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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. I'm not in awe of the man, and I'm not going to waste my time arguing with you, also I'm just wondering how you're getting away posting derogatory comments on CC when I've had postings taken down for less
  2. So you've had to stoop down to dishing out insults, but there again what can we expect you haven't a good word to say about anyone
  3. Just in case you're wondering this is roughly called living a normal life, If I was you I'd give it a try you may just be amazed how refreshing normal is.
  4. Let me make easy for you, Leora speak 4 languages fluently, English, German Slavic and he native Russian, and from what I remember Paul only speaks Russian, German and English. Now if you go back far enough in the archives for the last apartment you will have found that Leora was translating something over the phone into English for someone. Taking into consideration that Google Translate is rubbish, and linguists in Europe get paid around £40 or $45 an hour, then add in all their other qualifications, I can't see them struggling if and when the leave RLC somehow. Correct I didn't sit on my arse all day and I speak 3 languages French, German and English.
  5. You've been listening to your mate ddhm again, because he can't get his head round, and neither can you by the looks of it they have a private life away from RLC,always have done and always will do. If, as you keep saying you're going through the archive you should already know this and know all about all their qualifications.
  6. I must have touched a nerve, now the insults have started, so I suggest you carry on while I enjoy my life away from CC and RLC. Try it, it's quite refreshing that's why I only look into CC about every couple of weeks, because most of the bullshit that's posted just keeps getting repeated over and over again, see you in a couple of weeks, Enjoy
  7. Instead of concentrating on your undying love for Paul, concentrate on what's really happening, then you may just learn something and stop being so bitter, or are you in training to become a Troll
  8. Let's look at this a different way, you've had it in for Leora ever since she wouldn't bring LB home for YOU to pass judgement on, also what YOU don't like is she had, and still has a private live. On the subject of hypocrites if you cast your mind back quite a few months ago you agreed with me when I said you were a hypocrite or have you got a selective memory. If I was you I'd get back to supporting Linda before she throws herself off the balcony.
  9. I've just been catching up on all the posts from the last 24hrs, because unlike some I don't live just for RLC and/or CC, and it's just the same old repetitive hypocritical (nothing new) bullshit. When these two finally leave RLC which they will surely do, there's going to be a some on this Forum who'll be in need of therapy, because their lives will have to change so dramatically.
  10. Again it's the difference between the States and Europe.
  11. And you said I was wrong for saying that she's unpredictable
  12. WOW, yet another missing video link, these allegations of yours are becoming hard to believe, as you are the only one out of all her thousands of followers that witnesses these amazing events
  13. Before you accuse me of being snooty or contradictory again, If as you've posted you've read through all the old archives you must have noticed you're not the first, (your mate ddhm never stops) wanting her to have visitors, so by now even you must have realised Leora, and Paul (so does everyone on RLC) have a private life away from RLC, so I think you, and your mate may be left wanting, although I have been wrong in the past, I don't think I am this time
  14. Max, many years ago a woman told me 'Men will never understand women, while women don't understand themselves" Also something for you to think about, women have many faults, men have only two, everything they say and everything they do
  15. I don't think it's a bit weird it's just a woman thing, but I'll agree with you when it comes to women in general they all seem to take an age getting ready for out
  16. I think if you look at Replay you'll find Paul was wearing the same clothes he had on when they went out earlier, and Leora changed twice, and It's usually Leora waiting for Paul.
  17. Just because in the States every where's got air conditioning, in Europe we don't women have been known when it's hot to lay around naked and that doesn't make them sluts. So may I make a suggestion that you take into consideration the difference between the States and Europe
  18. Wenn du erwachsen bist, wirst du viel über Frauen lernen müssen
  19. Now this is one of the few comments you've posted that I'll agree with, just don't think I'm going to make this a habit
  20. Another hypocrite just like two peas in a pod, but at least ddhm has admitted he's hypocritical
  21. Seeing how you're so clever, try and find where I've posted an anthology then you can accuse me of calling the kettle black.
  22. No it's you who needs to get a life,then you won't have time to post these ridiculous repetitive boring anthologies, because once you've read one you've read them all.
  23. Someone needs to get a life
  24. He pleases Leora, and that's all that matters in her life, if it's upsetting you along with a few others, nevermind you'll get over it believe me you will
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