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Everything posted by havingablast

  1. Both girls on the couch and Kristy has her left ear right on Kami's pussy. :yeahbaby:
  2. Rockinvidde, get with the plot. We ALL KNOW these girls are raging lesbians so it wasn't a guy at all that she paid for sex, it was Nora in disguise coming back to Russia to get laid by the girls. :doh:
  3. Frankster, you are normally pretty reasonable with your observations mate but there is a huge difference between someone kissing and seeming to be kissing.
  4. Hey wanker, you don't have a single ounce of credibility to start with. Your imaginary " reliable source " is just a voice you hear in your vacant head. You weren't watching, we all know that because you haven't saved up enough soup kitchen vouchers to buy a membership. You are always banging on about just about every girl on RLC collecting money for "something" which is just another thing that outs you as dfcrap. You are a fucking pathetic specimen and you should seriously go and get some help.
  5. You know what Mike, I think you are right about this. That friggin annoying dfcrap used to address people as "sir" a lot and now this harley faggot boy is doing the same thing -----
  6. Yep, you need help. For some reason you see me as hating you. That is strange because I offered you my sympathy, not hate. To prove it, all you have to do is PM me your bank account details and I will [ totally out of the goodness of my heart ] forward you the funds to fill your next order of prozac --- but ---- promise me you won't take the prozac and viagra at the same time ok.
  7. I don't think I have read a bigger load of pathetic fucking dribble in all my life. I sincerely hope that you get the help you truly need.
  8. Got just the solution for you Harley, grow up, lose some weight and don't let the door smack you in the arse as you sign out of CC permanently ---
  9. I guess to those who can't afford it, and they seem to always be the ones to bleat about the price or demand more free cams, it might be a significant amount but over here in this country it equates ( after USD conversion ) to about 2 packets of cigarettes and that to me is a pittance ---- Bottom feeders will always suck scum and trolls will always troll.
  10. They are masochists. :bang head: It was through camcaps that I found both VV and RLC. I tried both sites. I keep watching RLC and check up on VV through here because I can't even be bothered opening the free cams on VV anymore. What would it take for me to even bother watching VV again? Ok, change the apartments, fit quality cameras, get some participants that aren't scripted pseudo porn actors and most importantly get rid of the jerks that run the site. They are clueless, illiterate, prepubescent wankers at the best.
  11. Hey Harley, you really need to simmer down a little and consider that sometimes others might just be right and not just because you say they say so. I get the feeling from your user name Harley, that the kids at school tease you because you are fat and really you need to take it on the chin and shrug it all off because when you grow up all the angst you are showing here will haunt if you can't get away from it before puberty.
  12. Exactly !!! I think the main cause of the misconceptions is that most of those people who "see" and "know" things have such a death grip on their cocks that their eyes glaze over from lack of blood.
  13. Pretty simple solution really, stop paying, don't watch and find a site that suits you better. Don't really know why I bothered wearing my keyboard out with this post. There are none so blind a those who won't see.
  14. Did either of you stop and think for one second? Perhaps it is due to some people actually liking to have pets in their everyday life -----
  15. Barry, you hit the nail right on the head there.
  16. and now butch is trying to rub one out in the bedroom, sort of gross to watch though ---
  17. I don't think she is packing. Her and Layla have been turning the place inside out for the last 10 minutes that I have been logged in. I think she has lost something important.
  18. I think they need to put revolving doors on those apartments, too many people coming and going and 50% of them are total waste of space. The jerks who run the site spend too much time on twitter trying to market the place when in reality they are still just turning over shit in a pigsty. I used to pay for that site but for the same money RLC offers better boredom from more apartments. :lmao: I don't even wear my mouse out by clicking on the free cams anymore at VV.
  19. So dfCrap, which ones out of the 81 cameras that you pay to watch do you think are crap? I certainly don't see all of their cameras as crap, in fact the vast majority are of good quality.
  20. I hope that you were around to see your fantasy come true ----- :)
  21. She plugged in her ear piece, licked her fingers and started a good rub. She then very purposefully threw the blanket to one side and then removed her knickers and rubbed one out. No hiding anything and it didn't take her long to cum. :D
  22. Finally we know what she does inside her knickers and under the blanket when she isn't wearing knickers and she isn't under the blanket. I think she has been working up the courage to let loose for a while now. :clap:
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