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Posts posted by Nicholas

  1. 36 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    At least he didn't have toilet tissue stuck to his shoe after coming out of the shitter like #45.  

    toilet paper trump GIF

            He may not have, but other than a bird shitting on his shoulder, he only had a booger or wad of snot stuck on the side of his face. Not only is his cognitive mental state obviously rapidly declining, evidently he has no better hygiene than a young child. It wouldn't be surprising if someone had to wipe his ass for him when he goes to have his depends changed.

  2. 8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

    And I wonder what did Joe Biden offer Saudi Arabia in return for a promise to produce more oil? Do you really believe the Saudis are going to pump more oil just out of the kindness of their hearts?

           The Saudi Prince agreed to produce more barrels of oil, but they are already near the country's pumping and refining capacity. They have been currently producing 10,211,000 barrels of oil per day, but according to The Saudi Prince their producing capacity is 13,000,000 barrels of oil per day. Less than 3 million barrels of oil per day is hardly a drop in a bucket compared to the overall world energy market. So even if the Saudi's do increase production to their limit capabilities, it will not all be sold to the U.S., and probably only a percentage of the extra 2,788,000 barrels of oil per day.

    So the mentally impaired puppet's plan of going over to another country to beg them to produce more oil because he has been made aware of what is fixing to occur in the mid term elections less than 3 months from now because of his completely ridiculously incompetent decisions to substantially curtail oil and gas production in the U.S., which in turn contributed significantly to rising costs of everything else including energy production, which significantly contributed to record high inflation that has been occurring in the U.S. since then, just to appease a significant portion of his unlogical, unsensible, ignorant socialist/marxist ideological minded base, will not do much to save their asses in less than 3 months from now. The left are more likely than not going to get crushed in the mid terms and I for one will be glad to see that they do.

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  3.      The disinformation campaign of the left has been noticeably ramping up. The left is getting desperate because of all the noticeable disastrous failures that have occurred since January of last year because of having an incompetent, mentally declining puppet along with his puppeteer handlers and their cronies installed in positions in 2020 they had no business whatsoever of being in, and the incompetent decisions they have made since then that have severely, negatively impacted a majority of American citizens.

    Another article recently post by someone from the so called media outlet known as the New York Times, claims that a recent poll of a question 'Who would others rather see in control of congress after the coming mid term elections ?'.

    The supposed results of the poll question was supposedly, 41% D, 40%R, and 19% I. The poll was supposedly conducted by none other than 'The New York Times/Sienna College Poll', and is contrary to what a majority of other polls conducted more recently have been showing.

    Of course it's not surprising since both are about as hard left leaning as they come, so such a poll might not be as believable a poll as some others and I believe that they fail to realize that there are many, many more millions of people now who do not trust them than there may have been in 2020 and before.

    Millions of more people have become less trusting of the so called media outlets such as The New York Times, NPR, ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, and particularly more so CNN and MSNBC. All of which are hard left leaning disinformation spreading outlets. They will most likely all be quite surprised to see just how many less actually believe the disinformation and propaganda they try to peddle and promote after what's coming in the mid terms in less than 3 months from now.

  4.       The far left activist so called media organization known as CNN has been hemorraging viewership for quite some time. Now someone affiliated with the so called media outlet has just posted an article titled,'BA.5, The worst variant is here'. It can be considered little doubt that the so called media organization has been desperately trying to reverse the declining number of viewers they have experienced for quite some time now. So now someone affiliated with the organization decides to revert back to fear mongering in regards to a bug that allowed them and many other leftist activist organizations to spread disinformation and fear throughout the country. It is not at all surprising that such an article is posted with less than 3 months before the left will most likely experience historic rejections during the upcoming mid term elections in the U.S. since there have been more than a dozen states that passed legislation into law determining that there will not be any future election or voter abnormalities or irregularities permitted in those states no matter what the circumstances may be such as occurred in 2020 for the first time in the history of the country's existence. The left has caused so much negative impacts to the well beings of a majority of the citizens of the country, that disinformation or fear mongering will likely not help them very much then as it did in 2020.

