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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. It has been predicted that it will be likely that there will not be much of anything of interest occurring at a certain residence this evening. Of course it would not be much different than what has seemed to have been occurring lately and for awhile now anyway. πŸ€” If the prediction turns out to be correct...it could very well be because of something that was mentioned in this thread lately that was noticed and not appreciated and some attitude was developed because of such. πŸ™„
  2. Someone does not appear so pleased this evening.
  3. I agree raul and I will add this ... imo ... it to me ... has always been in life unfortunate that there are some others ... those that get involved in relationships for one reason or another ... that get so involved to a point of being really hung up so to speak ... on the other individual of that relationship. For some ... who it turns out to be actually genuine love for the other ... it is understandably so. My opinion on the matter mostly refers to women who have gotten involved with men in relationships that seemed to be more of one sided affairs then not. An example would be that of her and her former roommate. Anyone who followed enough back then knows that a majority of the time in their first two residences ... he was not substantially employed. Then when he was finally fortunate enough to locate and become more substantially employed ... he either quit or was terminated for one reason or another ... probably poor attendance ... after around six months. After the unfortunate closure of the residences there ... eventually she relocates to the current location of which there were those that were both quite surprised and certainly glad to notice her return to being a participant of the project. Since then ... it's been pretty much a given and highly likely that she has been contributing to his financial support although she lives very far away. I've noticed that in life ... a majority of long distance relationships do not endure. That relationship imo ... is an example of a one sided affair and has been occurring because it has for a long time been obvious that she cares quite a bit for the guy ... enough so to do those kinds of things. It could be considered actual genuine love for somebody ... as well as it could be considered that somebody is quite hung up on another that for the longest time hardly ever exhibited much of any mutual feelings ... that is until awile after he had become unsubstantially unemployed again. Your point of view and opinion seemed quite relevant and substantive to me raul.
  4. It would indeed be somewhat interesting to notice and know for sure when.
  5. Considering that so many women have claimed and still claim that if anything...a woman knows more what a woman enjoys and therefore knows better how to pleasure a woman more so than a majority of men...I find that hard to believe mate.
  6. One of the two has been known to visit websites such as this to see what has been being mentioned concerning her. It may be that it has been noticed that some of the constant routines for while now have been being scrutinized to an extent and may have likely had an influence on timing of such as well as routine performance.
  7. It has been good to notice that now there are others that are into spanking the monkey as well...or perhaps a better description may be known as banging the kitty. Regardless...at least there may be something of other and perhaps even somewhat of more interest to observe at times.
  8. I know very well what I am alluding to...perhaps it may be you that may not know what you may be...as well as you may need assistance seeing things as they are. Ray Charles could see those things...and he was blind. 😎
  9. After noticing a recap of her...I disagree. Although she does something somewhat similar as to something that L did a little while later...she does not do like L & M when they are together performing their teasing and disingenuous together routines. Furthermore...if anyone was to look at the times when U did her session with a pink toy...it was over an hour before L did her session with a pink toy. U is actually an attractive woman. She very much resembles someone called Mila Kunis...especially in the face and her body has developed well since being at her first residence with the project. It's been being noticed that you are constantly comparing L & M to the others. Perhaps you may need to pay more attention to times when doing so.
  10. I have to respectfully disagree with your assessment concerning your opinion there jugg. There are some including myself who does give a shit about your view and opinion bud. By all means...share it whenever you may feel like it. πŸ™‚
  11. It seems now roles have been reversed jugg my friend. Where once the residence she was in could be considered the better chances of observing much of anything of interest while most of the others usually were not nearly as much. Now since the closure of the other residences and the addition of some new residences and tenants and changing of some of them...and the addition of her friend who is now her roommate there...the residence there has been becoming less interesting...while some of the others have seemed to become somewhat more imo. Continuous orchestrated teasing gets not so interesting after awhile imo.
  12. She is actually quite skilled in various subject matters. For one...she is quite good at dancing. For another...she is quite good in the arts and crafts. She has been known to paint quite well, sketch and draw quite well, and sew and knit quite well as well. She was also somewhat good at doll making. For another...she has quite good tastes in clothing attire as well as a residence furnishings.
