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Everything posted by Daleys

  1. Hopefully they will restore the sound and camera angles to what they were originally.
  2. Just kissing not sure what the arguing is about.
  3. I noticed they never added nightvision to the restroom camera i'm ok with no sound but like before a couple had sex in the dark.
  4. The usual bullshit of undercover sex and nightvision sex. Nothing's gonna change in this apartment.
  5. I wish they would be as fast to contact or correct cameras that get tampered or covered with by the guests i'm sure they could just disable the camera in question for a minute to reallign to the normal view.
  6. The phone call was of the loss of her family member not RLC ringing her.
  7. No reply yet looks like they wont be replying.
  8. Has anyone noticed that when the cameras are in nightvision a bright light comes on check the balcony camera and you can see the light of the camera
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