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Everything posted by Daleys

  1. You know what needs to be done we all need to email RLC and get them to get rid of all 3 otherwise nothing will be done about it.
  2. Camera 4 gets really steamed up and is impossible to see anything when they shower. RLC should try and address this.
  3. The other young couple was much better and their sex was more interesting to watch. This couple look to have sex once in a blue moon.
  4. Let's hope all three go i'm sick of this constant under covers bullshit and not enough sex in this place. Don't get me started on the constant vacations that occurs.
  5. I have but when i click on the link it doesn't direct me if i had the full link i could copy it and paste it as Camcaps isn't allowing me,
  6. I would have preferred if he came all over her body or face.
  7. Samantha and her BF left 15 mins ago you can guess what their getting up to most likely at his place where he is banging the shit out of her.
  8. So no sex on their first night a bit of a disappointment.
  9. The couple is alright but they have a lot of arguments. I would have preferred that other young couple that used to fuck a lot they looked more wild and adventuress. I can't see this couple lasting.
  10. Guest Couple looks to be round Camera 1 is very bad and lagging.
  11. How long was it on backup. Anabel and Efim apt last year lasted a good hour.
  12. If light was seen from the next apartment then it's RLC as this power outage is going on since it reopened if RLC has put the apartment under maintenance in lightning speed time then i doubt there is anything wrong with the apartment as if their was RLC would have it fixed years ago to keep the girls safe and not risk anything going wrong.
  13. So there is a shower in the restroom one of the guys took one the guy with Alana. It's one thing not showing the toilet but if that shower is going to get used at least they should have installed a camera in there.
  14. They can be sometimes slow to respond but lately they are getting worse.
  15. A guy just pissed all over the floor in Samantha room he is absolutely wasted. I really would hate to be his girlfriend and have to deal with that 24/7
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