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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Perhaps the topic listing of this thread should include in the parenthesis (narrarated by our community feline friend pulo filipe). πŸ™‚
  2. Jeesh, I may even be somewhat gifted with some of that esp stuff. 🀯 I could have sworn I heard jimbo say "you're welcome jugg". 😳 πŸ€ͺ
  3. Or he could possibly be psychic and possess a sixth sense of esp. πŸ˜‰
  4. The dreaded visit from a dreaded aunty that is certainly not aunty Em', but rather an aunty who could be considered as bad as 'The Wicked Witch of the East'. Perhaps someone should try to contact 'Glinda...The Good Witch of the North' to arrange that maybe a house falls on the dreaded aunty before her next arrival there. 😏
  5. If by chance any of the subject matter does get noticed, as far as your last line goes, I hope she doesn't. I hope she just shruggs her shoulders and realizes how much enjoyment she had from the occasions, not to mention, but how much enjoyment was received by others as well from her being as generous of a person as she has been, let alone a quite attractive woman at that. πŸ™‚
  6. Your welcome. Should I wake you at any specific time ? πŸ“£ Lol πŸ™‚
  7. Well, that seems to have broken it down pretty extensively jimbo my friend. Perhaps a possibilty could exist of being that if realized by the individual themself, of taking into some consideration that perhaps such occasions may should have not been occurring as often, that realization could have made somewhat of a difference in determining that individual's thoughts or considerations on perhaps how often may have been considered more reasonable or appropriate for such occasions to actually occur. Of course this is all only speculation and some of, or all of which could be wrong, but whether it is or not, the matter would likely certainly give the individual something to ponder on and consider, if in fact any of the related commentary of this subject matter does get noticed and read by the individual. If such a possible scenario actually occurred, it would not be considered completely unbelievable for anyone to think that by noticing and reading such subject matter, that it could actually have some impact on whether or not such of any realizations had ever been being taken into consideration by the individual themself or not. If so, it would not be completely unbelievable to think that such a realization, may or could, have an impact on that individuals considerations of any further of those types of occasions in the future. Of course there is also a possibilty that perhaps nothing more than time itself in relation to age and perhaps maybe even in combination with somewhat of a realization or idea of how often such occasions were occurring, could have been some contributing factors to such decisions by the individual themself.
  8. Appears that Holly and Megan have just about spent the weekend at B1.
  9. I didn't happen to notice what may have been in or removed from the shopping bag, just that she returned with one. I agree, that she likely returned for no other reason other than she simply wanted to. The thought has crossed my mind on numerous occasions for awhile now...that I certainly hope that she simply ignors or disregards some of what gets mentioned in the threads of this forum. She should imo.
  10. It's not just in any legitimate American history books, it is in other countries that have legitimate and truthful history books as well. But you keep on believing the nonsense you obviously believe and I'll keep on believing what is factual and has been proven factual many times over concerning history.
  11. That shit came right from the damn Wuhan virology lab. There's two Chinese virologists that both studied and conducted research on it before the CCP insured that it was released upon the world. One of the two virologists has studied and researced covid19 more than anyone else and both of them defected from China and escaped with their lives after expressing some of what they observed that was occurring at that damn Wuhan virology lab. Both were given santuary in the U.S. and are having to live undercover for the most part. The CCP insured that it was released upon the world knowing how contagious it is because they knew it would spread to other countries all over the world including the U.S., and they very likely did it because of the billions of dollars in tarriffs they are forfeiting and because they knew there was a presidential election in the U.S. this year.
  12. You certainly got that shit right Max. It's no wonder this world has so many problems going on so many places with so many uneducated idiots everywhere.