  5.       Just released, inflation spikes to a new 40 year high of 9.1% in the U.S. which is an even higher increase than most of the so called left leaning economists predicted that it would increase with a number of such so called economists predicting that it may only increase an additional .1% or .2%. Another serious indicator that the U.S. economy is a already in a recession. The red wave that is on the way is building and gaining strength and could just end up being a full blown tidal wave or psunami when it arrives in less than 3 months from now in the U.S. where the pathetic fickle minded left are concerned. That's what happens when you have incompetent, ignorant socialist/marxist minded foolish idiots who couldn't manage their way out of wet paper bags let alone manage a country start a war on energy production which is the country's main driving force of the overall economy.

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  6. 12 hours ago, pulo filipe said:

    Donald Trump Rnc GIF by MSNBC 

    Joe Biden President GIF by NBC

     who is the best woman 

           It sure as hell isn't the one in the bottom pic since she is a lying dishonest woman. About as dishonest as her old man that she lied for to help get installed as a puppet of the country. She is one of many responsible for the constant failures of leadership and policy decision making and why the well beings of a majority of the American citizens have endured negative consequences since January of last year. The majority of the Hispanic community do not care for her or her worthless old man and will show just how little they do in less than 3 months from now just as many others will.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Max Ragnar said:

    Gotcha   It was a tongue in cheek deal rather than be rude or name call in return which I've tried hard not to do.  I do disagree it "does not directly correlate or correspond to the 'Leora and Paul' forum". It was directed at nitpicking  on the Leora and Paul forum threads. 


            My previous post of comments were in reference to the previous thread topic listing title that did not include any mention or reference to the main forum listing in this section of the site that all other sub-forum thread listings in this section of the site are supposed to be associated with until you changed it, not the content meant to be conveyed in the thread.

    • Upvote 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Max Ragnar said:

    No grandfathering, feel free to retroactive criticize every comment including the fonts, punctuation and spelling back to 2013

            This sub-forum thread topic listing would be more appropriately listed as a sub-forum thread of the forum 'Random Discussions' or the forum 'Rants and Flame Wars' since it's sub-forum thread listing title does not directly correlate or correspond to the 'Leora and Paul' forum, similar to that of another thread listing title listed as 'Road to 8/24' that does not as well.

    • Upvote 5
  9. 18 hours ago, jugghead said:

    You call that an administration?

          A hell of alot more of an administration than the current 3 ring circus that is no more than a corrupt mentally declining impaired puppet along with his puppeteer handlers and any and all of their cronies. If what they have done to the well being of a majority of American citizens in less than a year and a half was not as bad as it actually has been and is and continues to be, they could be considered a bad joke on the country but, unfortunately not because they have shown time and time again that they are actually no good at anything other than enriching themselves and any lobbyist and special interests organizations members who support them in doing so. Anyone who actually voted for, and continues to make excuses for, or spread propaganda for, or flat out lies for, are as they are, also serious problems for the well being of the majority of the citizens of the overall population of the country.

    Problems that will more than likely soon be stymied and brought to a halt to an extent, and put on a course to be rectified and if possible corrected when the country is put back on a path of being considered as headed in more of a good and much better direction for a majority of the population in less than 90 days from now, and then again even more so 2 years from then. The fickle minded left are more than likely going to regret being influenced into adopting socialist and even marxist ideologies and trying to impose them on as many of others as they can in under 90 days from now when the majority of citizens casts their votes that will reveal that enough of the citizens of the country have enough common sense to recognize logic and sensibility from dislogic and nonsense as well as honesty from dishonesty when it comes the well beings of themselves and their families. 

    • Like 1
  10. On 7/9/2022 at 1:06 PM, SPYING 1 said:

    In an inflammatory decision, the far-right justices declared that illegal votes “polluted” the...


             It was long past due that some others in positions of authority actually had the backbones and courage to express some of what actually occurred during the general election in the U.S. in 2020. Those who have claimed there was no evidence are all either quite naive or highly ignorant or have been denying what they themselves like many, many other's know to be factual and true.

    Of course when such narratives have been pushed by a majority of the so called media outlets around the country, it's no wonder why there have not been any more than there have been to express what they know to have occurred. Especially and particularly incidents that could be seen by other's own eyes, a number of which were captured on video.

