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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. The two friends have sometimes seemed to enjoy watching some music channels on the tv together. I recall some times when the lovely Leora used to occasionally enjoy watching music videos on a laptop she once had, and would even sometimes become aroused to a point of choosing to sensually satisfy herself while watching some of the music videos.
  2. In these trying times for many, when most of the worlds populations have been subjected to something as unfortunate as a highly contagious virus, it has been some welcomed and certainly nice observations to have noticed that an apparently longtime and close friendship relationship of two attractive young women known as Leora and Malia, has now endured through it all so far during three seasons of the year 2020. Those seasons being winter, spring, and summer of 2020, and they are now beginning their first fall season of living together as friends and roommates in 2020. It has seemed that they have a remarkably close friendship relationship, of which it is hoped will become even closer and endure always for the two friends.
  3. If you happen to dream tonight, hope you have nice dreams, and your tomorrow goes well for you Leora.
  4. If you happen to read this dear woman known as Leora, it was unfortunate to notice that while you had been seeming to enjoy yourself some during some time spent with your friend and roommate known as Malia once again for a change, that your time seemed to be interrupted by a call that seemed to upset you quite a bit. I hope you are alright and you continue to improve heaithwise and become completely well again sooner than later dear woman known as Leora.
  5. Well then somewhere along the way, the interpretation of the meaning of that rule has changed from the explanation I was given way back when some of the posts were being hidden or removed at times was occurring.
  6. I edited and added a few comments I should have included pertaining to the subject as well.
  7. I know what the rules are supposed to be. It is supposed to be interpreted as meaning directly related to and directed towards a cap. being posted, not someone elses comments multiple posts down the line. At one time in the past, posts were hidden or removed if not directed towards a cap., but towards someone elses comments in some response instead. I know first hand, because some of my posts were hidden or removed once upon a time in the past even though they were related to something about the most recent cap. at the time, but was directed at someone else's post comment that had been directed towards the cap. itself. The explanation I was given at the time, was because the vid. thread was created mainly for posting of cap. vid. links and comments directed towards them, but was not considered a regular chat thread because there were already other threads created for that. Perhaps someone should check with the mods to see if that interpretation of the meaning has changed.
  8. Well, after all, it is nice to dream of nice things, and really nice to dream of really nice things.
  9. Be so nice if the two friends ended up showing one another some special care and luv they have for one another sometimes that would prove quite a few concerning such matters undoubtedly wrong.
  10. I believe the genie who tired long ago of such attitudes and beliefs that he imprisoned you in his lamp, has once again slipped up and made another mistake of allowing you to escape from out of his lamp once again. I'm going to have to have a chit chat with that genie. I believe he may need to put forth more of an effort to keep you in his lamp.
  11. In consideration of how long it has been known of that the two have been friends, it has at times seemed somewhat unfortunate that the two friends have not chosen to become even closer in their relationship of friendship by regarding their relationship as also a benificial friends with special benefits relationship for one another more than they ever have thus far. It would be quite nice if such a decision was ever made by the two, let alone would make for some quite intriguing and interesting observations for them to share. Any noticed circumstances or situations of such would definitely be good for not only their popularity, but the sites popularity as well. It also would be nice to have more confidence that certain situations that have occurred there previously, were as meaningful to the both of the two friends, as they were meant to be.
  12. Interesting to notice that Holly and Megan are using a laser hair treatment device on one another. Will be curious to notice if they choose to do the same with some type of lotion or other moisturizer in the areas where the device was used and certainly would likely be quite interesting if they do.
  13. Just noticed Holly and Megan exercising in the living room while watching the tv. Like in the past, it sure does seem that Holly seems to get into whatever she may do, more so than most other project participants have ever seemed to. Not only an attractive young woman, but she has always seemed to be an energetic young woman as well.
  14. Seems now once again this thread listed as a vid. link thread for L&M is being used as a chat thread with posts being made more related to others comments rather than as much to caps., when there are other topic threads created for such matters, and if not, they could be created.
  15. Beautiful girls so cute so good...perhaps it would not hurt for them to be a little bad and naughty when it comes to showing one another some attention and affection as being close friends sometimes. 😉
  16. To be fair mv, a little earlier I had mentioned something about how it seemed that ones like Amira or Megan were ever involved in much of occasions of out the ordinaire or more significantly interesting occasions. But then surprisingly, Megan does something out of the ordinaire and was certainly more significantly interesting than mostly what had occurred previously. If she really wanted to overload the site servers, she and her friend Holly could certainly do so, not to mention likely have a good little extra something coming when they receive their living subsistence compensation.
  17. Of course that is your opinion of the matter, and everyone has their own opinions on anything. As far as that matter, mine happens to be not hardly. But I guess your opinion would be that of ones like Amira, or Milena, or Carla & Yanai, or Eliska & Pepik are improvements compared to Leora & Malia. Perhaps in your minds opinion, but very likely not in a majority of observers opinions.
  18. I suppose for those that don't mind observing two that usually did little more than look at something on their phones and talk, they will be satisfying. I felt that Holly was more interesting when she was associating with others or even by herself than with Megan. Don't get me wrong, they are both attractive women. But Megan seemed to seldomly ever be involved in much of any interesting occasions during her previous stays. Hopefully, it will be different this time. But if history is any indicator of such, the chances are slim.
  19. So sad to learn of Angelina's passing. She seemed to be such a bright and attractive young woman who should have still had alot of her life yet to live. 😥
  20. Amira will be better off being in B2 with Milena rather than remaining in B4 imo.
  21. It would be nice if Megan did not seem as reluctant or apprehensive about letting her and Holly's friendship get even closer than ever before.
  22. Holly seems like an attractive young woman who seems to try to enjoy her life as much as she can.
  23. Ok, but apparently dearjohn may have not completely understood the point I was trying to get across so I figured perhaps it may have not been a bad idea to attempt to elaborate on the matter in a more detailed way. So when you had mentioned you were just continuing to make an additional response to his comments, I wasn't certain if my comments in the two posts cocerning the matter had been completely understood the ways I had meant for them to be.
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