  13. Sorry to disappoint you but you are full of it. Russia and Germany were allies from 1939 until 1941 by an agreement known as the Molotov-Ribentrop pact until the lunatic Hitler decided to betray the pact have the german army attack Russia. Russia was then caught completely by surprise and was getting their asses handed to them by being over-run and slaughtered until two main things happened. 1) The lunatic Hitler made a strategic mistake of ordering the german forces there in Russia at the time to advance towards Stalingrad rather than taking Moscow while they had the opportunity to by being very close and within striking distance and with enough time before winter had completely set in around mid-november 1942, which had also stretched the german logistical forces or supply line way too thin, and 2) The U.S. decided to start supplying Russia. As far as the end of the European theatre of WWII went, the U.S. army under General Patton was odered to slow their advance on Berlin to allow the Red Army to arrive and enter the city first from the east. The U.S. army entered Berlin from the west. If it wasn't for the U.S. agreeing on Russia being an allie after they started out as an allie of Germany from 1939 until 1941 under the Molotov-Ribentrop pact, and furthermore and most importantly if it wasn't for the U.S. deciding to supply the Russians after Hitler betrayed the Russians and attacked the ill prepared and ill supplied russian defenses and drove them all the way back to being within reach of being able to take Moscow, Russia would have had a very hard time of not being compIetely over run and conquered by the German army. So it might actually benefit you to read some actual legitimate and genuinely factual and truthful history books rather than some obvious liberal minded fantasy land bullshit that you evidently have been reading instead somewhere.
  14. I do not disagree with you as far as whether or not any of the project participants do read some of the comments that gets posted in some of the various threads of the forum that are related to them. I'm about 99.9% certain they do. Considering the fair sized shopping bag she returned with, I just do not believe that reading any comments may have been what prompted her to return as soon as she did.
  15. Think about it like this e...hypothetically...if you were her...and you were away from the apartment and read any comments that perhaps leaned more towards being of a negative nature than not...and had choices of other places to go...would you return to the apartment as soon ? She has been known to dress up and get all spiffed up for nothing more than to just go shopping, or even on rare occasion, for nothing more than just to do so. You know that.
  16. Surprise. πŸ™€ Now, can we take a break from some of the pessimism ? I hope so. πŸ™‚
  17. Perhaps she may be uncertain how things may end up turning out as far as if she has been becoming somewhat involved to some extent with some other guy. As I mentioned, most who have been around long enough, should have realized or knew what the site was meant to be when it started out. Offering others opportunities to actually be voyeurs, imo did not necessarily mean that there should always be expectations of site participants always being at their respective residences, or that there should always be expectations of observations of sexual situations. I also mentioned that any participant should be expected to spend at least a minimum amount of time in their respective residences. I don't believe that she has fallen below a threshold in either category imo.
  18. πŸ€” I will not deny that it would certainly be nice to have more opportunities to see her and I feel certain there are others who feel the same. Even though I am well aware that she is a participant of what is considered to be a business, I am also well aware of what the business started out as, and was supposed to have been, and to some extent, imo still may be. But I also take into consideration how much effort and time and commitment she has put into being a participant of such a business overall over time. Another thing I take into consideration, is the likelyhood that her involvement with who is believed to now be her ex bf, was more than likely the first ever relationship she was involved in during her life. That relationship involved a substantial portion of her life and quite likely limited her to what she was able to experience in that part of her life. So if she has met some other guy that she has been becoming further involved with, and is now able to experience other different things in her life that she finds interesting and enjoys, I can't blame or fault her for that. As far as what the project was started out as and meant to be, was to offer others that considered themselves to be voyeurs, chances of insights into the lives of other people at the places where they reside that had cams installed. It was never meant that those residents that are participants would always be at the residences all the time. But, having mentioned all that I have, I do feel that any of the residents should be expected to be at their respective residences no less than certain amounts of time as well, especially when considering that the residences are provided as well as cost of living compensations.
  19. I understand how you are feeling to an extent e. But in all actuality, they do live at the apartment. Also, since there was some lovin' expressed yesterday from the participant that happens to be a favorite of quite a few, quite possibly more for that participants fans than themself, I would have thought you would have been satisfied and content again, if no more than for the time being.
  20. I mentioned the issue a couple of times in the past about some of the participants being listed as on a vacation status using the vacation status airplane symbol, if any of them expected to be or realized or knew for certain that they may, or could, or would be away for at least two days. Evidently the project admin. was doing it as far as some participants were concerned, but not all of them every time. That would mean that any such participant would likely have to notify them ahead of time for them to be able to do that, and I don't think that has always been the case for all of the participants. I suppose it may not make alot of sense for any of the participants to feel they might should notify the admin. if they, themselves are not actually certain that they will be away for more than a day or not. But imo, any participant should notify the admin. if they are fairly certain that they very well could be away for two days or more, so that the admin. could list them as being on a vacation status using the airplane vacation status symbol. If they did so for any of them, and they happened to return earlier, it really would not be such a big deal imo.
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