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Posts posted by Nicholas

  1. On 7/2/2022 at 10:25 AM, letsdothis said:

    'Trump is a disgrace': Right-wing news site delivers blistering op-ed on the former president

    A right-wing news outlet is blasting former President Donald Trump in a blistering new editorial released in wake of former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony during the House Select Committee hearing on Tuesday.

    Following the incriminating hearing, The Washington Examiner released an op-ed with its assessment of the latest revelations. According to HuffPost, Hutchinson's testimony appears to confirm that the former president was well aware of the fact that his supporters were "armed and potentially violent, but encouraged them to help him overthrow the 2020 election anyway."

    Hutchinson also shed light on a confrontation involving Trump and a Secret Service agent. According to the former aide, who worked as a staffer for former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, "a Secret Service agent told her that Trump tried to grab the wheel of his armored limousine to turn back to the Capitol when the Secret Service informed him they’d be unable to take him there on Jan. 6."

    The Washington Examiner also emphasized the fact that Hutchinson, who was 25 years of age when she worked in the White House, had already worked in some of the highest-ranking positions in politics and was "a conservative Trumpist true believer and a tremendously credible one at that.” The news outlet also explained why her disturbing account was believable.

    “What Hutchinson relayed was disturbing. She gave believable accounts of White House awareness that the planned Jan. 6 rally could turn violent. She repeated testimony that Trump not only knew that then-Vice President Mike Pence’s life had been credibly threatened that day but also that he was somewhere between uncaring and actually approving of Pence’s danger,” the site said.

    The outlet added, “Hutchinson’s testimony confirmed a damning portrayal of Trump as unstable, unmoored, and absolutely heedless of his sworn duty to effectuate a peaceful transition of presidential power.”

    In conclusion, The Examiner made it clear that Trump should be nowhere near a position of power ever again. “Trump is a disgrace. Republicans have far better options to lead the party in 2024," the site concluded. "No one should think otherwise, much less support him, ever again.”

            I believe at this point most would agree that the puppet and his puppeteer handlers along with their cronies installed in positions of which they have proven more than enough that they certainly do not belong in are those who are actually disgraces and so is what they've done to cause misfortune, misery, and bad circumstances and situations to so many of the overall population of the country in just the last year and a half and are continuing to do so.

    The overall population of the country was not experiencing the financial misfortunes, miseries, and flat out bad circumstances and situations during the four years while he was president as so many have in just the last year and a half since a certainly noticeable and recognizable cognitively declining and truly dishonest puppet was unusually installed in a position of which he has more than proven over the last year and a half he doesn't belong in. He is also someone who has proven how dishonest he actually is from all of his continuous dishonesty to the public whenever he does try to speak anywhere at times.

    He is also someone who also constantly rely's on note cards and teleprompter's because he cannot speak much more than a half a dozen coherent sentences if even that at times, without making incoherent, mumbled, jumbled gaffes while attempting to speak, which constantly reveals a state of cognitive mental decline. 

    Many on the left despise Trump although before he ever decided to actually get involved in politics and actually make a run for the position and office of the presidency, the only involvement he ever had politically was when he donated to several politicians while they were campaigning for office, which happened to be Democrats.

    Evidently he, like many other's, eventually had noticed and recognized how ridiculously radical, illogical, and unsensible that so called party had become. If not, when he did decide to actually get involved in politics and make a run for president, he would have likely leaned towards doing it by registering as a democrat and done so.

    The fact that he didn't and instead chose to do it as a Republican, is why so many on the left actually despise him as much as they do. That is, out of those who are actually aware of such matters and not those who naively are not, but do so anyway because of allowing themselves to be influenced and manipulated like flocks of sheep do when being led by sheepherders.

    Had he decided to register and run as a Democrat and actually won the nomination and went on to win the presidency, there would likely be mostly praise rather than resentment or scorn coming from a majority of those on the left where he is concerned. So those who attempt to make it seem as though enough of others actually care about such matters concerning Trump, are those who continuously reveal that they are afflicted with such psychological disorders referred to as TDS. Such afflictions might be resolved by seeking psychological help, but they certainly will not be by merely continuing such revelations.

    Perhaps after what will more than likely occur 3 months from now, it will reveal how the majority of the overall population actually feels and has realized which times over the last five and a half years, that they actually feel and have realized when they were much more financially secure and better off, and most would agree that it hasn't been over the last year and a half.

    Those afflicted with TDS that attempt to divert attentions and distract from the continuous, disastrous, ridiculous failures of a puppet, his puppeteer handlers, and their cronies over just the last year and a half, will not be much of a factor in determining the outcome.

