  4. I can’t think of a biggest torture that a woman has managed to a guy , Nadia is making this guy lose it an dog to the asylum of she continues like this 😂🤣
  5. At the same time , Nadia shows how experience she’s with Alex and we have seen perhaps not even 10% of what she knows , giving an amazing feetjob to her ex .. B2 ON FIRE 🔥
  6. And before anyone accuses the show , ANYONE can easily tune in and watch Shantal sleeping , watch the hundreds replaus of the funny and stupid games between Leora and Malia , people can tune in to empty apartments watching the absolute zero .. Shows - of this type , realistic and teasing - whenever they appear ( perhaps 2-3 times per month ) can be a nice “ injection “ on a boring - till recently - Barcelona RLC hub.
  7. We need also to observe that both Fiora’s and of course much younger’s Ulyana bodies , both women have been taking care lately very nice their body .. for whoever remembers , during Ulyana’s return in B1 a couple of years ago , many discussed that she had got a bit thicker let’s say .. nowadays , THE WOMAN is a gorgeous piece of art to watch .. and fiora also , her body also so very much better taken care of than her last presence also wondering around with the rest ..
  8. As long as in your sentence appears the word “ MAYBE “ , it is already a huge step towards seeing whatever .. I don’t think before Ulyana’s arrival and with the mama and the live sex employee , any similar thoughts could be part of reality ..
  9. Of course a show but not a BS show and fake goofy things .. real licking , real kissing and Ulyana always testing her girl/girl nature ( it appears very very rare but it appears , usually Fiora triggers the incidents / more money flow 😆 ) …
  10. In the end , it is always “ The General “ that will decide how an apartment should be “ performing “ .. now , imagine if one of the other two or both were doing with sweet little Ulyana the things like with fiora … But , who knows , maybe it is “ scenes of the near future “ … 😋😋
  11. Or perhaps , “ showing “ to her that she needs to do more 😉😉😋😋
  12. Show time of the past days for Fiora and Ulyana , pissed off perhaps and not allowing Nadia to get all cameras attention ..
  13. The “ insane wild erotic side “ appears once again tonight , the woman when she wants she can captivate , different torture sex games , poor mister but perhaps the price he needs to pay .. he needs patience if he wants to penetrate once again as well . This Nadia is a woman that can MAGNETIZE EVERYONE .
  14. Who knows also that maybe Fiora does also her magic with Esmi and persuades her to open up also gradually for more “ entertainment “ 😉😋😋
  15. Nadia , VERY SLOW and gradually seems to getting over her grief , still very very dangerous games with her ex .. of course , why going out and search when she can have the “ already tested “ material ? But then , if she was out searching for lovers and having fun she would be one more “ escort “ 😂🤣😂 ( to use polite words since we know how certain people here want to characterize the girls ) now that she’s “ playing “ with her ex , she’s also a victim or whatever negativity people will judge her … HONESTLY , there’s no cure for the girls , LOVERS OF FEMALE SEX AND GENDER , can only jaw dropping watching this model type woman . Haters and Unshill Ones who see EVERYTHING negative , well , let’s wait their comments .. I only know that the more time spending with “ The General “ , we already get 2 visits from her ex man in less than a week ..
  16. As long as there’s STILL much much participation concerning her topic ( not only this period but since she joined ) , it means that she FOR SURE does something 🙂 . I think she will do even more , I said it once , NEVER EVER UNDERESTIMATE girls with nipples piercing. It might has come the time that we get to discover Elli’s endless potential 😎
  17. So , officially Elli by herself .. It’s another historic moment for the RLC site , it’s been MANY MANY YEARS that we see a break up happening online and not UM and then suddenly one tenant appears single or not as a couple let’s say . Older members can bring up the archives for that , personally I think the last one must have been Maya … I need to pay respect to both that they didn’t hide and everything we see as a result , for many many months we were thinking it is going to happen ( or others were wishing that Elli breaks up with Vencel - AND SHE DID - or was it him breaking up with her ?? 😏 ) … For many years we haven’t seen a similar incident , in the year 2023 we get two as we also see Martina and Alberto going their own ways . Above all , yes , Vencel wasn’t the guy that could have supporters but he was as much as real as he could , he just didn’t have as priority this gorgeous girl but he preferred his game chair and gaming . Still , I think he genuinely likes Elli and FOR SURE they have a strange relationship but I never believed it was a BF and GF , as I have said , it looked like a partnership for the cameras and good money earned . Wish him all the best , I think this situation will WAKE HIM UP and grow him up when he knows what it could possibly be with Elli. And … Let’s see if he appears anywhere again like Dantez for example 😉
  18. Elli is MUCH MORE than anyone can think . I hope that ( as a woman enjoy watching , “ The Future “ as I call her and as a human being thinking of another one ) this guy brings her happiness , smiles and endless fun and good times … As a paying RLC subscriber , I hope she follows the trails of Ulyana and grow up from a little girl to a gorgeous woman and makes ALL true fans of the female gender ecstatic of what she’s gonna do . Honestly , we CAN’T be sure what to expect , as I said , let’s hope the apartment becomes a place for gatherings , friends , family and related people visiting , Elli can “ destroy “ the site if she wants . Patience is the key for her , who knows , maybe one day she will be seen topless dominating the Barcelona villas with her presence ..
