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Posts posted by Nicholas

  1. 58 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    I have said my opinion ..even if he does , he goes back to the woman that some months ago said that she doesn’t need any man in her life , he goes back to the woman who was fucking  another guy for over a year but the most important  is simply one thing …..NOBODY , ABSOLUTELY NOBODY in this forum here knows what Paul has been doing with  his life the last 2,5 years nearly since he was seen on cameras ..and this anyone  can interpret as he/she wishes ( what  Paul has been doing ) .

           Ahh yes....there he goes again....The Lonely Boy of Corfu with more of not only his opinions...but also his speculative insinuations. It must be a lonely existence to have no one to associate or socialize with that compells him to come up with such speculative insinuations considering that opinions are like assholes...'everyone has them' and some of his are either quite often repetitious, immature, speculative, or insinuative without knowing anything for absolutely certain. Apparently, his opinions have also revealed that he must fantasize about having the kind of women that are quite promiscuous compared to some that are not. 😏  

    • Upvote 7
  2. 14 hours ago, ddhm said:


    32/400, 368 more performances to go in the next 

    2 years , 4 months and 3 days 


    Tik Tok

            Ahh yes....The Lonely Boy of Corfu must have once again been feeling particularly lonely so him had nothing better to do than to continue him's revelation of him possessing an Immature Personality Disorder of which has been being continuously revealed with more of him's repetitious immature comments. Him has now done so...

    32/400 times, and will apparently do so an additional 368 more times in the next

    2 years , 4 months and 3 days...

    Oh what a Lonely Boy him must be. Me thinks the woman known as Leora might just think so as well. Until the next time him's feeling particularly lonely...

    Tik Tok


    • Upvote 5
  3. 54 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


    As usual, words like "ignorant", "Marxist", "INDOCTRINARY", "herb" are your mental "standard program". 😁

    I have never read anything original or intelligent from you here in the forum.

    So baby, well, start spreading hate and insult me. You can't do otherwise, apolitical dwarf. 😁


             Since most of the comments you have made in the political threads of this site have seemed to reveal such affiliations or characterizations in regards to you, it would not be surprising if indoctrination or marxist was actually part of your moniker or name, regardless you have not shown that you know much of anything related to being original or intelligent.

  4. 21 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

    They are not waking up. They are just trying to save their sorry asses in the 2020 election.There is no such thing as a moderate Democrat. They only pretend to be moderate when they are campaigning for election or reelection. Show me anything that has been moderate in Senator Kelly's voting record while he has been in the U.S. Senate.

           Pretty sure you meant 2022 which happens to be this year and it will be a year when the first day of reckoning arrives for many of the worthless wolves in sheeps clothing. They may very well experience more of a one sided landslide change such as occurred when a man named Ronald Reagan was elected and then re-elected. Even those who are naive and others who lack common sense do not like not having much money remaining from pay period to pay period because of having to pay unusually high amounts for everything that are continuing to increase just to survive. Some days of reckoning are coming and the first of which is now only 6.5 months away.

  5.      It was recently announced that the governors of Florida and Texas will now start having illegal migrants who were apprehended by state law enforcement authorities after illegally crossing any U.S. border and particularly the U.S. southern border from a recent previous time and any other time afterwards, if the migrants will not be processed to justify whether they may have an actual or genuinely legitimate reason for illegally crossing into a sovereign country other than seeking employment or better paying employment and if not, will not be being deported by the directives of by-passing or skirting or ignoring federal laws in regards to legal and illegal immigration by the corrupt and worthless cronies of the worthless puppet or any of his worthless puppeteer handlers, that a number of such illegal migrants will then be being transported to the swamp of corruption known as Washington D.C. as well as Delaware. There are governors of other states considering doing the same as well. It will be interesting to notice the results of such matters when they begin occurring. Imo, they should load them up with hundreds of thousands of them along with some other states as well, but D.C. and Delaware are two of the best places to start. 😏

  6. On 4/6/2022 at 4:26 PM, corboblanc said:












           Regardless, none of that is why a fanatic such as Putin ordered a military build up along the border with Ukraine and eventually ordered the Russian military to invade.

    Even though some of those matters have been mentioned by pro Russian propagandists as one of multiple excuses they have attempted to perpetuate as having any actual reasons to unprovokely invade another sovereign country by use of military force, it was actually because a fanactic such as Putin who never liked it at all when the former Soviet Union collapsed and Russia not long afterwards, eventually began losing control over governments of countries that were controlled as parts of the Soviet Union.

    He also never liked at all when some of those countries chose to join NATO to assure that those countries would likely never be controlled by a Russian dictatorship again, and he certainly did not like it because the leaders of the Ukrainian government would not formerly agree to never eventually decide to join NATO.