    • Like 1
  2. 15 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

    Merrick Garland "said he'd go to the top if that's where the evidence points," Harvard Law's Laurence Tribe said, predicting Trump's...


              Merrick Garland is nothing more than a biased partisan political hack installed in the position he's in by none other than a puppet who was also installed by a highly abnormal and unusual so called election.

    A so called election where normal rules and regulations that had been in place for many decades regarding election and voting procedures were allowed to be altered, changed, and even outright by passed because of a bug that was intentionally released upon the world by some communists who knew it was contagious enough that it would spread around the world and to the U.S. and hoped that it would cause enough chaos that it would disrupt the next general election and work out in their favor.

    It was done because they hated that they were having to forfeit hundreds of billions of dollars because of tariffs that was placed against imported products from that country by Trump.

    It's not at all surprising that the puppet is now trying to make others believe there is some rationale for removing any of the tariffs if in fact he really hasn't already.

    Particularly since he and his family have received millions of dollars from so called businesses in that country, some of which no longer exist yet had ties to individuals in the so called communist government there.

    He is and never has been nothing more than a corrupt career politician who never made any good political decisions and there are those on the left who have even admitted so on multiple occasions.

    As far as Merrick Garland goes,  that's why Obummer wanted him to be able to be appointed to the SCOTUS. It didn't work out for him then but his corrupt ass kisser who was installed as a puppet because of a highly abnormal, unusual, unprecedented so called election, knew he would do the lefts bidding and that is the only reason he is in the position he is in now.

    Like the puppet, he is so biased and sorry he hasn't even been having law enforcement enforce federal laws pertaining to no protesting be allowed outside of sitting justice, judges, or jurors residences.

    You'll never see that on MSN or any other left leaning so called news media outlet. I'm sure there will be lots of excuses perpetuated by many of them after what will more likely than not occur this coming November though.

    • Upvote 1
  3.      Those on the left in the U.S. fail to realize whether because of such reasons as being very naive, or being very uninformed, or because of being mostly brainwashed because of ridiculous, illogical and therefore unsensible so called education that actually involves more of activism indoctrination of younger generations minds of people in America, perhaps the world may be quite surprised after the results of the next elections in America. Let's see what happens when 3 quarters on both sides of the aisle agree that the country is most certainly headed in the wrong direction and that the current puppet and his handlers installed are responsible for the majority of such ridiculously disastrous circumstances.

    • Upvote 1
  4.      Come November, most of the strings of the puppet installed as the so called leader of the U.S. will get cut when enough people with more percentages of common sense and intelligence are actually elected to positions that have to do with deciding what will actually be better for average everyday working class Americans than the lobbyist and special interest organisation's of which many more people on the left depend on than many other people do. November will not arrive soon enough to reverse such ridiculous national security so called policies that the left have been attempting to install. The unlogical and certainly ubsensible policies can be and should be reversed after November. Those who have become brainwashed to the radical, illogical and unsensible left will either regret doing so, or regret that they get rejected in such overwhelming numbers.

  5. 1 hour ago, jugghead said:

    As I said, I didn't want it to be political. That comment was between myself and the big guy. I'm sorry I ruffled your feathers. Again.

            You mentioned the comment in what is considered a paricular public forum thread listing that has been being continually renewed for quite some time now, although there exists a pm option on this website. If you happen to be one of many who are apparently afflicted with ideologies that there are only one certain group of people to continue agreeing with no matter what the circumstances or situations may be, or what is expressed by someone who attempts to influence as many of others as can be that does not make any logical reasoning or common sense, then it actually would be more  sensable to make such comments in threads that have been established or created for such comments so that there, others could respond to such comments either likewise, or not likewise and express explanations as to which ideologies might be insinuated or revealed.

    • Like 1
  6. 18 minutes ago, jugghead said:

    I just want to see Leora's ass perform. That shit you just said doesn't compute LOL

          What doesn't compute with you ? Could it possibly be the comments you made earlier in this thread ?  For quite awhile, I would have thought you to be someone with more of an intelligence and open mind than you have apparently revealed yourself to be. Anyone who continuously supports a group of people who intentionally subjects others to experience unfortunate and bad times during their lives is either very naive or plain ignorant. If either actually pertains to you, I would suggest that perhaps you consider keeping any snide political comments out of this thread and instead in a thread where such comments would be better off being made.

