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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. No...but your right. Won't be surprising if not much of anything of much interest does this day or night.
  2. It was out of the ordinary and a bit unusual. When I actually observed a majority of it on replay as compared to only noticing it occurring on some thumbs...it was enticing...I will say that. Although someone continued diverting their attention to a tablet intermittently during the occasion.
  3. 🤔 How about maybe "Tiptoe Through The Tulips" ? 😉
  4. As far as any visitors of this thread in relation to what may have occurred at the residence yesterday or last night...it was and has been obvious that there were those that perceived the situations and occurrences different than I did or have. it is good that there were those who obviously viewed the occurrences there as being more genuine and real than I did and in turn enjoyed the occurrences more so than I did when I did go back and observe around a majority of them on replay later instead of what I had managed to observe through some thumb stills. Again I say that it was and is good for those who enjoyed it...regardless of how genuine or not they may have thought it to be. Before issues developed to certain points between myself and a few others during some of those times...by merely stating or expressing my opinions or views on certain issues...I meant no ill intended denigrating, derogatory, disparaging, or disrespectful intentions towards anyone. Since my views and opinions were not directed towards anyone in this thread at those times before then...but was related to the residence and it's occupants which in my view gave my perception of such reasonable relevancy...whether my comments concerning them were negative or not. I usually don't jump in and denigrate or disparage and disrespect or insult anyone else's comments here merely because they may have made some negative comment or comments concerning rlc or anyone there merely because I disagree...so long as the comments are not out of bounds, below the belt, and unreasonably out of the way insulting or disrespectful. My comments relating to my perception of the situations or occurrences at the residence and it's occupants as not being genuine or real or even mostly there of in some of their behaviors...have not been out of bounds disrespectful or insulting. Claiming that some of someone's behaviors are not genuine or real but are performances and that they are acters or actresses is not disrespectful or insulting It's unfortunate that there may be those who feel or believe otherwise enough to stir up unrest or discontent here or anywhere else.
  5. Bingo ! Just as I'm certain that opinions such as some that came from a man known as Albert Einstein on subjects such as his opinions on his theories on time and relativity amongst his other opinions on various other subject matters did...have...and to this day...do matter quite a bit. And I'm certainly not insinuating that I'm as sharp of an individual as was he. Only that I'm fortunate enough to have some intelligence that includes some common sense.
  6. Ok jimbo...but I've always thought and believed that anyones opinion on anything...if seemed reasonably plausible enough...whether the same as the individual's opinion who was perceiving it or not...mattered. But then again...that's just me.
  7. Yes...it was a good performance...but to me...that's what it was...and not genuine. I never even noticed her finger herself once amongst all the rubbing. Nor did I notice her even squeeze or pinch her nipples like she always has...just kept her hand on the side of her tit. Plus kept messing with the tablet off and on the whole time. And the other kept panties on almost the whole time and kept her hand mostly in front of her pussy virtually the whole time. Don't misunderstand me cause I'm not complaining...just stating that from what part of the show I observed...it didn't seem genuine in my view.
  8. Hello jimbo. Although she was always the most interesting to me and was the reason I even ever subbed. on the several occasions that I have...as I've mentioned on several or more occasions of losing interest enough so to only check in on the thumbs to see if anything was perhaps getting any different or at least in being more interesting again from my perception...I did go ahead and watch about half or more of the show last night...and regardless of what anyone else may think...from my perception of the occasion...it is my view and opinion that it was definitely mostly put on and not genuine. Of course the meaning of the occasion was enticing and appeared to be an occasion that could be considered to be hot or a turn on...but imo...before the situations have changed to what they've become when she was solo...it was a good deal more difficult to think or have reason to believe that her solo sessions were not genuine or at least mostly genuine. Since the situational changes have occurred since the arrival of the other individual...it from my view has been much less believable by the ways that certain things occur there with either of them and has been easier to tell as such.
  9. My comment was related to the topic listings subjects. It was completely relevant. IT HAD TO DO WITH THE TOPIC LISTINGS SUBJECTS OR INDIVIDUALS. Your comment in claiming it wasn't...was irrelevant. As is your comment concerning this matter because I'm not gonna discuss relevancy with someone who obviously misconstrues the meaning at their convenience. Wouldn't bother responding to any of my posts because I'm done conversing with you with exception that is to perhaps maybe an ole universal sign in response.
  10. There's alot that seems to you that really didn't.
  11. If you were in sight instead of having the luxury if hiding behind the net you would damn sure certainly know.
  12. Look mister...regardless of what you call or think of as being civil...disparaging comments or remarks are disrespectful and insulting. It would be wise not to do it anymore to anything I put out here. That's why it's best for you to stay out of my participation here.
  13. Well...call it goading, bating, or what the hell ever...it does no good because it doesn't work with me.
  14. As for you...you'd probably be best to mind your own affairs and not concern yourself with any of mine anymore.
  15. jimbo...that's your opinion...and I respect your opinion as I respect you. My opinion obviously differs from yours on that. I haven't watched it...only noticed some of what was occurring in some thumbs and I could care less what occurred there tonight because it occurred because of what's been being noticed and read here even though the one that instigated it was her friend. I could go into further detail relating to my view and opinion on the subject...but I won't at this time.
  16. I tell you this Stn...if it happens again with that individual or anyone else...I'll do what I have to do to defend myself and my integrity.
  17. Oh is that right. Someone is supposed to believe that your response to one of my comments not directed towards you but towards the topic listing...in claiming my comment to be irrelevant and without any meaning to the topic...that your comment in claiming that...was actually civil and was not in any way disrespectful and disparaging of my comment. Get real.
  18. Listen Stn...I have never resorted to any name calling with anyone else before someone decided to disrespect me whether by starting insulting smartass insinuations, or going as far as some name calling. I wasn't brought up that way and it's not in my nature. But I won't stay silent and take anyones crap either. Criticizing from a different point of view is one thing. But being an outright smartass and making unwarranted insinuations and especially disparaging or insulting remarks or responses simply because someone don't like your comment even if it is negative and directed toward the topic listing...I won't put up with either at all.
  19. I know and realize that...and it's good for what it's meant for. But then someone also don't see what may be being posted about them in response to any comments they may make by that particular individual either. So if they are not only being fairly criticized, but are being disparaged or insulted as well...they would have no way of knowing.
  20. At this point...I really could care less Stn. I won't put up with and take anyone's b.s. because they don't like or care for some comment I made that was directed toward the topic listing and not them, whether it was a negative one or not.
  21. Think so huh. Well I'll be damn. Someone who see's things for what they are.
  22. Awww...really...well ain't that just pitiful. 😥
  23. Well Joe...all I will say to that is continue observing...let me know what you think or believe eventually awhile from now. You can do it here in a public setting...or by way of pm...it really makes no difference to me.
  24. Well now...there you are again you slippery dishonest vermin you. You'd better watch out for traps and for damn sure stay off of people's lawns you filthy stinking skunk.
  25. You shall be made aware skunk...all in good time. Oh wait a minute...silly old me...vermin can't tell time. Additionally...you certainly don't as you have claimed and have insinuated as such all along vermin. Just because you had a few others believing that someone may have been in contact you by way of a few pm's here in this forum and claiming to have been additionally otherwise. Well...that don't mean didley squat skunk...other than it's likely that besides the vermin that you are...you may also be a dishonest skunk as well. Who I may know and what I may know would certainly never be revealed to you.
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