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Posts posted by Nicholas

  1. On 5/15/2022 at 8:30 PM, StnCld316 said:

    LOL Whatever you say Don.  Keep feeding everyone the  svhz.gif

           Whatever you say Stn., but for four years life was better in the country for most folks as well as others around the world than it has been in the last year and five months since it has been nothing but b.s. from failed policies originating from failed fanatical ideologies from a puppet and his puppeteer handlers and all of their cronies. I would much rather have someone who might put out a not so politically correct statement or tweet every now and then, but has a mind and intelect when it comes to business than a brain diminished puppet who can't even read off of a teleprompter correctly. I suppose folks from countries that elected so called leaders such as Trudeau, don't expect much more, but I for one darn sure do when it comes to not only leading, but also managing a country's population with a certain amount of intelect. As a matter of fact, an operation referred to as 'Warp Speed' comes to mind when it came to developing a vaccine that would give the majority of the population more of a chance against the unfortunate but contagious bug known as covid-19. Did that operation happen to come from a mind diminished puppet or his puppeteer handlers or any of their cronies, no it did not, it was iniated by someone who others have seemed to have a certain derangement for. It sure as heck didn't come from a cognitively impaired spineless puppet or any of his puppeteer handlers or any of their cronies. 

  2.      This is another melody that had I had some of the youthful time back again, I would definitely be considering using some of the lyrics to say to the attractive woman known as Leora, or simply arranging that such tunes were played while I was in her presence:



  3. 10 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

    I don’t imagine that ever coming to fruition Nich ! She looks amazing with the strip she has grown for us now and I for one am more than happy with the arrangement, but I do take what you say about women shaving constantly, I find it difficult to distinguish between a grown woman a pre pubescent child or an oven ready chicken.

    Judging by the thickness of Leora’s head hair I would imagine her to be quite hirsute if she didn’t look after her garden. 

            It is why I mentioned that it was once hoped in regards to the issue. A landing strip is nice and definitely more mature in appearance than a bare area imo, but a landing strip is only enough for piper cubs to land on and anything larger needs more area for successful landings. 🤣

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  4.      I for one once hoped that eventually that attractive woman might actually surprise herself as well as some others, by allowing a nicely groomed, full, and thick pubic patch to be grown out for once for awhile. Considering how much time has past, it's doubtful of ever occurring. It is my opinion that too many women of modern times think that by keeping their pubic area's completely shaved bare or mostly shaved that it keeps them feeling younger because of appearing younger in age in that area, so they go for that younger girl look. It is also my opinion, that some that do, have more of an immature appearance than as much of just a younger in age appearance.

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  5.       If I were closer in age to the attractive woman known as Leora, I would have occasionally definitely considered either mentioning some comments that are actually lyrics of certain songs to her, or at times just simply serenaded her with such tunes:


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  6. 16 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

    The White House has hired Richard Sauber to assist in the Biden administration's response...


             The puppet as well as his puppeteer handlers along with their cronies better be preparing, because the days of reckoning are coming and the first of which will arrive in less than six months from now. If they did nothing wrong and everything right like they attempt to make others believe, they wouldn't have anything to be concerned or worried about but, they actually know otherwise because they know that they haven't done much of anything right and the majority of the country's population have been suffering the consequences of their ridiculous decisions. It is likely that there are now so many others that know and realize otherwise, and in particular the actual and genuine reasons why the prices of everything has skyrocketed in less time than since the puppet along with his puppeteer handlers as well as their cronies were installed in positions of which they obviously have no business whatsoever of being in. They have more than revealed that with their levels of incompetence, they couldn't manage their ways out of wet paper bags much less then manage a country with over 350 million inhabitants now.

  7. On 5/11/2022 at 4:02 PM, ddhm said:

    Good to know she reads also this part of the thread 😁 and she fulfilled your wish 😉🙂

           Lol. It is doubtful that that woman actually reads much of, if any of what is mentioned by someone who has mentioned as much of the ridiculousness that you have in the past and apparently continue to do. 😏

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  8. 15 minutes ago, happyone said:

    Biden is doing everything he can to make sure America is not first and American baabies are less important that illegal immigrants babies


    The nationwide shortage of baby formula that has sent moms desperately rushing from store to store has evaded one lucky group: illegal immigrants detained by the border patrol.


              The puppet as well as his puppeteer handlers and all of their cronies are worthless excuses of humanity and should have been ones that should have been aborted so that it would have saved many others from having to suffer because of their wacked out fanatical bullshit.