    • Upvote 4
  7. 55 minutes ago, dougiestyle4u said:

    If they don't pay bonuses now then Leora must have a "grandfather (or should I say grandmother) clause" that still provides her extra performance money. Besides being an exhibitionist for attention, why else would she be offering constant teases, nudity, masturbations and sex pretty much 24/7. She has to be getting rewarded for putting herself out there so often. Unless, if she didn't do all this she might be scared that she might be cut loose from RLC. There still has to be some kind of bonus incentive for the RLC tenants but only if they are willing to go the extra mileage. Obviously some may not and just comfortable for the base amount of pay. Some might rather do the extra mileage while they spends hours or nights away from the RLC compound (hint, hint - 😈).

         Apparently, the comments you responded to must have been another glitch in the CC's. website software, since the comment was actually one of Stn's comments and not one of my comments. I've noticed that seems to occur perhaps more often than it should on this website just as it does on quite a number of other websites. There is quite a substantial number of folks who thinks the internet is infalable and believes most of what they see on it when there are many times, when it is actually otherwise. Could that have anything to do with the current state of affairs and conditions that millions of people have been experiencing in the U.S. for the last year and a half. Nah, of course not. It's all just what the majority of supposed media news outlets want folks to believe. Of course the U.S. is not experiencing record breaking inflation, of course the U.S. is not experiencing record breaking cost of everything including fuels and food, it's all just millions of peoples imaginations. Although 3 months from now will more than likely prove otherwise. 😏

    • Upvote 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    With RLC when you have a subscriber base of 100,000+, the tenants only get a stipend and once all the Utilities and rent payments are made there is still a large slice of the pie that's pure profit. They used to pay bonus's at one time for extra activity above and beyond but don't know if it still is or whether that part was removed.   100,000 subscriber @$44.95= $4,495,000.  Even after all stipends and everything is covered there is still a large chunk of pie each month which makes RLC and the shareholders smile from ear to ear. 

            That explanation is more detailed and seems more understandable and is an explanation of which I agree with.

    • Upvote 1
  9. 1 hour ago, StnCld316 said:

    When one makes a payment for a RLC Account their monies paid go towards all of the tenants regardless off whether they get watched or not. Where else can a tenant get a free apartment with all utilities paid and fully furnished and get paid a stipend of 2,500 or more Euro a Month. Rest assured no Tenant will ever become a millionaire being on RLC or any other site of similarity.  

            I believe I realize that you meant if the benefits of having bills paid residence's to reside in are factored in along with periodic cost of living compensations, but I disagree to an extent because of the fact that if all of subscriber currencies went to the overheads to support the participants and no profits had been made, they would have never been able to continue covering overhead costs such as property leases and utility bills during the times of lesser participant and/or subscriber participations. The participants only receive a percentage of what the business receives in subscription currencies because of such matters, otherwise, the business would have never lasted very long at all and certainly not as long as it has.

    • Upvote 2
  10. 59 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    Only thing is the inflation is not Bidens fault.  It's the same way in every Country prices are up everywhere around the world, shortages empty shelves. One man is not solely the blame for it all. The Republican far right ideology tries to get as many brainwashed as possible to actually believe Biden is the blame of the whole thing. 

            For many years, it has been known that as the economy of the U.S. goes, so goes a number of other countries economies of the world. Regardless of what has occurred in other nations, record high inflation in the U.S. is most certainly his fault. Like I said, anyone with a shred of intelligence or common sense knows that energy production is, and always has been the driving force of the overall American economy. When he started shutting down energy production like he did as soon as he was installed, he was also shutting down a substantial portion of the overall economy which has had a snowball effect on the rest of the economy which is exactly why everything else increased substantially in cost along with the cost of fuels since then. Flooding the country with more money and deceiving the overall population by calling the ridiculous amount of money covid recovery and infrastructure funding when only a percentage of the more than a trillion dollars was actually allocated for either, and printing more money that wasn't needed to try to cover the ridiculous unnecessary amounts of money, also contributed to the ridiculously high record inflation that has been occurring in the U.S. since then. He and his puppeteer handlers and their cronies were warned by a number of economists but ignored the warnings and did it anyway.

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  11. 4 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

    Hard to say.  The GOP may just get backlashed.  After taking America back 50 Years someone's going to pay a price.  They can't blame Biden for the SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v Wade. This one is solely on the Republicans.