    There are many who knew and knows it to be true, but would rather remain silent because of not wanting to believe that an election and in particular a general election in the U.S. could have been rigged, as well as fearing any backlash they might receive for doing so. It is why so many of the fickle minded left actually became enthusiastic when so many abnormalities and irregularities were allowed to be implemented in place of what had been normal traditional election and voting rules and regulations for many decades, when a bug arrived that had been released by communists in a country who hated that they were forced to forfeit hundreds of billions of dollars in forms of tariffs on products imported from that country, who knew the bug was contagious enough that it would spread to all other countries around the world causing a world wide pandemic and hoping it would cause enough chaos in the U.S. during an election year, to get a certain individual removed and another individual in place that would remove tariffs that were put in place that was costing them hundreds of billions of dollars.

    Of course there were millions who actually did vote for someone who hardly even actually campaigned, many of which who did so because of being tired of a narrative that had been being perpetuated in regards to someone who decided to run as a republican rather than a democrat, but was also someone who had never been involved in politics other than to previously donate to several democratic politicians during their campaigns for office, and many who despised the individual because of such, in addition to many who had allowed themselves to have been brainwashed over the years, and particularly many who had been done so by ways of indoctrination rather than actual education in academic institutions throughout the country. All of whom along with a majority of so called media and big tech outlets in the U.S. are why things are and have been since January 2020.

    Hopefully the ridiculously outrageous shyrocketing costs of energy along with skyrocketing costs of everything else that followed that has caused record breaking inflation and a brink of a recession in the U.S. economy that has mostly been caused by an installment of a cognitively declining dishonest puppet along with his puppeteer handlers as well as their cronies, are impacting as many of those who were responsible for such matters as can be, as much as it is others around the country, if not more.

    Now, not only did Justice Alito mention something in regards to such scenarios, so did the majority of Justices of the State Supreme Court of Wisconson. As time goes by, there will be more and more who decide to express what they observed to have occurred then, and eventually more evidence other than what is already known to the public will be revealed. 

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  11.       Seems unusual as well as unordinary that there are those who evidently do not have much else interesting to do during their daily lives day after day other than feeling compelled to narrate as much of every move that two individuals who can only be observed through lenses of some cams from thousands of kilometers or miles away. Observing others in such ways are one thing, but narrating nearly every move others make who can only be observed in such ways is certainly another thing altogether that is unnecessary imo.

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  12. 9 hours ago, ddhm said:

    I will say it here for whoever can look the big picture and escape the microworld …


    We have a girl that for 3 years nearly she saw her boyfriend for a short time , then the boyfriend after many years found a new girlfriend for a period and the girlfriend did the same . For whatever reasons , the boyfriend returns .


    3 years that the girlfriend has - according to repeated public posts - made friends , has learned the city , 3 years that the girlfriend had 3 ( three ) visitors , 2 girls - one of them became a roomate - and a guy . 3 years that maybe the girlfriend didn’t have visitors because of possible being afraid to open the apartment to new people , being afraid that they will stalk her , whatever whatever whatever reasons . 

    Now , the boyfriend arrives , IN ALL OF THE REST OF THE APARTMENTS , everyone has welcomed friends , wouldn’t be the girlfriend proud to invite 1 or 2 or 3 really close friends of these 3 years and enjoy an evening , showing the LOVE OF HER LIFE to them , Paul getting to know some of his girlfriend’s best friends and people who supported her all those years ? Is this strange to happen or nuclear science ? Of course , the answer is that these two don’t want that and we move on to the next chapter …. 

    And let’s see then the other side and next chapter   …Will this be the first or the last couple ( judging also by the fact that both tried to move on with their lives with new lovers .. ) that the relationship isn’t going to work , what then ? And ok , Paul will grab his things and move maybe back to Russia , but Leora with her  dream in Europe ? Who will she have to be next to her and support her if the relationship doesn’t succeed ? Where are the alternatives if the story with Paul and as soon as the “ honeymoon “ months are over , isn’t working? 

