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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. I enjoyed that series as well raul. I also enjoyed the original Spartacus movie that the now Late but Great Kirk Douglas played in. πŸ‘Œ
  2. Heck...I believe I've already been educated to it jugg. Guess I may have only been learning previous to what things have evolved into there now. 😏
  3. That may be so...as well as the Leora and the roomy are some double edged actresses of pretense.
  4. Aww dang it jugg. Still quicker on the draw I see as you got yer response in before I edited mine. It's all good though. IT'S GOOOD. πŸ™‚
  5. Lol. When you were probably actually only guilty of nothing more then expressing your view and opinion here and therefore innocent of anything else. πŸ˜‰ πŸ‘Œ
  6. Perhaps somewhat better than us being given the ole universal sign of contempt my friend. 😏
  7. Well now...my developed views and opinions have not been merely based on any date that I registered and became a member of the CC's forum here...but on an extended period of time from when I first discovered the so called rlc project as it was once referred to fairly often of which I soon after was fortunate enough to have discovered the woman who was somewhat intriguingly interesting and certainly a pretty woman at the time...although quite on the thin side to some...enough so to be considered slim. So...I'm certain you was referring to my registration date of this forum and not any other time...of which had been quite awhile after I had begun following L & P at rlc and of which was not a long time after the business had initially started and the site had begun. You have a Good Night as well.
  8. I have been merely stating my opinion which has been formed from my perception and views of observation which have allowed me to acquire somewhat of a knowledge of mainly one of the project participant's ways previous to how the current situation at the residence has evolved ever since the arrival of an apparent previous longtime friend who is now a roommate. I express my opinion to participate and contribute to the topic subject matter related dialogue of this thread of the forum for those who may be interested in...as well as those who may be less informed of certain aspects or criteria related to such subject matters. Also...it is good that there are those who currently still find the attractive woman there intriguing such as yourself. I have for a long time as well...but I express my view of what I have noticed to have occurred over time there.
  9. An old saying goes..."It's nice to dream". But unfortunately in life a sad reality for most people who may often dream...is that a majority of those dreams usually never do come true. Imo...it is very highly likely that is a dream that will never come true for those that may dream of or fantasize about that type of situation or scenario. The occasions are orchestrated and faked to make others believe it may eventually occur although it never will and it is precisely what is wanted to attract attention to the cams for added extra compensation.But again..."It's nice to dream".
  10. Yes pulo filipe...we realize you like it when she wears the pink bunny ears. But she's not wearing them right now...maybe later. πŸ˜‰
  11. I remember those scenarios well canito my friend. And now some similar scenarios have been and obviously are still occurring at the residence usually referred to here in this thread. Quite a bit of deception for cam attention for added extra compensation. Imo...it's quite ironic for one of the two who may have been once considered the most interesting of the project participants to now be involved in...while others who once seemed to be that way...have now reversed course and became somewhat more interesting than previously.
  12. That's precisely what they hope for with potential observers. That they will get excited enough to continue observing although the deceptive antics of the situations will never be anything more. You are wished good fortune in the fantasy though...although it is highly likely that it will only be a fantasy of imagination and never of actual observation to occur.
  13. For anyone or everyone that continues to access one of the cams there to observe...it will be unfortunate to be disappointed as many have been...because it is all a deceptive charade or ruse...and that's exactly what they want is for as many as they can continue to attract and spend time observing...the more the charades and ruses will continue because that's all it is and is meant for extra compensation only. Because it is a given that the occasions have become quite deceptively orchestrated and has become much less interesting because of such...I myself...have stopped observing the cams there for the most part...but I can still notice what occurs on thumb snapshots which I will continue until my current sub. ends.
  14. Precisely. Great friends together exhibiting great deception. πŸ‘Œ
  15. With not much else occurring that generates much substantial interest anymore other than 2 or 3 or sometimes maybe 4 times in a months time...it seems there has been quite a bit of faking or false pretense situations occurring at the residence. Someone apparently has been exhibiting how much of a faker or disingenuous that someone can be...only now...there is an accomplice involved in the disingenuous scenarios with that someone as well.
  16. How ironic it has seemed now that apparently the roles of some of the other project participants of some of the other project residences in comparison to the project participants of the residence usually referred to here have reversed in considerations of frequency of occasions of subject matters of more intriguing interest are concerned. 🀨
  17. I never really cared much for Corona cerveza neither anyway. It used to seem to have that effect on some folks...but I never knew of it causing folks to be trapped in their residences. .... Oh wait a minute...you were referring to Covid19. My mistake. 😏
  18. Although I haven't participated here in a little while now, prior to the last time...I had been expressing very similar sentiments for quite awhile now my friend. It will persist there as long as there are those that are naive or gullible enough to begin to...or continue to believe otherwise. Perhaps a good suggestion to the project admin. would be that a more appropriate and legitimate or more genuine name or title for the business would be...RealLifeDreamcams...or RealLifeFantasyCams...or perhaps maybe even RealLifeBSCams because since the shutdown of the residences in Russia and the addition of a roommate at the residence usually referred to here...the business's true colors have been showing bright and clear from a number of the project participants to those who could and can see it for what it certainly is now.
  19. This one's dedicated to the two project participants usually referred to in this thread of the forum:
  20. As I've expressed previously...the tenants have ways of knowing how many hits or views are occurring on any cam in a residence at any given time as well as overall in any certain period of time and all it takes is a phone or pc.
  21. Besides perhaps some possible release of some tension...may have not been satisfied with the total accumulation of cam participation over the last 3 or 4 or 5 nights of orchestrations. As far as orchestrations go...it's no longer more or less that what may be genuine...or merely put on for show for reasons of personal gain.
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