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Everything posted by ooopel

  1. oh, i would to say before i go there is no walls or limits or obstacles for dream ,just dream for better and will be so..
  2. Just In how are you my dear, may been long time no see you around, if still have that money maybe you could give it to me, no girl had a chance with Jeff like me except Violet!!that make me the winner in this..😋
  3.  {:heart: For a very special someone :heart: }

    1. Amy3


      Thank you my dear ooooel! You're amazing beyond all imagination. That is adorable! 💖🦋💖🦋💖

    2. ooopel


      Oyyee, my Amy, always i need to hear that voice of happiness is cover your feelings,really i'm happy to get ability to make you smile again,always smile my dear! this life is need you to shine on this world:heart::heart: 

  4. oh,i wait to listen to that jokes!!just not say anything about two guys Grisha and Jeff of violet, these guys are mine!!if any girl try to stealing them from me!! i will biting her 😋
  5. oh , my little dove , you sorry for who??!! and to who ??!!you doesn't owe to be sorry for her, she it just don't like a sound of that a black thoughts.and hope you get finishing off so quickly from put your head under water.. love you always
  6. oh, come on,my dear @Amy3 every word in this song,my heart in this moment are singing and saying to you..
  7. what are happened again with my angel?!!this isn't poem for Amy3 this is a poem to if there somebody going to will be Dracula. somebody has an the hating to himself at first and second and last
  8. Lol Oy, that's one of reasons why i wish have an baby like you! ash dear,need a girl had an excitement, jump ,play everywhere!!have don't mind if she i torturing me a little bit with her!! Lv u too..
  9. in visions. !!!
    All life revolves. !!
    One them in this encounter. !!
    my desire was a very greedy,
    To get on him as much as i can..!!
    As far as my eyes could steal from the mouth of the time. !!
    it was my fault forever..!!
    Oh, was shouldn't listen to me..!!
    he went to where can't see him only from my soul,
    still come in  my dreams,i seen him around the stars. !!
    i knew  that the sound of adoring, longing,
    Who made him come under the cover of destiny. !!
    oh ,i thought we could steal a time,
    of the hand of fate. !!
    Oh, so stupidly. !!
    Or so weirdly,i guessed !!
    it nobody can steal thing of hand of fate..!!
    Until now, no one can discover a size of ache .!!
    till far without my will,those tears come down.!!
    Between these two views. !!
    Spin all me life..!!
    Signature:ooopel { :heart:for that day of memoirs me with my angel :heart: }

    1. ipiratemedia


      Love has no boundaries. No barriers. No control, of who one loves. So why stop the one thing that creates happiness. Only the need to feel whole again, It searches for its better half Until the end of its time. A moving video, that's for sure. 01.gif.624da44a74a6bc7e31e9c0ee98365cdd.gif

    2. ooopel


      Thank so much @ipiratemedia,for this a delicate touch of roses petals,you are probably know how much to added your an a charismatic words to my heart,she it is like an glitter of the pearl for myself,it always as adding up the missing meanings to my the humble words .. 
       there's no boundaries for love as like no limits for that person to make an joy in all places it's you..Joey :heart::heart:

    3. Amy3


      Love, my dear ooopel! Is that all it takes? To love and be loved. Can it be that simple? A deep breath and a stare into the cold air. I can see a flame and I am drawn to it. I love you ooopel! ♥️

  10. Oyee,my dear ash,do you know what i wish!!? if i hope something impossible to me, it's too late for that!! i would if have me a baby and i will naming on her @ashleyxyzas your name, that maybe can make you knowing how much love and appreciation in my heart to you.. cheers to you girl
  11. hello dear ash, a very happy new year! don't let any thing take you down you have a heart of women! and it's stronger than every thing in this world we are blessing in this world,we are the reason why existence to this world and the reason why it is going on so far.. wish you in the beginning of this year all happiness the world have for you ..
  12. you make me speechless with this picture but i can give you always this one..
  13. oh hiii ,really do you liked it!!?oh darling, it's some of you have,you always be source of my inspiration.
  14. in the way of love i walk.!!                 
    on wings of longing may i fly..!! 
    among of words of love..!!
    light up my letters..!!
    between the stars,
     my feelings are dancing!!
    for me, since a time,
    the moon didn't smile like this so..!!

