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Everything posted by sr71gn

  1. Camera #15 downstairs bathroom has been eliminated --very fucking aggravating
  2. Damn! who is the girl in the black under ware--The girl in the blue shorts took them off and now has a white Tshirt over her under ware--both these girls are real hotties!
  3. Hard to believe Lyla batted a zero in three attempts --cant say she didnt lay her pussy out to them...When she dances she puts her entire body and soul into it down to even pantomining the song---I think her super sensitivity carries into her pussy and makes her a nymph and that is why she tries to fuck every guy she sees
  4. 2 months ago he wore himself out tearing her pussy up
  5. Who is the girl in the blue shorts
  6. Who is this guy and is Lyla actually fucking him in this picture?
  7. Scott needs a couple more cameras pointed outward from the house in the back yard and pool area
  8. Lyla stops to hug the turd while she is going out to the pool to try and fuck the new guy
  9. This guy has been stalking Lyla the entire day --following her and staring at her since very early --He even stood over her and the turd when they were fooling around under the blanket just staring at her--Now here he is finally talking to her at the table and she is naked under the blanket she has wrapped around her--He probably heard she fucks every guy she comes in contact with--She had already taken off her panties when she was trying to fuck the turd on the couch--she hung them beside the yellow towel on the rack in the bathroom
  10. Stephie- first time I ever saw her really go after Scott's body - she normally does everything to discourage him--This time she was hugging and kissing on him and went into the bathroom and washed her pussy then went back into bedroom and got under covers naked -- I was using the rape term as a joke--He fucked her a long time and it looked and sounded like she got off in the endrrrrrr
  11. She dont need that turd who is trying to fuck her every time he gets near her
  12. Where are these incidents --what two guys-- on July 3rd?
  13. Is this girl Stephie's sister? name?
  14. Terrible terrible camera placement anyway -- only a moron would have a robot dick and no cameras to see it going in her pussy.....
  15. Talk about died and went to heaven! Having her sweet ass draped all over you...
  16. I see what he said now but I hardly believe it--What in the hell is she thinking? How old is Stephie?
  17. I get the impression Stephie is flirting with the Turd that is always fucking Lyla --He follows her all over and really wants to get in her pants
  18. She is back in the house-Are these two fucking again?
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