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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Off topic and related to another...it has been quite interesting to notice how much more enthusiastic others such as Irma and Ulyana have become in expressing more of their sensual and sexual natures then had on their previous excursions with the project. Imo...they are both attractive women...and especially Ulyana who resembles someone call Mila Kunis quite a bit.
  2. If I may inquire not related to your response...who is in the avatar pic you've chosen marxsolita ?
  3. Their cam stream has been continously active and has not had any stream interruptions in awhile such as for when RLC admin. places a residence's cams in what is referred to as a UM status which stands for under maintenance. As far as the pic and vid thread of the forum...the vids are usually posted using third party vid hosting site links because of RLC's constant monitoring of other sites and especially this one and having DCMA take down orders issued on material acquired from their site. Same with some of the pics although not necessarily always. Also...some of them that are permitted to be posted in relation to any vid., are usually taken down after a short time because of such. I didn't notice that you were new here earlier and apologize for seeming unfriendly. You are welcomed here and feel free to join the fray of this thread or any other of the forum anytime CassieNovax. πŸ™‚
  4. Alright Cassie, that's understandable. What occurs at any of the RLC residences is supposedly only really genuine and Real Life occasions. Although much of it is actually not because it is actually staged or orchestrated performances by the tenants. The reasons so...is because besides the tenants being provided with paid for bill free residences and receiving bi-weekly or monthly subsistance living compensations...they also have perks of potentially receiving extra added compensations based on residence cam viewer or observer participations. As far as what gets posted in the pic or vid threads of this section's listings of this forum...it is dependent on whomever contributes anything in those threads and when...same as this thread. My apologies if I seemed unfriendly. I do like your name CassieNovax. That's a good name. Sounds like a secret agent name. πŸ™‚
  5. What still amazes me...is how some will visit some particular thread of some forum and inquire as to some certain subject matter or matters...without obviously having even read any of the recent previous posts going back somewhat a little ways...when if they did...their curiosity or inquiry may have been answered or satisfied without any inquiry to begin with.
  6. Well Joe...considering so much of the scenarios there are faked routines...it's probably all for the better. The title "RealLifeCams" is now for the most part mostly a misleading title. It should be changed to "RealLifeRoutines" or something of that nature that would perhaps be more appropriate and perhaps a good bit less misleading for what it really is.
  7. After giving it further thought...she arrived at the residence the middle of January. I had mentioned in an earlier post that I thought I remembered it to be around the latter half of January, or earlier half of February. Regardless...she's been there well over 90 days now. As far as the other is concerned...there was someone who was visiting this thread who on a number of occasions claimed the she immigrated there and would be staying and not returning to her country of origin and that everyone else was wrong or incorrect in their claims, speculations, or hunches that she had merely obtained a visa that would be considered that of more of a temporary status such as a visitors or work visa. Something quite peculiar in regards to that persons claims and theories was and is though...the fact that she has never acquired any residence furnishings other then a few various pillows and blankets or spreads such as all the items she acquired at her previous residence. So other than those few items...some of her clothes and some small personal items is all that she has there. None of all the clothes she was known to have back at the previous residence was brought there with her...and none have been shipped or sent there. Her cohort arrived with very little clothes as well. Also as far as she is concerned and any supposed standards go...it's became all too clear and transparent what her plans and eventual endgame was and is. It has so...because of how her behaviors and routines have evolved from how they were before the arrival of her cohort...to how they have been become since her arrival. In not even paying much attention to any of the cams of that residence in the past month and a half or longer but mainly observing what has occurred there through thumbs instead, as to not contribute to even one more added cam visitor or accumulated observer time for their ultimate monetary benefit...I have noticed what has been occurring...and it's been alot of orchestrated and put on pretense performances by the two. They have until the middle of August...it will be the end of a one year visa term for her...and her cohorts is likely only a six month visa...which will coincide with around then as well since she arrived the middle of January. They will then have to leave to return to their country of origin. It is likely that there was a plan to do exactly what they've been doing lately and that's putting on a bunch of false pretensed fake performances and shows in hopes of keeping as many observers attentions tuning in to those cams so they can leave wirh as much extra added bonus compensation as they can. It seems evident now that...that is all that they are concerned about...and certainly do not care much that if not for subscribers invested or spent money...that they would not have much of anything they do because of such. They are now no different than any of the other project participants. They're all fake...only difference now is...some of the others actually go far enough to do things that are more interesting quite often more so it has seemed lately than the two fake actresses usually referred to here.
  8. It is likely that a goal may be to continue the same script or similar for a remainder of time. As far as the other...I wouldn't bet on it.
  9. Haaah. Good luck with that hope. Imo...because of their false pretense behaviors of the shows...it as well will never happen.
  10. Yeah...well they behave and act like a couple of school aged girls concerning things of those types of subject matters anyway Stn.