  19. I think we are watching one of the biggest dramas we have seen on cameras , Elli is in control .. and let’s see how the story will be unfolding .. what matters is that Elli CHEATED Vencel and Vencel sleeps next to the girl who just fucked her a couple of fuss ago on that same bed .. and , I agree , Vencel knows it .. but I believe he never knew about Peater .. perhaps Elli isn’t that innocent 😉.. and how truthful the tears can be ? ( I believe her but there must be a story behind ) ..
  20. I spoke to you very polite and look how your post is .. The life I am having you can’t even imagine and if you would enjoy even 0.1% of my lifestyle , you would understand that you are again one more guy who just see windmills like Don Quixote because you can’t have what ALL of these both men and women can’t have , THAT IS FUN IN LIFE . You made accusations , characterizations but I can be named a lot things here but one thing NOONE WILL EVER manage to do , that is to make me insult someone else and I consider myself one of the most gentle here . Go on then with your posts if you think you can make a point , you are just one more person than when the script doesn’t fit what you have in mind , you need to create “ customers “ , suggest lifestyles and way of living to people YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHO THEY ARE AND HOW THEY LIVE THEIR LIVES and come to conclusions for them .. well done , you are the perfect example guiding others 😂🤣😂 Your “ strong belief “ is just ONE MORE SPECULATION based on what YOUR MIND WANTS TO BELIEVE . Since you know all , i wonder why you are watching a site that you see people getting paid for services . But since you also know all , please inform the forum of the pattern of the tenants .. for example Harley , because a guy placed money ( like when a friend of yours leaves money on your kitchen table ) it has to be for sex .. not to contribute for booze for example , for the food , for anything they have done any other day outside , Harley not accepting the money and the guy just making the gesture of leaving it as you say .. BUT THE HUNDREDS OF SCENARIOS we can have because NOBODY KNOWS , you have found what really happened .. well done again , whenever such things are seen on cameras , I suggest forum members get advised by you of “ what was that” … And last but not least , IS THERE ANY RULE AT THE FORUM saying how much , when and what ( without insults and always respecting ) a member should write ? Because if it is , PLEASE SHOW IT DIRECTLY ON MY FACE because then , till that time , I will always speak things the way I have in mind . LEARN TO USE THE IGNORE BUTTON . But for someone that is advising me to do things with my life , you shouldn’t perhaps spending time of your life reading my essays .
  21. Well … for whoever is from the beginning watching RLC in case I am wrong.. But , I believe History was made today as we had the VERY FIRST EVER ( quoting from good friend Noldus “ ) STEREO BATE , with a big though originality . We witnessed the first ever Male /Female stereo masturbation , it goes back before Covid I think we has a masturbation show of 2 or more girls usually happening at the B4 penthouse . Here it is again , the Show Returns with something we haven’t seen 😂 .. I guess , all people , both genders invited 😎😆😂 … Obviously , the two are related in a way we can know ( for now ) and that’s why not proceeding with sex . A very BIG statement of Margo that she will try to “ wear the shoes of unique Ashley “ , let’s see how it will be .. and what more surprises we are going to get from Wolf , for sure he has confused everyone , from his dress code lifestyle , to the injections , to the sex he had with Sara , say whatever , the guy is interesting to watch as he is completely unpredictable .. Another one to hate I guess easily 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 .. OR .. Be jealous of course being surrounded easily from nice women , I still wonder if ever will see being the one managing Shantal .
  22. It is a nice copy/paste behavior that she might read that Martina and Alberto do 😏😆
  23. I am glad that they proved me wrong just an hour or so later 😂 , all three together enjoying ( plus fiora ) ..
  24. Martina day by day looks complete losing any fun of being in this apartment .. Hardly ever smiles , looks enjoying , it is really disappointing that this couple still appear “ together “ when all emotional bond is gone .. Alberto was HAVING FUN and enjoying his life with the girl during the weekend and on Monday afternoon ( if I remember correctly ) , the more this “ couple shares “ on cameras , the more sad it is watching them ..
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