  13. Relative to some of the subject matter that has been mentioned fairly often recently...I will elaborate somewhat more of what my developed view or opinion is on some of the subject matter. Although I myself, may have not known of or been following so to speak, or observing the woman of the residence who has been a participant of the project the longest out of the two at the current residence...I have been since first discovering the project and shortly there afterwards the intriguing and attractive woman around a year or less later. That was not a long time after she and her other former roommate at the time had relocated to the second residence. Although back then she was somewhat on the thin side in her body and was enough so to be considered slim...she was still a quite pretty and attractive woman ! Having been privileged and fortunate enough to have noticed some clips of her when she was in the first residence and then even some others at the second residence...her intriguing ways and attractiveness captured my attention enough so to subscribe. Besides noticing how pretty a woman she was...I also gradually noticed how intelligent and talented she was and that she seemed a woman that had very good tastes in material items such as her clothing attire and the household furnishings for her residence. Because of those types of qualitative attributes she seemed to possess...she seemed to be quite an intriguing woman who happened to also be quite attractive. It seemed as time passed that she became even more of an attractive woman. When I first had the fortune of discovering her...she seemed to still be quite inhibited but seemed to slowly become less so over time. It seemed quite interesting, very nice, and certainly exciting to have any privilege or fortune of observing her seeming to become sensually aroused or turned on enough so to satisfy herself in various sensual and sexual ways. There were a number of occasions when she seemed to have been in moods for such activities and would start playing and teasing herself sensually...but would then end up stopping for one reason or another. Although these times occurred and there were some others back then who claimed some of the occasions were not genuine and were faked because of such occasions, as well as some other reasons...to a number of observers they seemed genuine and perhaps even more so because of such occasions. Then there were the times when her former roommate was always around except for a brief period of around six months while he actually had legitimate employment and she was limited to when and where and for how long she could do anything of those natures. Then there was the unfortunate closure of the residences in the country of her origin. It seemed surprising and fortunate that the intriguing and attractive woman eventually returned to the project at the current location in a residence of her own. It seemed that there were more occasions of interesting activities occurring shortly afterwards and for awhile. Then she gets her friend from back home to join the project and relocate to that location as well and become her roommate. It seemed ok and nice and was good that she had some company for a change and was not alone as she had been for awhile, and that her company and new roommate was actually her friend from back home. Her friend seemed very timid and bashful and quite inhibited herself for awhile. It is known that the longest participant of the two, checks certain social media sites such as this forum for one, to see what gets mentioned concerning her. It seemed she may have been giving her friend some support and encouragment and eventually...her friend seemed to become more relaxxed in the new location and began to loosen up some. Enough so...that some may have been fortunate and privileged enough to experience observing somewhat a little bit of her sensuallity and longing for some personal satisfaction. Then came some bath sharing times and exchanging of massages while exhibiting sensual gestures that something else is going to occur...while constantly watching something on a tablet or checking a phone every couple of minutes. Then there's also now when they take turns draping one anothers legs across each other for awhile while making more sensual caressing gestures all the while having a tablet in between them where it can not be noticed by any cams and they are constantly watching something on it the whole time. Why would two women who have been friends for awhile engage in such activities if not for purposes of enjoying physical sensual stimulation...and if that were truly the reason...why hasn't anything else occurred that would surely feel even better as about anyone would know ? Because it has been and is orchestrated for monetary benefit only. Nothing else will ever occur other than similar type shows with the two. If it is not orchestrated or made up previously or as they go routines...I'm not commenting on it here. Any relevance of anything seeming even mostly genuine or real concerning her both in the past...as well as them both now in the present has been a good deal negated now imo. They are two shrewd actresses who are like two fisher women...they throw their nets or hooks out...and hope for a big haul and one of them may have been an actress a good while longer than some may have realized. Evidently...they must be continuing to get the big hauls...because the orchestrations are continuing. If they were not getting them...it may be highly likely that something else of more interest that could perhaps be more believable may occur there at times. Although now a good thing to know though...is that acting can be included in her list of talents.
  14. Certainly not I said a blind man...and not I as well says me. It's all a fallacy or ruse of pretense performed to accomplish just that...and that is...merely to attract cam attention to that residence's cams for purposes of added extra compensation and nothing more. Sorry to disappoint but it will never happen or occur. 😎 But do not get discouraged...continue observing in hopes of such...for it certainly benefits the performers of the shows. 😏
  15. You might even run into some of these blokes Joe. 😏
  16. Some of the most of both ways I do agree...as I have been there a number of times...even lived there awhile some of the times.
  17. Yes...but not nearly as interesting as observing her going at it with one of her little friends. 😏
  18. Yes it is...but in relative to time itself...it seems it has past as quickly as a blink of an eye my friend. Hmmm...pardon the emoji pun. πŸ˜‰
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