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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. The end of the month is coming , this might have been one of the worst in content months in history of RLC , I expect multiple happenings across the RLC apartments and for sure Masha’s choice always comes as one of the top choices 😉 let’s see what the weekend is about to bring 😎
  2. I agree with some of your points but what I can say for sure is that Stella , even with so many hours outside of the apartment , anytime she was on cameras , there has been red hot forum talks … where to start ? Her being the one that managed to change Radislava and finally take her away from her shelter , make her more open in many things and see a really different , more smiley and relaxed version of her ? The sexy massages , the teasing , I think that was Stella’s personality bringing this Radislava in front of our screens .. then , the times at Gina’s place and the incident with Bruno … then , the repeated sex she had on camera with her current guy , one more proof that she can be very persuasive and seductive 😉😇😎, if you remember in the beginning , this was a completely shy on cameras guy but she managed also with him to be open 😇 Friends visiting , a crazy all nighter show , well , Stella at least contributed in such a short time and proved her big value in a difficult RLC period .. we need girls like her , girls that want to have fun , don’t think the cameras so much or are obsessed to present a perfect image just to be praised for it .. I love her craziness ( the same goes for Gina ) because they are spontaneous , unpredictable and most of all true .. this is what I miss so many times , tenants that simply don’t care for whatever exposure on cameras , then I know that they don’t live FOR the cameras but they live WITH the cameras . I still though agree with your suggestions and thoughts
  3. There has been a good explanation why VHTV keeps on from Russia just some weeks ago and why RLC isn’t doing it anymore .. maybe others will repeat it but the general conclusion is that RLC respects the law and doesn’t want to get in conflicts if they ever try and do as they did some years ago at another site and this was actually the reason that started this Russian policy about no such broadcastings from Russia . It mostly has to do with following and respecting the rules than risking to be caught and having big consequences afterwards .
  4. Exactly .. imagine poor Gina 😔with what has been written about her , still , she keeps on strong and brave 😇
  5. She’s paid not to be in privacy 😇 If she so desperately wants it , she can always quit and go back to Russia and live her life there or continue a normal life away of cameras in Prague or anywhere in the world , after all , money isn’t an issue for her ☺️ Still , if you see her act more normal , without so many smiles then and masturbate like most women do , with lights off if it is night and before sleeping or anywhere at anytime of the day that she might feel horny , are those the reasons that you keep subscribing ? Her erotic contribution then only ?
  6. Hmm , nice point about Vivian being the next who is being informed of what’s written here .. the message to her is the same like to everyone else , why keep on logging in and reading a site that you will certainly going to read lots of negative things ? It is normal that negative posts appear as they have been posts praising her ( especially in the beginning ) , does she think that RLC is paradise posts through CC when they she’s naked and try to offer pleasure to viewers ?
  7. We never argue 😂🤣 , we just have a different opinion and we are both supporting our theories with passion as we believe that the right ones are .. and since two people can see the story from so many perspectives , imagine how this people are trying to deal with it ( which actually I don’t care because it is their problem and their actions have led to it 😂🤣 ) … look now a couple of points .. No one says that Nelly wants exclusivity with Martina, but that’s the problem … Bogdan has clearly showed and stated repeatedly that it is against this , how more clear can be this for Nelly that her husband doesn’t want it , so , she needs to back off . I think he let her have her fun but he couldn’t imagine of the feelings that she would develop and this is what has hurt him . So , If Nelly can’t copy with her husband’s wishes , then , she should finish with Bogdan , go and steal Martina from Alberto and go and live in an apartment out of the RLC sight ( or within if she’s strong with RLC management and they both want of course ) and like this for all four people , painful or not , life will go on . What if Bogdan was ok…. But he isn’t 😂🤣 … that’s why my “ repeated ( alladino style ) record “ with that , he isn’t , what more can I say ? If he was , then we could see this from another point of view , analyze the details we would have been watching and then process and present our ideas of what’s going on .. but he isn’t . I am and will always be hitting hard Nelly with that because Nelly is married . If she realized that she got married too young and she didn’t manage to live her life and then suddenly on her thirties she discovers love again , then , she should have stayed single and live her life till she would feel ready to surrender/ commit for the rest of her life to someone . This is why I am so critical ,Martina and Alberto are a simple couple , anyone can go away the next day and apart from sadness , life will continue . N&B have common wealth , apartments , money , they share financial titles , it is complicated.Luckily( for the occasion ) they don’t have a child , but imagine , even if Bogdan ( even Nelly of course , let’s say wanted one ( wasn’t it some pregnancy tests actually that were made by rlly some months before ? ) , how could he trust that Nelly for this ? And quite frankly , seeing Nelly having this passion,how can he in general trust her for really serious issues ? So , way too critical because they are married and as I said yesterday , this is a line you don’t cross . If she wants Martina when Bogdan told her that he isn’t ok with that , fill the divorce papers and go and flirt her and whatever , steal her and go live together your passion 😂🤣 ( that as we know , it