             Nah, not hard to say at all since 40 to 50 % of the overall population of the country likely believe that the federal government should have never gotten involved in matters such as abortion with a SCOTUS ruling that never should have been anyway, and the ruling back then should have ruled that it was not the federal governments place to be involved in such law making decisions that had been being left up to each state's legislatures, and should have continued to be left up to each state's legislatures, which is what over ruling Roe v Wade finally did. I can just about guarantee that there will be many, many more who cast votes in November who are much more concerned about how they have had to start paying quite a bit more for everything since the puppet and his puppeteer handlers and their cronies were installed into positions of which they have absolutely no business whatsoever of being in. It all started when the brain dead puppet along with his puppeteer handlers and their cronies decided to start a war on energy production in the U.S. as soon as they were installed in the positions, when anyone with a shred of common sense knows that energy production in the U.S. is the main driving force of the American economy, and everything snowballed from such idiotic, ignorant, disastrous decisions and the prices of everything else followed the increases in fuels and have been steadily increasing along with the costs of fuels ever since then. There will be many, many more concerned about how much money they don't have because of such ridiculous, ignorant, idiotic decisions than there are those that are more concerned about something such as where women will be able to or where women will not be able to get an abortion. The constant failures resulting from such idiotic, ignorant decisions one after another since the puppet and his puppeteer handlers and their cronies were installed, is more than enough evidence and proof of that.

    • Upvote 2
  12.      Of 1.7 million registered voters who have changed party affiliations in the U.S. over the past 12 months, 630,000 have changed affiliations to the party of the left, whereas over a million have changed affiliations to the party of the right. Another apparent indicator that a substantial rejection of the party of the socialist, marxist ideological minded left will likely occur in November. 

    • Upvote 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Brokk! said:

    You know, I'd be sorry if you left because of Leora and her senseless actions.

    Unfortunately this is just the umpteenth confirmation that Leora likes to be treated badly. The more you treat her as an exhibitionist whore, the more awards she gives to those who look at her, thus giving reason to those who consider her only an exhibitionist. If Leora prefers this, no problem but then she shouldn't complain if people always and only think badly of her on CC, because she herself gives rise to gossips, to speculations.

    For me you shouldn't go away but keep writing on CC not to defend Leora (apparently she doesn't need it and doesn't want anyone to write down what's really going on in the apartment) but to shed some light on what's going on in the apartment. There are few people on CC willing to do this efficiently.

            I disagree with one of the terms of reference. Referring to someone as an exhibitionist who may actually be so is one thing, but to include referencing someone as something such as a whore of which they are not nor have ever been, is certainly another thing altogether, and it is another thing of which I do not agree with since I am well aware enough of a substantial part of that individual's life to know better.

    • Haha 1
  14. 14 hours ago, pulo filipe said:

    If Paul wears panties from Leora What happens 

           He might be thought of as Paulette rather than Paul if he did. 😅

    14 hours ago, pulo filipe said:

    if Leora Using toys with Paul what happens 


    14 hours ago, pulo filipe said:

    If Paul does anal with Leora What happens 

          He might experience having somewhat of a sensitive or tender backside afterwards if her toys were used. 🤣

    • Haha 2
  15. 11 hours ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

    Abortion is now like alcohol was after Prohibition was amended. It's controlled at the State level by the people and their elected local state officials, because the Constitution doesn't enumerate as a Federally enforced right. Still, after this, abortion isn't illegal and though it might have some restrictions, it will remain available according to the votes of the people.

    I expect more property damage, and possibly more death. The pro-abortion people are ignorant and have not read the Supreme Courts findings. I also expect that the currently ruling Democrats and Media will not have investigations regarding such violence, as they ignored the damage done throughout our cities by the BLM and Antifa.





             More points that are actually factual and not speculative as many would like others to believe. Points of which I agree with and are significant to have been pointed out. As always, your opinion and viewpoint is appreciated Foamy, particularly since they always make sense and are rooted in common sense and facts. Most of which most on the left have no sensible comprehension of nowadays.

    • Upvote 1
  16.       Most poll followers predict that the left is in for a good shalacking come November. I, as many others believe and quite a bit of data indicates, that the left is in for a good ass kicking come November, and deservedly so as far as I'm concerned. I am hopeful that it will be such an ass kicking, that the left will be rendered irrelevant as far as any decision making goes in regards to the majority of the citizens of the country's overall well being goes for at least a decade or longer in the U.S. After all, that is what actual democracies do, they cycle out the bad individuals for others who will hopefully be and do better by way of voting.

    • Like 1
  17. 1 minute ago, happyone said:

    The left and the Democrats would have you believe that the Supreme Court just outlawed abortions.  That is just not true.  What happened is the the Supreme Court turned over the decision to allow or not allow abortions to the States.  We are a nation of States which the Constitution has granted the power to the States to make it's own laws. The Supreme Court is finally following the Constitution by taking away power of the Federal Government to rule our lives and give that power back to the States whose elected officials for better or worse mostly follow the will of the majority of the constituents who elected them.  So, there are States that will allow abortions and those that will not.  