    Since the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, other countries that considered themselves as neutral countries have been seriously considering joining NATO.

    Putin is a fanatic and thinks Russia should control all of the territories and lands that it once did even though much of those lands are other countries and have been for quite some time.

    Putin does not want any other countries to be a part of NATO and particularly any remaining countries that border with Russia. So other excuses that have been being occasionally mentioned in some media outlets, are not the actual reasons he thought their should have been justification to invade another country although there was no actual reason or provocation to. He is like just about all other communist or marxist ideological minded people although it is likely that he is more brainwashed and ruthless than others since he was a former KGB/FSB agent. 

    • Like 2
  7. 16 hours ago, ddhm said:


    31/400, 369 more performances to go in the next 

    2 years , 4 months and 8 days 


    Tik Tok

            Ahh yes...The Lonely Boy of Corfu once again revealing a condition known as an Immature Personality Disorder of which him has been repeatedly revealing with more of hims repetitious immature comments. Him has now done so...

    31/400 times, and will apparently do so an additional 369 more times in the next 2 years , 4 months and 8 days...

    it must be a lonely existence not to have anyone to associate or socialize with and therefore feel compelled to continuously reveal such an unfortunate condition. Me thinks there are a number of others including the woman known as Leora who thinks so as well. Until the next time even more of such an unfortunate condition is revealed...

    Tik Tok

    jeff goldblum GIF

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  8. 22 hours ago, ddhm said:


    30/400, 370 more performances to go in the next 

    2 years , 4 months and 9 days 


    Tik Tok

           Ahh yes...it was apparently time for the ole Lonely Boy of Corfu to once again reveal even more of an Immature Personality Disorder of which him is unfortunately afflicted with...with his next repetitious immature post of comments. Him has now done so...

    30/400, and will apparently do so an additional 370 more times in the next...

    2 years , 4 months and 9 days...

    perhaps a twist of an old saying is relevant to such an occasion. 'Hickory dickory dock...The Lonely Boy of Corfu looked up at a clock...him thought the clock struck one, so another repetitious immature post him done...hickory dickory dock'. Until the next time him feels compelled to reveal even more of him's condition...

    Tik Tok

                    Proud Of You Reaction GIF

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  9. 1 hour ago, ddhm said:


    29/400, 371 more performances to go in the next 

    2 years , 4 months and 12 days 


    Tik Tok

            Surprise surprise....Not. Only the Lonely Boy of Corfu continuing to reveal an Immature Personality Disorder of which he possesses an affliction of. He has done so now...

    29/400, and apparently will make 371 more revelations of his affliction with 371 more repetitious immature comments in the next...

    2 years , 4 months and 12 days...

    I suppose that's what can happen to someone when they are isolated on an island and are so lonely with no one to associate or socialize with. Perhaps one day him might realize why that is and decide to do things differently. Until then, he will continue being known as The Lonely Boy of Corfu with nothing better to do. Me thinks that the woman known as Leora as well as a number of others probably think so as well. Until the next time...

    Tik Tok

       Jack Nicholson Reaction GIF


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  10. 3 hours ago, ddhm said:


    28/400, 372 more performances to go in the next 

    2 years , 4 months and 13 days 


    Tik Tok

            Ahh yes...apparently it was time for ole Lonely Boy of Corfu to continue revealing more of the Immature Personality Disorder condition of which him is evidently afflicted with...with more of very nearly the same repetitious immature comments. I believe someone somewhere recently referred to such behavior as also being considered as lame. Him has now done so...

    28/400 , with apparently 372 more repetitious immature comments to go in the next

    2 years , 4 months and 13 days...

    not including all other such comments that he posts in any of the other threads of this section of the site, or in any other threads of other sections of the site between now and then. It must be quite a lonely existence to feel compelled to resort to such repetitious immature nonsense. It would not be at all surprising if there are others including the woman known as Leora who think some of the same or similar things.

    Tik Tok

    Gi Joe GIF

    • Upvote 3
  11. 1 hour ago, ddhm said:


    27/ 400, 373 more performances to go in the next 

    2 years , 4 months and 14 days 


    Tik Tok 

            Ahh yes...The Lonely Boy of Corfu's continued revelation of an Immature Personality Disorder affliction continues just as the countdown continues. It's now at...

    27/400 , 373 more repetitious immature comments to go in the next

    2 years , 4 months and 14 days...

    of course that does not include any other seperate such comments he makes during the countdown. And him wonders why no others care to associate with someone who exhibits such a condition. Perhaps one day something or someone may stir some thoughts that may make him realize there are solutions to such afflictions. Until then, the countdown of repetitious immature comments will continue to be counted. Me thinks that perhaps the woman known as Leora as well as a number of others could very well think that such comments should be counted down for what they are as well.

