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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. jimbo, Sorry to see you go, your comment have been quite enlightening and sometimes philosophical, and will be sadly missed, but you have to do, what you have to do, Good Luck with your next venture. As for the Little One has you call her, you are not wrong about her being misunderstood at times, but she's lovely with it, and she's the only reason I'm still with RLC Good Luck
  2. I've just had the luxury of watching Leora in the shower, when you haven't seen her naked all week because of this time difference you really appreciate what a fantastic body that girl has, and then just before I have to leave for work she goes and puts on my favourite (blue) coloured knickers. Roll on the weekend
  3. Leora when you are young the memories of the previous night are easy to remember, but as you grow older you get to the point, that by the time your brain start's recalling some weeks later what an idiot you made of your self that fateful night, every one else who was there has forgotten about it
  4. I think most of us have been there, done that, and sworn never again, do we ever listen to ourselves NO
  5. From what I saw Monday night, if nothing else Leora could teach them how to move
  6. While on the subject of the South of France, Leora would not be out of place with her style on the beaches of Nice, St Tropez and Cannes or anywhere along the French Riviera for that matter
  7. Ce est ce à quel point je sais à propos de l'Europe et je vais au Sud de la France chaque année
  8. Thanks for the update, I knew the clocks altered in mainland Europe I just didn't know when
  9. It's not sleep that's a problem, it's worse, when it was only 6 hours in front the number of times I've been late leaving for work at 5 am (11 am local time) because Leora's either in the shower or in the GR flashing her fanny it's got to the point I have an alarm set now to remind me to get out. Now her apartment is 7 hours in front, the problem of being late leaving are possibly even greater.
  10. This is a reminder for all UK Leora fans when put the clocks back 1 hour GMT, to-night, this will put her apartment 7 hours in front instead of the present 6 hours. I apologise to those from other countries that mess about with the time, I can only speak for the UK
  11. No bating session today unless she has a sneaky one in the shower, Paul's home. This could be a serious concern for all, including Leora, has Paul managed to swing it so he can work from home so many day's a week, the reason being I heard him talking while on his PC this morning.
  12. That's it jimbo4, say it as it is, I agree she is a free spirit and a very clever young lady, what you see is what you get and won't change for any one, we all know what those who don't agree can do. As for being manipulated she is definitely not, but as for manipulation she's very good at that, you've just got to look at how many of us hang on every breath she take's day or night
  13. I could be wrong, but it looks like she's away for the night, all I can say is, Leora enjoy
  14. Thank you, Leora's fanny is amazing, but the what else would you expect of a Goddess
  15. They are just two twenty something girls having fun, mask or no mask they are enjoying themselves
  16. I see Leora and Paul in bed and Paul's being his usual ignorant self he's got his back to Leora blocking he view of the PC. I don't care how long they've been together, he has got to get to grips with the fact he is lucky, he live's with a Goddess, and should be treated as one, but there again that's Paul for you
  17. Crazy, I went past that point years ago when they were in the old apartment
  18. Leora should go over to Barcelona and show those girls how really move
  19. Just what I've been thinking, although it's good to see leora enjoying herself
  20. Mr Happy is home with more supplies, and in case anyone has not noticed Leora and her friend have been friends for a good many years
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