           Precisely. 👌

    • Thanks 2
  18. 1 hour ago, happyone said:

    OMG Pelosi is getting as bad as Biden when trying to speak. 

            That fickle minded dishonest lying assed worthless old hag, has been getting as bad as the puppet for quite some time. There were several statements she made that were flat out lies such as claiming that Republicans nationwide, were wanting to ban abortions altogether, making it seem as though to make it unlawful throughout the country no matter what the circumstances of individual situations might be, and so to prevent such from happening, they should not be able to regain control of positions that have to do with governing or managing local districts in states, as well as individual state's themselves, but more so in particularly the country as a whole. She tried to make it seem as though record breaking inflation and the prices of everything in the country, including and particularly energy product prices which have contributed to the skyrocketing prices of everything else such as food and any other consumable items that people need to survive and get by on, do not exist. She also tried to divert attention away from all the other constant failures from the cabal she is associated with over the last 18 months. News flash for her is that that such ridiculous circumstances do exist, and most of which has been caused by and exasberated by the puppet and his puppeteer handlers and all of their dishonest lying assed cronies such as her and Schumer and Schiff, and Swalwell, and a number of others. She, like many of the left nowadays more so than ever before, are nothing more than a cabal of dishonest, lying assed, corrupt, radical, socialist, marxist minded good for nothing sorry excuses of humanity. There will be many, many more come November who are much more concerned about how much everything has been costing them since the cost of everything started increasing around 18 months ago, when they decide who should be voted for. The ruling on the abortion issue that never should have been in the first place all the way back in 1973, will have minimal impact on what occurs in November that the left will be even more discouraged, outraged, or emotionally compromised in regards to the results of what their ridiculous, radical, socialistic, marxist ideologies and so called policies contributed to. There still remains enough of the American population that retain enough common sense to recognize the shams and b.s. the current leftists have promoted and tried to force on a population of a country of which the majority do not actually believe in.

  19.      Just released, The Supreme Court of the U.S. has overturned the Roe vs. Wade ruling that allowed leftist beaurocracies of the federal government to blanketly decide what all states legislatures should do as far as voting in each individual state's legislatures to determine what laws on abortion should be in each state. Just another example of how the left used federal beaurocracies to infringe on individualized state's legislatures from voting on and establishing their own laws in regards to matters  federal beaurocracies had no business whatsoever of being involved in. Another sign of what is to come in November because enough of the country's population have been becoming aware of how destructive ideologies and policies of leftist beaurocracies have been and are in the country as a whole. Some days of reckoning are on the horizon and some are already starting to occur. This coming November will show what a majority of the population now actually think of leftist ideologies and so called policies. The left have been asking for it by promoting and pushing their destructive, radical, senseless, socialist, marxist ideologies and so called policies throughout various governmental institutions and bodies in the country, and now they are going to get it.

    • Thanks 2
  20. 14 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

    "What they did to cancel us out is absolutely disgusting," Lindell told Insider, claiming his MyPillows were the retailer's top-selling product.

    Henry Danger Superhero GIF by Nickelodeon   The extermination of My Pillow is coming soon.

            Such trivial distractions won't make any difference as far as the extermination of the lunatic fringed left's undeserving and unrighteous control in the U.S. that is coming soon, the puppet and his puppeteer handlers days of continuous fucking up are numbered and getting closer to being over every day that passes, stay tuned to find out what a majority of the American people are actually concerned about and actually think in regards to continuous dishonesty and constant failures of the lunatics of the left in American society. 

  21. 3 hours ago, piedpiper1968 said:

    Nice creampie after the sex yesterday for those interested. 


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    3 hours ago, Howard said:

    Some trivia:  Back in mother Russia, it wasn't often Paul unloaded inside Leora.

          I for one, am not interested in such matters, although I will mention that if such matters continue on as much of a regular basis as often as it has been mentioned to have been occurring lately since his recent return to the current location, that it would not be at all surprising if all of a sudden she discovers that she has become pregnant one day in the near future, since a substantial majority of pregnancies occur surprisingly unexpected, rather than those that occur by purposeful meaning or attempts at doing so and are not as surprising, no matter what is done by many to try to prevent otherwise for those that do not mean or intend on doing so. I for one, also thought they knew better than they now apparently seem to, unless perhaps it is actually done not caring if something as such were to occur nowadays. If it did, their days of being participants of the project would definitely be closer to being over than not. 

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