    Tik Tok

    Waiting Patiently GIF by General Hospital


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  12. 55 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


    My God Bubi, it is known that you have read some foreign words like "propagandist", "indoctrinaire", "Marxist", "socialist", "communist" somewhere - but YOU have no idea what that is by definition. You're just a dumbass who wants to make a ruckus here, like other little sycophants and busybodies. Go to your mommy and cry. You are simply unqualified here - learn, then maybe you can have a say here one day. Go to bed, but don't piss your pants. Trump poop stinks enough already.


           🖕 This isn't the European General Politics thread and obviously the only education you have had was being an indoctrinated little shit for brains propagandist kraut. 

  13. 1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:


    This is rubbish from a US-NAZI propagandist - without content. Bye - sleep well and long.


           Everything you mention in these threads is nothing more than propagandist bullshit from someone who is obviously a socialist/marxist indoctrinated kraut who was obviously indoctrinated from the influence the socialist/marxist/communist Russians subjected many people to when they controlled a substantial part of Germany after the country was overwhelmingly defeated for the second time in a World War. It was because of the fascist Nazi's that were also brain washed or indoctrinated that many parts of Germany was destroyed during the second World War and your obviously indoctrinated mindset is very similar to what some of those same fascist minded people who were or became nazi's, so you would be better off accusing yourself of being a nazi, particularly since you are from where the nazi ideologies and party began, rather than others who visit a forum thread designated for US General Domestic Politics who obviously are not.

  14. 11 hours ago, ddhm said:


    26/400, 374 more performances to go in the next 

    2 years , 4 months and 16 days 


    Tik Tok 

            Ahh yes...The Lonely Boy of Corfu makes his presence known once again with more of his petty repetitious immature comments. He has now done so...

    26/400 , 374 more repetitious immature comments to go in the next 

    2 years , 4 months and 16 days...

    and it must be terribly lonely being isolated on an island and alone with no one who cares to be associated with him, so him has nothing better to do than spend the majority of hims time on this site at times mentioning repetitious immature comments over and over. Tis' an unfortunate scenario for anyone to have to endure since it can't be easy being so lonely. Oh well, perhaps we should at least try to give him some company here on this site while him is on hims way to hims countdown and make certain that hims repetitious immature comments are noticed by as many as can be. Perhaps doing so might just aid in a reduction of his unfortunate condition of Immature Personality Disorder although it is doubtful. Me thinks that perhaps the woman known as Leora just might think so as well.

    Tik Tok

               Happy If You Say So GIF


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  15. 8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

    This sounds like some more elitist liberal progressive intellectual bullshit from people who no longer even know the difference between a man and a woman. Depending upon what your bias is you can design a study to say whatever you want it to say. I notice you didn't list the questions from the study.  

            Those kinds of articles are nothing more than just more b.s. from someone who is referred to as Darren Sherkat who is obviously biased and lacks common sense but attempts to seem intellectual just like many like minded wacko's of those affiliations do.

    The term 'level of education' being mentioned as well as the term 'cognitive sophistication' particularly being mentioned six times between the 2nd and 5th paragraph in addition to the terms 'poorly educated' and 'cognitively unsophisticaticated' being later mentioned, should let anyone know all they need to know in that regard.

    It is highly likely that whoever the individual actually is, that the individual likely voted for the corrupt and crooked worthless Hillary Clinton, and the corrupt, crooked, and seriously cognitively impaired worthless puppet known as Joe Biden which would reveal more than enough of that individual's so called 'levels of education' and 'cognitive sophistication'.

    It probably took whoever decided to come up with such b.s. ever since the crook HRC was unsuccessful to do so. The individual will probably be thinking of whatever b.s. can be conjured up next after the first day of reckoning arrives seven months from now, and again after the next days of reckoning arrive two years from then, if the individual can recover from the unsophisticated cognitive meltdown that will most likely be experienced once again by themself and any other like minded individuals.

    • Like 1
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  16. 19 hours ago, ddhm said:


    25/400 , 375 more performances to go in the next 

    2 years , 4 months and 17 days 


    Tik Tok 

           More of the same repetitious immature comments from a Lonely Boy of Corfu. Someone who is naively shameless in continuing to exhibit and reveal a condition known as (IPD) Immature Personality Disorder that seems to be a part of his mind even at an age of supposedly being 44/45. That now makes...

    25/400 , 375 more repetitious immature comments to go by him in the next...

    2 years , 4 months and 17 days...

    apparently, it must be terribly lonely to be isolated on an island and not have anyone who cares to associate with him, so him naively continuously resorts to revealing that his mind apparently possesses such an unfortunate condition for someone supposedly of that age. It would not be at all surprising if the woman known as Leora along with a number of others probably thinks so as well.

