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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. That's quite a bit of calories for anyone normally except perhaps an athlete or someone who burns off much of what they consume. I'll speculate that she has a metabolism that does not necessarily need alot of calories to be able to convert some of what she does consume to there being more of her. Her and her roommate have been noticed eating more fruits and salads recently. She had been trying to exercise daily around the time when she came down with a cold that took her two weeks or longer to get mostly past. I think she still looks good, but it would be in her best interest to get back to trying to exercise daily more or go to some fitness center and start working out.
  2. Pretty much. It certainly doesn't make alot of sense for anyone to do so. Unless of course it's perhaps someone who likes disappointment enough that they are willing to pay for it.
  3. And to think that there are those who claim to believe or think that some or any of what gets mentioned in this forum has little to no affect on what or how any of the participants of the project may feel or react in some ways at some times is imo just the opposite at times. Not that it has something to do with what she has decided to wear there now, because over time she did get to a point of realization that there would probably always be those that project negativity no matter what, and learned to ignor certain amounts of it, but it's still likely that some of them do not always ignor all of any of it.
  4. Oh wow ! Well what do ya know...someone has already returned to the apartment. 😉
  5. I forgot to speculate the possibility that one, if not the both of them, could have already returned to the apartment. 🙂
  6. Lol. It should be considered speculation in it's purest form. To actually elaborate much further on their actual whereabouts or activities, would imo be considered more of being that of pointless conjecture if not supported by any certain knowledge that could be related to any proof there otherwise.
  7. Bf's perhaps, gf's perhaps, working somewhere perhaps, or perhaps they may have met up and are doing some browsing along with maybe some shopping before they return. That should about cover my speculations concerning them for the day.
  8. I don't want to insult anyone, including you. Imo, you insult yourself by continuing to mention the same ole subject matter continuously day after day. It really is quite ridiculous. If you don't think or realize by now that others of this forum know how you feel or what you think about certain issues of subject matter that you have continued alluding to or referring to for as long as you have, I don't think there may be anything anyone could mention that would make you think or realize otherwise.
  9. Constantly referring to the same subject matter over and over for days that turned into weeks, weeks that turned into months, and is now at a point of certainly being over a year, regardless of rearrangment of some of the words used in doing so, is quite likely considered spamming by a majority in a forum setting. Especially when the subject matter or narrative is related to that of a negative nature. Mentioning some matter of similarity or the same ever so often is certainly one thing, but mentioning a matter of similiarity or the same all the time, is certainly quite another. Especially and perhaps even more so, if the matter is that of a negative nature.
  10. Call it what you want Rob, but I'll call out anyone for such repeated foolishness and nonsense that are at it over and over whenever I notice it occurring. As long as he's been doing it yet continuing to pay for it, it's ridiculous.
  11. If you think that someone that continues to pay for something that they have continuously complained about day after day, and week after week, for more than a year, and who's complaints have basically been the same or very nearly related in subject matter, shows some certain higher level of intelligence that may eventually have some positive effect or reaction that would coincide more with your personal views or opinions on such matters, it would certainly not be unwise to think otherwise. To the contrary, it actually seems pretty foolish for anyone to do such a thing. If you are so unhappy and unsatisfied with what you have been paying for as long as you have, it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever for anyone, including you, to continue paying for something that they seem so obviously unhappy or unsatisfied with as long as you have, and to then complain about substantial portions of, and sometimes even much more of what you have been paying for. So imo, what you have been constantly and consistantly alluding to which has been basically related to the same ole subject matter you have been complaining about, yet you continue to pay for, so I consider that same ole rhetoric from you to be garbage, and actually quite foolish on your part. To make a long explanation short, if you don't like something, don't continue to pay for it nearly as long, and then continue complaining about it, because it's your own foolishness that projects a certain level of ignorance as well.
  12. Actually, although there have been times when they did do otherwise, there have also been some times when one or the other of the two had been away from the apartment for overnight or some of the even longer extended times away, and after returning to the apartment, and shortly after some washing up some or even quickly showering off, were noticed to have went to bed not long after, although there were also a few times when one or the other would eat something before they did as well. So what has occurred as far as that goes, has been different at different times with the both of them.
  13. Perhaps some may view such comparisons as they may be doing such things alot like her. Seems that I recall that being mentioned on more than one occasion previously. Regardless of which way such a comparison may be viewed, I like to believe that some may be interested in other parts of people's lives whenever they may be at their respective apartments, besides those parts as well.
