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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. LMAO. In relation to such a crazy topic of 'Which girls fart the most on RLC', was quite hilarious when I noticed that someone had actually started such a topic in the forum. Was even just as hilarious noticing that someone had responded to such a topic with what appeared to be no more than a gif of Benny Hill thinking 'WTF'. 🤣
  2. Not hardly nc2. But that's one of the better things about them is that they do appear as being quite natural and there are no apparent signs such as any noticeable scarring that might reveal otherwise. Whoever did it for her, obviously did a really good job for her, and it was a definite addition to her attractiveness, although she really was an attractive young woman before then as well.
  3. Are you sure it's the same Howard CH...because word had it that he and Alladin were roommates until their seperation due to repeated mixxing up of their meds. and attempted escapes.
  4. Well, ok, if you say so mate. Although I'm not sure why anyone might find the slightest bit of interest in such ridiculous gibberish and nonsense.
  5. There was no question. But you are partly right, because such an insuation has seemed to have been pretty much answered in very nearly all of your posts in the various threads of this section of the forum, as well as others.
  6. It happens to be her life. That being the woman known as Leora, not yours Howard. Regardless of what she may be capable of, it is after all, her life. Yet you continue your beratement of nasty insulting comments in reference to her. You must be grumpier than a 20 year old billy goat or just plain damn mean as hell.
  7. Yes, she seemed to possess a talent in painting, but also in sketching or drawing, and creating other forms of artwork using various objects such as various types of decorative stick pins or decorative buttons, as well as creating various other objects like dolls or displays made from sewing using various colors of fabric and thread. As far as her dancing, although much of it did include some provocative moves or gestures, I was referring to how much of a good of dancer she obviously would be considered if she danced even without much of, or any provocative moves or gestures. There is no doubt that she is a giftedly talented woman.
  8. Some of the times she spent with the guy known as Paul and her pooch were undoubtedly interesting at times as well. Such as when they used to get down in the floor and throw one of the pooches toys or stuffed animals back and forth playing a game of keep away or try and get it with the pooch, as well as when she bathed her or groomed her at times as you mentioned.
  9. To name a few, I find how she seemed to be quite talented in arts and crafts to have been pretty interesting as well as fascinating at times. The same with how good of a dancer she seemed to be. All of which she doesn't seem to do near as often as she used to. Those kinds of observations are actually quite nice imo.
  10. Fact of the matter is, you seldomly, if at all ever seem to have anything nice to say relating to her Howard. Some criticisms of anyone may be justified sometimes but to continue to berate anyone all the time is certainly not considered to be that of any good thing. Perhaps it may be you that should perhaps wake up, because as I stated, her 'job' as some like to refer to it, is to live in an apartment provided by rlc, nothing more, nothing less. What she does, she does because she chooses to. Considering some of the other uninteresting examples of participants that rlc has recruited or brought back, chances are very likely that she could do nothing more than live at that apartment, and would still be wanted to be a participant of the project for as long as she wanted or chose to.
  11. Regardless of what whoevers opinions may be on such a matter Rob, the truth is that her job as far as being a participant of rlc goes, is to live in an apartment. Nothing more, nothing less. Of course she could be like some of the other women of the project that virtually never do anything that could be considered that of more significant interest unless they have a mate that may be wanting some. With exception to that Carla, all of the other women in the couples apartments are that way. Not to mention but, so are three out of the gov bunch. All of which are about as interesting as watching some paint dry. Yet rlc has kept close to half of them around for quite awhile and the rest they've continued to bring back. The woman known as Leora is, and has been far more interesting than others. Regardless of whether there may have ever been any possible concern of any longevity with the project or not, she does what she does because she chooses to and certainly not because she has to. There are certainly other things that she is quite talented at and capable of that she could do if she so chose, such as in arts and crafts or dancing, to mention a few, that would quite likely be as interesting, if not more, than seven of the other women of the project, three of whom have been kept on the project for quite a long while, while the other four were brought back. None of which is as interesting as her. But they all have one thing in common, and that is that their 'job' as so many seem to like to refer to it, when it is really more that of a responsibility, is to live in the apartments, nothing more, or nothing less. It is peculiarly perturbing that some visit the various threads of the various participants that seem to never have anything nice or decent to say about certain participants, and lots of times express crticisms instead, as if they, themselves are sanctimonious and preaching to some congregation, when if they really find so much fault in the participants of the project, than why are they even affiliated with such a project, or for that matter, why are they even affiliated with a site like this one.
  12. You must be really jealous of that woman for some reason Howard since you seem to never have anything nice to say about her at all, but rather always being very critical of her and wisecracking on her instead. Or is it perhaps just in your nature to be that way, and perhaps even more so towards her for some strange or odd reason ? Because you damn sure don't never seem to have anything decent to say where she may be concerned.
  13. I know what you mean. I've worked quite a few second and third shifts as well as some all nighters in my time as well, although I've mostly usually worked day shifts over the years. Was difficult to get used to things when switching time schedules and definitely difficult trying to rest or sleep during the day when used to doing so at night usually, and especially if around any daylight or really any light for that matter. But I couldn't stand anything covering my face or head either.
  14. Malia..Malia, my dear sweet Malia. I hope you are breathing and resting well with your head covered with pillows.
  15. Appears to be a beautiful full moon in the beautiful Leora's room tonight. 🙂
  16. This one is dedicated to the attractive women known as Leora & Malia: May they enjoy the sound of this classic while enjoying spending some of their time together.
  17. The bf part could very well be right, as for the other, that's not what's been being mentioned in certain circles and threads at times.
  18. I heard she was working at some clinic. Could perhaps be some animal clinic I suppose, but of course that is merely speculation on my part. 🙂
  19. You mean to say that you've never had any urge to give a good girl some good girl smacks or a good girl spanking for being a naughty good girl nc2 ? Lol
  20. Wouldn't be surprising if one of her favorite songs was the Nasty Girl song by Janet Jackson.
  21. I felt for her when she was hindered as long as she was with the injury to her leg. But evidently, it didn't seem to change her much, because as it has always seemed to be with her...getting attention anyway she can.
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