    Tik Tok

          Jack Nicholson Reaction GIF      

    • Upvote 2
  17. On 3/26/2022 at 6:39 PM, ddhm said:


    24/400 , 376 more performances to go in the next 

    2 years , 4 months and 18 days 


    Tik Tok 

          As predicted, The Lonely Boy of Corfu once again continues to reveal even more that his mind is unfortunately afflicted with a condition known as Immature Personality Disorder or (IPD) with more of some of the same ole repetitious immature comments. That makes...

    24/400, 376 more repetitious immature comments to go in the next

    2 years , 4 months and 18 days...

    besides all other similar such comments that will be made by him other than the 376 during such time. Apparently, him can not handle the loneliness associated with being isolated on an island and being so must have contributed to being afflicted with such a condition. Yet he wonders why no one cares to be associated with someone who exhibits and reveals such a condition. Perhaps one day such naiveness will wear off but at this point, it seems doubtful. It is likely that the woman known as Leora probably think so as well.

    Tik Tok

    Jack Nicholson GIF by The Bureau Adventure Games


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  18. 1 hour ago, happyone said:

    Rising prices are an effect of supply and demand.  When short supply and demand increases-prices increase.  Another article to substantiate my premise that it is the oil companies themselves that are holding back production and increased drilling.  The article also correctly shows the import/export relationship to the types of oil we need for fuel production.


    The United States never stopped importing energy from foreign countries under President Donald Trump.

    read in this article

    Multiple reasons for foreign imports

    Biden's impact has been overstated

    However, while I do not support Biden and his policies, I do believe in stating the facts not based on politics.

           Although once upon a time differently to an extent perhaps, can I since then give much credence or reliance that more than a small percentage of anything that comes from that network as a reliable source of actual genuine and factual information. As is obvious in the bold print because contrary to what is claimed, it is not coincidental in the least that prices on everything started increasing substantially more so than had been previously when the puppet and his handlers were installed in positions they have no business whatsoever of being in. 

  19. 34 minutes ago, happyone said:

    Oil companies say wall street is to blame


           Most oil and gas CEO's I've seen interviewed said otherwise and said it was actually because of ridiculous 'woke' policies that were started by the puppet along with his handlers and their cronies. Anyone with any shred of common sense should have realized quite some time ago who is actually responsible since the prices of everything did not start steadily increasing until eventually sky rocketing until the worthless puppet and his handlers and their cronies were unusually installed in positions of which has been continually being proven over and over and over ever since then, that they have no business whatsoever of being in such positions. It's been mentioned previously but it's worth mentioning again...some days of reckoning are coming, and the first of which is now not but 6 months from now, when the puppet and his handlers strings will become knotted up enough the amount of further damage to the well beings of the overall population of the country will be limited going forward until the next days of reckoning arrives. In other words, most people are sick and tired of having to pay more for everything including oil and gas products such as for heating their homes and fueling their vehicles. Such issues will have a major impact 6 months from now when the first of the coming days of reckoning arrives.

  20. 20 hours ago, pulo filipe said:



    masturbation With Mr white in Malia's room 

           Kind of like something similar to statements made by players while attempting to win a once popular board game called 'Clue' but with a slightly different twist... 🕵️‍ 'Leora done it with Mr. White in the guestroom'. 😎

    • Like 1
  21. 2 hours ago, ddhm said:

    23/400 , 377 more performances to go in the next 

    2 years , 4 months and 19 days 


    Tik Tok 

           The Lonely Boy of Corfu strikes once again with more repetitious immature comments revealing even more of the Immature Personality Disorder that is a part of his mind. It has now been done so...

    23/400 , 377 more repetitious immature comments to go to reveal even more of such a disorder in the next

    2 years , 4 months and 19 days...

    although that does not include all other such comments that will occur by him in between the 377 such comments along the way. Me thinks that it is likely that a substantial number of others including the woman known as Leora thinks so as well.

    Tik Tok

             The Shining Reaction GIF



    • Upvote 2
  22. 10 hours ago, ddhm said:


    22/400 , 378 more performances to go in the next 

    2 years , 4 months and 20 days 


    Tik Tok 

             Once again The Lonely Boy of Corfu reveals a certain level of puerile immaturity that part of his mind possesses with more repetitious and immature comments. It has now been...

    22/400 , 378 more repetitious and immature comments to go in the next 

    2 years , 4 months and 20 days...

    although many others including the woman known as Leora knows there will likely be many more in addition to those 378 from someone who continuously reveals that their mind possesses such a condition known as Immature Personality Disorder or (IPD).

    Tik Tok

          Gi Joe GIF


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