  14. I didn't consider that I was defending them or anyone nc2. Was just pointing out that from my point of view, my opinion is that they are certainly different people and do things differently. Never mentioned that at times perhaps some occasions have seemed somewhat similar, but regardless, they are still different people who have become involved in somewhat different situations at times. Also, I have been checking out some of the other participants more often lately than I used to, as well as what's been being mentioned concerning some of them in some of their related threads.
  15. I don't know if anyone has told HF or anyone else that the two go on dates every weekend with different men or not. I'm not sure that anything of the like has been mentioned before although quite possibly, but, like 99.9% of all other comments that gets posted in this forum, it is only unproven and unsubstantiated conjecture and speculation of those that mention such innuendo. Also, I for one, do not agree that they have become similar to those of the other residences of the project, because in all actuality and reality, they are quite uniquely different people with different lives in a completely different location.
  16. I agree, and sometimes it has seemed that she has done either one or the other when she has returned after being away from the apartment for what seemed like somewhat of an extended period of time. It's why I mentioned earlier that a possibilty of her doing both, (working somewhere at times, and visiting a friend or friends at others) is probably a fairly good possibilty, just as it is with her friend Leora because of some of the same reasons.
  17. That's very possible and could have very well been where she may have went. I had mentioned in my previous comments that a possibility of her also having a friend or some other friends that she may visit fairly often is a good likelyhood, such as is with her friend Leora. Also, in some places, and probably especially around bigger cities, there are positions of employment that are offered for nightshift positions that many people who would rather work days do not respond to. So that is something else that should perhaps be considered as well.
  18. I do believe that L&M may actually work somewhere else on a part time basis of 20 hours a week or more. Such as perhaps maybe only 20 or 24 hours a week some weeks, and perhaps more other weeks. I also believe that most of the other participants do not work when they are away from the apartments, and are probably rather just doing other things instead.
  19. It hasn't. Her name is still next to Leora's in the participants listings. Perhaps what was being alluded to is that she left the apartment again last night and has not returned yet. So lately, she has spent much more time away from the apartment, than at the apartment. But, that has been what has been occurring with her around the weekends for awhile now. Obviously either she has a friend or friends she visits and spends time with and perhaps even stays overnight with sometimes, or she works somewhere, or perhaps even both. If I was gonna place a wager on the matter, I would think both is more likely.
  20. If the possibilty of the guy having a relative or relatives there is true as was mentioned previously, he may visit and stay with whoever they may be at times, and Leora & Malia at other times as well, perhaps to split his time of staying with one or the other, so as to not seem or feel that he may be imposing on anyone more than would be felt comfortable about.
  21. I thought at the time that perhaps she should have thought better of it considering how long she seemed to have some of the cold symptoms that she had been dealing with. But, she is a grown woman of 29 years old though afterall. Plenty old enough that she should know and realize what's best for herself.
  22. Apparently, the lovely Leora may be making up for some lost time of being somewhat under the weather and not completely well for the last couple of weeks and therefore not feeling up to any overnight ventures away from the apartment. I hope she has continued to get back to being completely well again and her choice to again spend as much time away does not have any detrimental effects on her wellness. I had noticed that she chose to smoke more shisha just the other day when she still seemed to have an occasional persistant cough that was likely from the cold she had for awhile previously.
  23. I don't recall noticing when any of them left or returned at the time. After noticing he had showed up there the last time, I stopped paying much attention to that apartment for a while, and started trying to concentrate on some other things I needed to try to get done.
  24. Something tells me you are probably right about that HF. I've actually thought the same thing myself. Where they are originally from to where they are there now is around 9 hours travel time. He was there last just last week so I can't see that he is traveling back and forth that often, not to mention but direct flights between the two countries have not yet been resumed due to some of the travel restrictions imposed because of the virus. Also, it had been mentioned that he likely has other relatives that live there, so if true, the likelyhood of him spending a substantial amount of time there is fairly good, and very possibly could even live there on a part time basis at times himself.
  25. I see that Leora & Malia's occasional overnight staying friend has returned again already. Apparently it wasn't very long at all between visits this time. It somewhat makes sense now why after Malia had returned from her time away for over 24 hours, when she went to her room and began some sensual personal play, she abruptly stopped after what was somewhat of a short period of time, got up and got dressed and left again fairly quickly. She apparently thought she would be there alone for awhile, but then got some message that their wayward friend would soon be returning, so perhaps she went to do some quick shopping.
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