    what's happens with me?!!                                            
    that arrogant heart,
    became a crying from love..!!         
     an butterflies of love,
     i heared them when invites me..!!
    i  were a crying of joy ..!!
    she no longer scared among your lap..!!
    she not feel again to pain..!! 
    my soul around the stars 
    on sound of love,
     my feelings are walking ..!!
    Signature :ooopel {:heart: to someone :heart:}

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Amy3


      Good night ooopel and you too Joey! ❤️

    3. ooopel


      oh @Amy3, yes it happens with someone !! no ask i wouldn't tell you that someone has a heart coming from paradise..and i have more trustfully always i hear butterfly is singing from her heart..:heart::heart:

    4. ooopel


       good night and sweet dreams my angel ..:heart::heart:

  15. Oyee, this song stole my heart away, it make me touch a sky in blink eye ..
  16. wish have best Merry Christmas you and i hope have you a best wishes in next year my angel..💋❤
  17. Oy my goddess ,this heart which you have it made of heaven! even if some people don't yet realize that!! it he always lead you to get step back and make review to some events and chose to make apology!!and chose to make up a new page in next year!!Not all people can do what you did,it just ignoring anger, selfishness, vanity and narcissism isn't an easy way, and there is no way to learn how to do it! unless if you have a heart as Amy❤ heart,put your story with James and VHTV aside, I'm talking about when you ask up a forgiveness of friends here! it great thing !you always can give me a lessons of your comments! still you as my teacher! always i learn from you and this your comment one of them !! Perhaps i will keep it with me as an epic words if i lived till the next year, she not feel ashamed here if give you a kiss lasts forever !!💋❤❤
  18. i always! come late to send my best wishes!! Merry Christmas to all you ..
  19. this is an interior issue!!( between a twitter guy and VHtv)!! well, if there people! the English tongue isn't the first tongue they have!! they have no interesting to entering into it ! like me..
  20. still i wait for you..!!
     would stay no matter how long is..!!
     no fears or disappointed will hit upon me..!! 
    i will see you in every sunrise..!!
     and i waiting you in every moon appearance..!!
    1000 years or less or more..!!
    when you come,
    oh,my beloved you will finding me,
    i still for you i wait..!!
    Signatureooopel  {:heart: Merry Christmas my angel :heart: }

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ooopel


      oh hiii uuuuu,my dear Amy, my a silver butterfly,hello 1000 time,please forgive me i have bad connection , still cut me off..!! hate it a much i meant the connection ! miss you too much !! are you liked it?!! would hope don't bring any tears in your dear eyes we in  an ambiance of Christmas !!and a live in Christmas if there any gift's and some of kisses.:heart::heart:

    3. Amy3


      Just please delete the "d"! Indeed, I love you in the best way possible! ❤️

    4. ooopel


      catch you! the d it's show your place in heart of someone! oh dear !you notes my heart is saying! Lv ❤️u too!! wasn't me that who which say!!::)

  21. ohaa,i have liquid moody!! i feel like a cat!me woo!
  22. Oy hey you!! no touching,no harassing !!i have claws,even in your dream!! you can't getting of me!! that's clear,now we can go !! Come on .. !! i am waiting for you ..!! Make me dance ..! take me to high!! up or down, on you..!! thirsty my body, to that fire, for that desire ..!! Come on, bite me .. Or you can kiss me ..!! i will be for you as you like!!so do your duty as i like..!! Oh,my moody is wet !!i can't wait more for a little guest !! oh love !! be quicker!!i'm are waiting for you..!! Signature:ooopel{}
  23. indeed, can't judges about which has better voice!! there is one reason of that i can't recognize the squirrels tongue even manually!!!yep that's so embarrassing!!master of squirrels!!
  24. oh, shut the front door!!if all squirrels sing like this squirrel!! late Elvis and other singers!! for sure they don't can didn't finds a work to do!!
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