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Everything posted by Daleys

  1. Camera 8 is changed and looks like a new camera seems to be not streaming very well not sure what was wrong with the other camera but this is worse now than the other camera.
  2. Changes has been made to camera 7 now the new angle is complete shit.
  3. The kitchen can't carry anymore guests. This apartment is way to small for this couple.
  4. If you watched something live it won't appear in replay for at least 10 minutes or so it won't go any further.until it has appeared.
  5. There's no room for any parties or guests to sleep over or any living room.
  6. I didn't mean no singles was allowed Jenn Frank Stella and Leo are named on this apartment i don't see Mila name named on the Couple on vacation apartment. To say that Frank should be kicked out of the apartment is not on i don't want to see girls from the GIRLS APARTMENT here the same as thousands of members here disgust at the sight of men arriving in B1 B2 AND B4. Now if the girls are allowed here and you guys don't have any issues with it then the same for any guys that step foot in the girls apartment should be allowed i'm sick and tired of this constant bullshit at who and who cannot be allowed at these apartments. So if members here are going to keep on arguing when guys show up at the girls apartments then i don't see why girls have got the right to come to the couple on vacation apartment without any issues. Men are in this world so i suggest everyone deal with it and stop this constant disgust whenever they appear on cam.
  7. Mila shouldn't be there anyway too much girls apartment involvement in these apartments. It's Couple on vacation not a girls apartment,
  8. Your account with RLC will be banned in no time you can clearly see you account info.
  9. Emily doesn't do anything she needs to go ASAP and sick and tired of these roommate apartments where nothing happens when it comes to sex with guys. They have so many around that come and go like they own the place Glasha and Sonia never left and are there more than when their names where on the apartment. The apartment might as well be another Girls apartment and the 2 roommate apartments should be called B5 and B6 and moved down to that Category. Sex only occurs once in a blue moon with the girls apartments just like these so this apartment just like the other one is just another girls apartment. The sex was great last night but we will be back to this under cover bullshit again and boring.
  10. We should all contact RLC and get them to get them an apartment.
  11. Places for us to not see any sex or whatever the usual bullshit.
  12. You could try emailing RLC about it and see what they say.
  13. He has been at Nelly and Bogdan apartment on a few occassions.
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