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Everything posted by ZedJustZed

  1. Wow, nice work! Clara looks stunning as always.
  2. I shiver with anticipation... The answer is "Of course I will sleep with Melissa"
  3. That's awesome! Happy Birthday Herman! This is my favourite apt on the whole site...and Herman is one lucky guy to have a harem of crazy cuties.
  4. Was there some recent drama here? I see a bunch of game pieces scattered about and lots of stomping around going on. I'm not a subscriber so can't see the archives.
  5. She was wandering around for quite some time...I was actually quite concerned. I just came back and she seems relatively normal. She was having a serious episode earlier though.
  6. Uhoh...seems Miranda has the meth tweaker thing happening...
  7. Is that milk pasteurized? No, its all over your tits.
  8. Wow...that is hot...my fantasy
  9. I dunno...I just caught the tail end, Herman seemed to be lecturing Red, then string bean came out of the BR crying weirdly...
  10. Oh my god. Stop putting western values on a system that is not at all western. This is how business is carried out on this site and in Russia/Ukraine. Get used to it or leave. Tenants come and go and there is zero loyalty either way. If you are a tenant here, you must expect to be treated like shit and you will be rewarded with cheap food, vodka and as much sex as you can handle. Look good for the cameras so that the owners can keep the rent and utilities paid. If anyone here believes that any of the tenants or managers are actually wholesome, righteous people, then you are deluding yourselves. The most important thing is to keep the mystery there so that subscribers will pay the extra to see what they really come here for.
  11. Oddly, I hope they do screw up financially. Maybe they can cut costs by going back to a dozen choice apts rather than the garbage they have been spewing the last year.
  12. For those of us who didn't see what happened, can you provide a "blow by blow"? It appears that a fight happened, but it is hard to understand what went down by reading the comments. I see the realm is offline now.
  13. I doubt you will ever see a child on any cam sites.
  14. I guess suffocation isn't such a bad way to go after all...
  15. I thought so at first too, but Billy seems to be "fitting in" just fine now!
  16. Poor Billy has the exact same "Deer in the headlights" look that the stuffed bear has
  17. I have no idea where anyone went...but I'm too cheap ass to subscribe
  18. Don't forget the visit from the ERT a few days ago. I am hoping someone is keeping an eye on her.
  19. I think you might be a bit jaded, and I can understand why. Maybe I look at it differently, but, for me anyway, the sex is a backdrop to the reasons I watch VH and RLC. I like it for the slice of life you see between the sex action scenes. Whether it's grabbing the kleenex after he jizzes a load on her ass, or the way there seems to be nothing thought about people wandering around with little or no clothes on. I love checking out the loggia in Chad and Todd's apt just to see what kind of weather Siberia is experiencing. I could care less whether they are cam stars or not. I doubt VH will bring in nothing but cam stars. They know there are people lurking in just the ordinary rooms, regardless of circumstance.
  20. The emt's were there for quite a while and the syringe they used was huge. I wonder if it was diabetic shock? It was really strange too how the activity was filmed entirely. No, they gave her a shot in the ass then left and she seemed fine right after, if a bit groggy.
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