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Posts posted by Nicholas

  1.       Mayra Flores, a Mexican born Mexican/American woman makes history by winning a special election in a congressional district in South Texas that has been blue since World War II. Mayra Flores made history by flipping the long standing solidly blue congressional district to red since she did it as a Republican. Like the elections in the state of Virginia several months ago, it is yet another indicator that there will be a substantial ASS KICKING coming for the left 4.5 months from now in the U.S. ! 😏

  2. 1 hour ago, Max Ragnar said:

    It's not the first time the term (cuckold) has been used in the forum. Doubt it will be the last.Not meant to emasculate him just describing what he is.

    I sincerely doubt he reads CamCaps. If he, if she does, 

    I enjoy watching her do everything she does.  I don't know how and the hell he can handle it. Oh, well. More, Leora, lots more. (Just paid another month BTW) You like it, most of us like it.  It's worked well since 2013.  If it ain't broke don't fix it.

             Apparently, you must not be aware that definitions of cuckold define the term as an individual or man who accepts that his wife or significant other can be sexually unfaithful if they so choose to be and some even want to observe when such situations occur.

         Her revealing her attractiveness of being a sexy good looking woman or that she is not ashamed or inhibited as far as knowing that she may get observed while doing so or while sensually pleasuring herself, is not being sexually unfaithful to her companion or significant other with anyone else since she is not actually having sex with anyone else other than herself. I'm certain if she wanted to be such a woman, then they would not care for each other as much as they apparently do, nor would they be together since it is certain that he would not agree to such matters, and certainly would not observe such situations. So such a term does not apply to him imo.

    They both are quite aware of this site and have been for quite some time, so it would not be considered unusual if either of them do still visit this site to check on what gets mentioned in regards to them, but would probably be considered unusual if either of them did not.  

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  3. 13 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

    It will be interesting no matter what happens.  I just want to see if Trump gets indicted or not.  

            I doubt it, since he did actually have quite a few millions more that voted for him in 2020 than did in 2016. Enough so that it was more than any previous General election candidate had ever accumulated. If they tried to illegally do that from a genuinely partisan illegitimate sham of a so called committee, the time will probably have arrived before November for a reckoning of the American people. But after the red psunami tidal wave crests and crashes down and the left is put back where they belong in America which is in a realm of irrelevance and others with some common sense take back control, there just might be an ole impeachment that's been in the making for quite some time that just might get a certain illegitimate puppet indicted and given the good Ole American boot from a position of which he was installed in because of a bug intentionally released by a communist country that could not stand having to forfeit hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs on products shipped from their country. Now the puppet and his puppeteer handlers are even wanting to remove such tariffs. Imagine that, a puppet who while 8 years as an ass kissing so called vp, him and his family somehow managed to accumulate millions of dollars since then, some of which more than likely came from the same communist country since his family had so called business dealing connections to so called businesses in that country.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 hour ago, StnCld316 said:

    A Televised Jan.06 hearing.    

    Watching the Republicans turn the capitol hill riot into a dress-up barbie show should be worth a few laughs.  :biggrin:

            The so called hearing will be nothing more than mostly theater and diversions and attempts at distractions for all of the continuous failures one after another of an illegitimate puppet and his puppeteer handlers as well as their cronies since day one for nearly a year and a half now, for anyone who wants to waste their time watching any of it since like the puppet was installed in a position of which he is illegitimate in, so is the so called committee also illegitimate and as partisan as can be since the original minority members that were chosen to participate on behalf of the minority, were not accepted to participate in such a so called commitee. The few laughs would be knowing there may be those who waste their time watching such theatrics. No worries though, since every time something gets mentioned in regards to Canada's so called leader, it can be considered cause for a few laughs as well. When the red psunami tidal wave that is building crests and comes crashing down in November, it will be interesting to see who is laughing then.   

  5. 6 hours ago, Brokk! said:

    Just look at what rlc wrote when they formalized Paul's return to understand that for RLC Leora is not just anyone. I don't think it's a coincidence that they wrote that Leora, Paul and Eva are back together.

            I believe that you are right and agree as well on both matters Brokk. Also, it is more than likely further confirmation that there are those within that organization that do monitor enough to notice what gets mentioned in regards to the various participants in the various participant threads of this site, otherwise they may have only mentioned something such as 'Paul has rejoined the project' like they have always usually done when most former participants had returned after being away for awhile.

    • Upvote 2
  6. 24 minutes ago, corboblanc said:

    happy to see that eva has found the one who had abandoned her for almost 4 years, which must correspond to 30 years in dog age!!!🤕 obviously leora will take time to make the animal forget this treasonl!!!😣 paul is physically better than before, he had to play sports!!!💪

             I feel certain that if she would have been able to at the time, that she would have made arrangements for the pooch to have accompanied her when she moved to the current location back then rather than have to wait for her to arrive at a later time. She probably had to make a decision as to whether or not to accept an offer that had been offered to her, which would not have allowed for enough time that it would have taken to make sure all necessary arrangements had been made in order for the pooch to be approved for travel from one location to another that involved different countries.

