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Everything posted by Daleys

  1. I actually have a RLC account for your info otherwise i wouldn't be saying this. I also don't need to pay for CC premium when i can see it for myself live and from replay.
  2. RLC needs to stop all this undercover sex from guests and tenants and also this sex in the dark. RLC is meant to be real life and yet all we see is this constant hiding under the blankets when having sex or having sex in the dark. Most couples don't have sex untill the lights go off.
  3. She definitely need to go her bedroom is empty more than her sleeping in it. It's more a showroom when she isn't there as all we see is an empty bed for weeks on end.
  4. I love the fact how they fuck with the lights on recently they are fucking now again with the lights on. I wish everyone would fuck with the lights on theirs nothing worse than this nightvision sex.
  5. It's also called Real Life so we shouldn't be seeing any under cover sex or anything
  6. I really don't know what's with this undercover sex bullshit from Stella and Leo.
  7. For the last few nights the night vision on the bedroom cams aren't working all you see is complete darkness.
  8. That was amazing bj in the kitchen close up and lights on everything hot and amazing.
  9. It's all fine that she took him back but i would prefer they invited their friends round more often and more parties. The apartment was boring when they would go weeks without sex so if they want to have a go of it this time they have to make more of an effort. this time round.
  10. Why can't they lock the doors the sex was really getting interesting.
  11. Can everyone try and keep track of what time and room these things happen in so we all can try and find it easily from replay without trying to find a needle in a haystack with all the stuff that is going on it is really hard to find.
  12. Marat is cheating on Ulyana he has a girl round and she is giving him a blowjob
  13. It's removed again i was getting an error of no cameras been found.
  14. I find it so hilarious how everyone is interested in rape it's the one thing everyone seems to be talking about lately i didn't see any rape occur. Perhaps everyone does watch rape porn that they don't know the difference between what rape is and what is not rape. It's absolutely disgusting that these accusions are going around for no apparent reason. I wish everyone would stop talking about rape.
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