    • Haha 1
  9. 47 minutes ago, Max Ragnar said:

    I apologize to both of you (and all). I started trying to comfort one about cataracts then the shot came up and I responded. I'll make every effort to use messages from now on off topic.  In my defense I really don't want the forum members harmed by bad people behind the scenes. Bottom line.

    Guess I went off topic mentioning Lenera and Lion.

    Any word about a potential date for Paul and Eva leaving?

            🤔 Hmmm, I believe you may have meant make every effort to use messages from now on...on topic. 

    What I say....Who dat gonna go off topic now, who dat huh, who dat huh ?! 😂 A bit of humor the woman known as Leora may find amusing if she happens to notice it. 😎

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  10. 8 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    That's what happens when you put a bunch of liberal progressive socialist/Marxist intellectual egghead idiots in charge of the nation's energy policy. Democrat voters in our large cities will not be very happy this summer when we have temperatures in the 90s and 100s with no air conditioning. Biden's approval rating may be approaching zero by the end of a long hot summer.:sad:

            The puppets so called approval rating being at 33% is a fallacy. Anyone who's as cognitively impaired as he obviously is and who has screwed things up as much as he has, has no approval rating imo. Only those who are naive, ignorant, or completely brain washed wackos might think so.

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  11. 15 minutes ago, Max Ragnar said:

    You'll need to address the Russian speakers on that.  She did tell Malia she was "going out to get screwed" on one occasion.  I only know what I read and two views are strongly expressed.


           It was my understanding that two individuals who understand what gets mentioned in their native language quite well that have translated lots of comments or statements that were made, and who done so with high amounts of accuracy, both mentioned that neither of them ever heard her mention that. It was also my understanding that it was claimed that such a supposed comment was thought to have been made from what someone had supposedly read in a thread on this site. 

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  12. 6 minutes ago, ashleyxyz said:

    Hi Max, has Leora had sex with any men since Paul left? Just wondering

            You should know that there is no one other than herself that would know something such as that Ash, particularly no one that occasionally participates in threads on this site since if she even had done so, it's probably not something she would mention out in the open that could get overheard by someone else.

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  13.      The only reason anything was even mentioned regarding the subject of abortion is because of some so called woke fickle minded individual who decided to leak some info. related to an opinion of one justice out of nine justices that have not even made any further ruling on the matter to stir up contraversy and deflect peoples attentions away from all of the consistent failures of a puppet and his puppeteer handlers and other cronies in less than a year and a half that have directly caused soaring inflation where the prices and costs of everything has been skyrocketing and the fact that the puppet's approval ratings have been steadily going down and have been being reported at an abysmal 33%. Even many of those who were naive or ignorant enough to have believed their b.s. in 2020 have not at all liked having to spend so much more of what they make just to get by. It is why some days of reckoning are coming and the first of which will arrive 6 months from now and the wacked out fickle minded fools know it and are getting nervous enough that some will do whatever they can to divert peoples attentions away from the other wacked out fickle minded fools they supported that have caused the soaring inflation and skyrocketing costs of everything.

    If course, since the leaker was more than likely employed at the supreme court, that conniving individual is likely compensated enough that the skyrocketing cost of everything has not had as much of a negative impact on that individual's well being as of yet like it has on a majority of others of the overall population. When the identity of the individual gets discovered, that conniving individual may not be employed at that place of employment much longer afterwards.

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  14. As far as I'm concerned, it should not make any difference considering that she and the previous tenant known as Paul have not been living together since 2020. I hope for the current tenants current living situation, is that all works out ok for both her and the previous participant. As long as is such sitiations makes all parties involved satisfied, that would be what I agree with.

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  15. 1 hour ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

    Paul, if that's you having a piss really loud, thanks mate! 🥺

            If it actually is, it might could be considered that he is 'taking the piss' from one place, and putting it in another place. Then again, I suppose it might could be considered that he is rather 'letting the piss' go instead. 😂

    • Haha 4
  16.      Other than the woman known as Leora being a visually appealing attractive woman, considering that she has always seemed to possess a caring and thoughtful well meaning and intentioned nature, I for one hope that she is soon reunited with the guy she has always seemed to care the most for along with her beloved little pooch. If anyone deserves such happiness, that woman obviously does.

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  17. 16 hours ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

    Very rare that i post anywhere else (!), but having read about this place, and indeed seen the guy on his own mostly in the thumbs, i wonder if rlc were sold a Pup - Meaning, this couple said this, only to then do that. Like, she said or gave the impression she was a homebird when it soon turned out she wasn't going to be at home very much at all? It's the fact it has closed so soon, as if the company realised they'd made a big error. Why shut it down so quickly if they knew ahead what their situation was?

          Not even a full two weeks. That was a short stint with the project to say the least.

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