fades away as time passes by and isn’t the same explosive like the first honeymoon years.. ) . Bogdan isn’t waking away because not only loves her , he worships her . He seen no one else , I think he knows her too well to know and understand that all of this is a temporary issue and to his kudos , he isn’t abandoning her as so many times has disrespected him by not listening to his needs and refuses not continuing with Martina , on the contrary, he stays next to her ( we men are foolish😂🤣, Nelly used to be fantastic once but know as I have said I am not attracted to her ) and tries to protect / save his marriage instead of having anyone else that he wish ( let’s not hide , he is a nice looking guy , early 30s that he wouldn’t pass unnoticed for the majority of women I believe ) , imagine if he was the same kind like Bruno let’s say ( doesn’t he have the right to be like him after seeing the adventure of his wife or anyone here would blame him and criticize him in a negative way that he fucks around and behind his wife’s back ? ) , it would have been all the support of Nelly and Nelly divorce this POS and Bogdan the cheater and bla bla bla . These are my answers to you and always a pleasure to debate with you , you are the Lady of the forum , you speak with nice arguments and you are also passionate for this story we see the last 9-10 months , perhaps after the Leora cultists , we should create the “ M&N “ ones 😂🤣😂😂
  8. Exactly .. obviously ( and wanted to mention also the word “trust “ earlier but I am kind of sleepy 😴😴😱 ) she has trust issues , this is why we haven’t seen her getting attached to others or forming any strong bonds all this time with at least any girl , except now with Stella that really blew her mind .. if she loses Stella’s trust , as you say , we get back once again the isolated in her room Radislava ams simply participating in any social gatherings only out of obligation and not because she really wants .. we will see but it doesn’t look good 😔 Of course , this is a “ tough “ business and you need to be prepared for such things .. But we all know that Radislava is perhaps over sensitive and this could he a really bad thing for her whole psychology 😔
  9. I don’t think they want to see subscribers quitting .. something goes on most probably , we will see how the following weeks will be proved
  10. I think it is deeper than this .. I think that Radi was / still is magically touched by Stella’s rod , she got enchanted by Stella’s personality and character and personally , it was finally the time for me that I saw radi loosening herself and enjoying her RLC presence in a different way , again in my opinion , so much better than hiding in her shelter / room doing her exercises and checking the top cams activities so as to perform .. she suddenly got thrilled by Stella and her approach and it was a really cool Radislava with a more “ human “ approach than the robotized way she used to have .. I feel disappointed seeing her again being back in point zero ( hope just for the night ) instead of joining in the balcony with Stella’s friends , being social ,smiling and so on .. let’s see what happens ..
  11. I need to speak completely Greek endlessly to him like my posts to perhaps make him change his mind 😂🤣 Good guy with honest opinions and never insulted others or any tenant .. this is how RLC manages to lose long time subscribers and they are the ones that hurt the business the most with their stoppage of participation 😔
  12. Barcelona has more than 100,000 people Russian / Russian speaking community , maybe even more .. that’s why we need locals as mentioned earlier , so we can enjoy guests like in Gina’s place or like now with Stella .. of course , local Spanish mixing with any of the girls is also great because of extended English language use 😇
  13. Also a good explanation , I saw sadness as noldus did mention the same …we only know that there was an incident concerning Martina , Nelly and Stella … I personally feel sad for Radislava If the friendship between her and Stella has taken a blow .. they were really close and happy times , finally we had an excited Radislava and smiley , that was a good period .. I hope it is a simple misunderstanding and that they put their asses down and solve whatever problem there is , however good friend Lena believes that Radislava was frightened by Stella or something involving her ..
  14. Yes .. Holly wanted an extended period of two weeks if i remember correctly and Amira till end of august ..
  15. We all want new girls , but girls like Tesla , Elian and yes , for sure like Vivian and Nana to bring a balance , it also needs a bit more slow paced than the craziness of those two .. but bring also girls like Ulyana who are explosive and then we see …🤩🥳😋
  16. Holly asked to stay longer and RLC denied .. Amira the same .. it’s a strange period with lots of controversies .. even Malia’s departure hurt RLC in my opinion that strangely happened when Leora was expressing her thoughts to a female friend some months ago that she wanted by the end of the summer to kick Malia out and suddenly it happened even from coincidence … 🤨
  17. I meant Stella who replaced Ariana’s empty room .. the rest is a ridiculous RLC members contribution as they can’t find girls .. we all agree on that 😇
  18. I guess you have been a fun of shows that had absolutely no passion , they were robot style ( especially from Malia) and pure clickbaits as they always happened at prime time .. did you ever see then masturbate with lights off just for pleasuring one another ? Did you see any social life ? Did you see and personality from Malia ? Anyway , off topic and don’t want to say more .. the best Leora and Malia has always been when they were doing things solo , at least they were sincerely pleasing themselves and not “ forced “ to perform ..
  19. Again your opinion and have explained many times the Lema virus that dominated Barcelona this year after a certain point
  20. Except N&B who are permanent residents , everyone else is replaceable .. being tired meaning that her interests were clearly out of the apartment , she wasn’t contributing a lot and she wasn’t as excited as in the first months of her presence .. I think it was fair that she was replaced ..
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