    Do you see any alternatives for these people ? Who is it there that they can trust , a friend to speak , someone to have and talk face to face in case things don’t get nice ? Or is this completely manageable and as Leora said “ she doesn’t need anyone in her life “ and whatever happens , the company of her portable devices will save the day ? I think that even the majority in this forum has at least ONE person , family member , best friend , WHOEVER , that we need , we feel , we want the chance that we can talk and take things that we have inside our chest and soul so as to feel better and relief ourselves …Because not everything we live everyday is golden shining..


    But , now there are two people who do all together , very nice and totally understandable …But WHAT IF ..? Except if such a thing can’t happen to this couple 😂🤣😂🥲Exactly like Paul not being able to find another girlfriend after Leora or Leora finding another boyfriend for 1,5 years in Prague …


    Let’s see if this will be an one of a kind couple in history , a couple without friends , a couple that their life will be in front of cameras with a dog , as they say , for as long as Leora wants …

            🙄 😐 😆 🤣 😂 😅

    • Upvote 3
  13.       A message to any and all who may or intend or plan on voting in the coming mid term elections in November in the U.S.

    Take into consideration what your lives were like just a couple of years ago before a virus bug was intentionally released by communists on the other side of the world because the communist government of that country hated having to forfeit hundreds of billions of dollars on products imported into the U.S. from that country that they had been for awhile since tariffs were placed against them, knowing how contagious the bug was they knew it would spread around the world and arrive in the U.S. around the beginning of or shortly thereafter, a general election year that involved an election of a U.S. president.

    Take into consideration how desperate they were in hopes that in doing so, the contagious bug would cause enough chaos that it would disrupt what had been considered normalized election and voting rules and regulations for many decades in the U.S.

    Take into consideration how desperate those on the left to regain more control in the country like the communists who intentionally released the bug were desperate to have someone else that they might could negotiate lifting or removing some of if not all of the tariffs imposed on them that they were having to forfeit hundreds of billions of dollars on.

    Take into consideration how coincidental could it have been that someone who's family as well as some others who are members of the same so called political party they are affiliated with, became even much more wealthy then they already had from some of the same communist affiliated so called corporations and individuals, some corporations of which no longer exist and actually never did for very long.

    Take into consideration that the same family as well as other members of a so called political party they are affiliated with also became wealthy by accumulation of millions of dollars in other so called business dealings with other so called corporations and individuals in other countries as well.

    Take into consideration the overall state of prosperity that existed in more of the overall population than ever before then, and then take into consideration what has occurred since then, and in particular, over the last year and a half in the U.S.

    Take into consideration the fact that a cognitively declining individual was installed in a position of which he has shown and proven more than any doubt that he has no business whatsoever of being in. 

    Take into consideration the cancelation of gas pipeline projects in the country on the first day of the puppet being installed in the position, and yet removing sanctions that prevented Russia from continuing a major gas pipeline into Europe, and to be more specific, to the country of Germany called NordStreem II. 

    Take into consideration all of the regulations that were imposed on American energy producing companies and that fuel prices started rising afterwards. 

    Take into consideration how costs of all other manufactured commodities and products began rising soon thereafter since costs of most all manufactured commodities and products are tied directly as well as indirectly depending on types of manufactured products, to costs of energy production in America. 

    Take into consideration how long it actually was that costs on energy products and therefore everything else in America had already risen and was continuing to rise before Russia invaded Ukraine. 

    After taking all such matters into consideration, anyone with any shred of common sense should realize why the current state of the economy is in the state it is in which is near if not already experiencing being in a recession of the economy in America and it certainly is not because of the pandemic or what has occurred in any other country of the world as a number of others would like many others to believe.

    If all is taken into consideration by those with open minds and any shred of common sense, it should not be difficult to actually realize why the ways things are currently the ways they are throughout the country in the U.S.

    My advice would be to vote mostly red in November, and only vote blue for any candidate that might have actually already revealed to possess some common sense such as Senators Manchin and Sinema.

    Vote mostly red so that there is a substantial red wave enough so that some others with some common sense can be placed in positions where legislative votes count so that the current disastrous ridiculous policies of the radical left who lean heavily towards socialism and marxism can be stopped and reversed by congressional legislation that could override any so called executive veto. 

    Join the movement to get the U.S. back on track and headed in a good and better direction and vote mostly red in November.

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