  11. That may be so...but when next three to three and a half months passes and they return to their place of origin and no longer have an income let alone a bills paid free place to live...I'll bet that some thoughts are pondered on quite often about the possibillty of departing with even more compensation from potentially even more cam participation if perhaps something more would have been done other than as much of the orchestrated shows of false pretense performances.
  12. What would really be quite interesting would be for them to awaken one day soon and to notice the cams in that residence had only a minimal amount of attention being directed at them and that it continued for at least a week or more...and then to notice what their reactions would be. I would bet that they would be quite different from what they have been being and that different things and situations would be occurring in attempts to shore up observer or viewer participation for any potential increase in the added extra compensation based on such.
  13. Don't be fooled by her docile demeanor neither though. She's in on the orchestrated performances as well. If not...and there were any genuine or sincere meaning to some of the supposedly enticing things she does...she may have already done something similar by at least taking her phone from her and doing something to let her know she meant business. But...it will never occur. It's a show put on by two who are aspiring actresses while they are there. When a phone is being constantly looked at...part of the reason is seeing a number of cam hits or time spent and therefore $$$ to them.
  14. Wowww ! Alright..."The Tortoise Shuffle" ! Now that's certainly something interesting for a change ! 😏
  15. Are you just being sarcastic or have you merely not been visiting this thread for awhile now ? If it is the latter of the two...perhaps maybe you should go back and read some of the subject matter that's been being mentioned for awhile now.
  16. Although I have already responded to your dialogue above Joe...I will add something more. It was somewhat surprising that some ocassion of simulated performances of some projected outcome of certain situations or circumstance activities did not actually again occur yesterday considering a potential timeline involved. A month after what is usually considered the middle of summer in many places is now not far off. That would be around three and a half months from now. It would also be around a year since someone returned to the project. It has been predicted and is very likely that there is a highly likely reason for the simulated ocassions more so than anything else. That reason would be to exit the current participation in the project with as much compensation that can be accrued by then. It is also likely that it has been considered by one of the two that besides them being friends and being involved in relationships with guys that they are...of which one may be actually married to, while the other is not...if any of the simulated situations were to ever progress any further in any certain activities than have...that there may be some chances of some potential observers losing some interests afterwards...and the possibilities may have been conveyed to the other as well. As far as relationships are concerned...it's pretty much common knowledge that a majority of guys would not care as much or be nearly as concerned about a woman they were involved in a relationship with having any or some kind of sensual intimate experience with another woman as compared to that of having one with another man if they felt or knew that ultimately the woman really cared for them. Although there are some guys who are likely considered to be in a minority of guys that may actually be concerned about or take offense to those types of situations or matters as well for various reasons such as possessing personal insecurities for various reasons such as low self esteem or low self confidence as well as others or some even having some religous beliefs concerning such situations or matters. What probably has not been considered as much by one or both...are the possibilities or probabilities of some of any potential observers that will catch on or have caught on to what has been occurring and recognize it for what it has been and lose enough interest in most anything there to continue observing as often anyway...such as what you mentioned of Joe. As unfortunate as it may be...a prediction is...that the simulated situations and performances will continue for around another three months...of which around then or shortly thereafter...they will be gone. There are always changes in life...as there will be there as well. πŸ™„
  17. Just messing around some mate. A bit of a change of pace so to speak...if ya know what I mean. 😏
  18. I would consider that it may very well be likely that they may both be gone by the time it has been a year for the one of them which would be around a month after mid-summer. Unless she managed to get a visa longer than a year which a majority of regular everyday people of her country of origin don't...it will reach it's term by then and since her roommate did not relocate there until some time in the later part of January or early part of February...if she only got a six month visa...it could very well closely coincide with then as well.
  19. scary nightmares girls Leora and Malia πŸ™€..😱..πŸ‘»..πŸ’€..☠..☻..😈..πŸ‘Ή
  20. You mentioned naturalness. Either you meant it from an observers point of view...or you meant it from the ones being observed points of view. If you meant from an observers point of view by the mention of voyeurs...so be it. That's why I said if you meant your meaning one way or another. Perhaps I misconstrued your meaning. Of course they are engaging in physical contact by way of touching and caressing and that may be considered a natural human thing to do...but you are right about it lacking any real or genuine feeling of what it has been made out to appear like.
  21. Again I agree with what you expressed here raul. But your expression insinuates that you may be under an assumption that the occasions of bath sharing and enticing exchanges of body massages are after all genuine and sincere. If that is the meaning...that insinuation I do not agree with. Their seems nothing natural about orchestrated shows for cam points to me. I also agree that after awhile things that are programmed get boring...such as disingenuous orchestrated shows.
  22. Affirmative Ghostrider...prediction correct. πŸ‘Œ 😏
  23. I do as well mate. But she's even been doing less of and have gotten slack at that. It has appeared that she is now more concerned of getting some points from orchestrated shows of put on...than anything else.
  24. Perhaps the two may have some Mongolian in them. 🧐
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