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  7. 2 hours ago, happyone said:

    Say what??????

    Gunman who killed 4 at Oklahoma medical building had been ...

    https://www.cnn.com › tulsa-hospital-shooting-thursday

    2 hours ago  Louis entered a physicians' office building at Tulsa's Saint Francis Hospital campus late Wednesday afternoon and shot dead his surgeon, ...

    16 hours ago  (CNN) At least four people were killed Wednesday in a shooting on a hospital campus in Tulsa, Oklahoma, police said in a news conference ...
    5 hours ago  A gunman shot and killed at least four people and himself Wednesday on the St. Francis Health System campus in Tulsa, Oklahoma, police say.
    5 hours ago  A man carrying a rifle and a handgun opened fire in a medical office building in Tulsa, Okla., on Wednesday afternoon, killing four people and ...
    22 hours ago  Four people have been killed in a shooting spree at a hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma, police say. Officers confirmed that the suspected shooter, ...
    6 hours ago  A gunman who killed four people at a hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on Wednesday targeted a doctor who had treated him and bought the AR-15-style ...
    1 day ago  Four people were killed as a gunman opened fire inside an Oklahoma hospital Wednesday, authorities said. The gunman, described as 35 to 40 ...
    3 hours ago  Police said Louis fatally shot two orthopedists, a medical receptionist, a bystander, and then himself at a medical office in Tulsa, Oklahoma, ...
    1 day ago  Tulsa police confirmed that a shooter killed four people at Saint Francis Hospital in Tulsa, Okla., on Wednesday.
    6 hours ago  Tulsa police said a gunman charged into the second floor of the Natalie Building at St. Francis Hospital at 4:52 p.m. Wednesday, ...

           I won't read through every article since after the first two articles it didn't mention the race of the shooter. Imagine that, someone who goes on a killing spree, and the race is not mentioned unless it is someone who is Caucasian. I for one am more than sick and tired of the one sided b.s. that is perputated by most of the the left leaning news media. I notice you posted articles from most of the left leaning so called media outlets. You should know by now that, that is the way it is nowadays. Come November, we will see what happens when the votes are cast to decide who should control the country's best interests that will determine that enough of others are sick and tired of working and not being able to make ends meet or having anything leftover from payday to payday to do anything with. Perhaps that could be an answer to your 'say what' ? H.O. 

  8. 3 hours ago, happyone said:

    Oops--that statement could backfire🤣

            Not really...actually makes quite a bit of sense if what was mentioned is actually taken into consideration enough. An example that could be considered could be....once upon a time way back in around the early eighties, I actually voted on several democratic tickets, but never since then, because it didn't take long to realize which party affiliation had the most wacked out, no common sense, corrupt individuals involved with it. Since then, that party affiliation has only gotten substantially worse than was revealed that it was back then. That so called party affiliation, might as well stop referring to itself as democrats, since the term democrat was initially started as referring to someone who was actually interested in democracy, since nowadays those who refer to themselves as democrats are controlled by a majority of those who are actually socialist and marxist ideological minded fools. That's why everything has went to shit and everyone is paying a substantial amount more then they ever have for everything starting in January of 2020 when the crooked, corrupt, dishonest puppet was installed by an election subversion because of a bug. They made history alright...only not the kind that anyone with any common sense is proud of.

  9. 30 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said:

    President Joe Biden said Wednesday there is little he can do to lower the cost of gasoline...


               That puppet is a dishonest lying piece of shit. He's been that way for half a century spent in a cesspool of corruption that he and his family have profited on more than they ever should have been able to. The puppet is on recored video actually committing a so called 'Quid Pro Quo' in the country of Ukraine while threatening to withhold one billion in security aid of U.S. taxpayer funds to the country of Ukraine if their government would not fire a general prosecutor who was investigating corruption linked to Barrisma which was the company that his son Hunter was a board member of even though he had no experience whatsoever in energy production, much less any experience whatsoever in the country of Ukraine, other than what his dishonest, corrupt, crook of a father made him aware of. Five months from now, will show just how many believe his web of dishonesty and lies.

  10. 1 hour ago, StnCld316 said:

    The prices are just as high in Canada as they are in the US.

    The price at the pumps does not affect me. I have a power chair GIF  


           The prices on fuel like everything else, was always higher in Canada before a puppet and his puppeteer handlers along with their cronies subverted a general election by convincing enough of others to make changes to election rules and regulations because of hype and fear mongering related to a bug to get installed in positions of which they have continuously proven since day one they have no business whatsoever of being in. 

  11. 1 hour ago, jugghead said:

    No, nobody likes to see that. I just want her to be happy. An unhappy Leora is very unappealing.

            I have to disagree with the last statement jugg, since I have never observed a time when that woman was unappealing whether she was obviously happy or not, considering her obvious personality characteristics of always being a thoughtful and well intentioned or meaning woman besides her attractive physical appearance, she has always been gifted with an attractiveness of such characteristics, that many other women would be thankful to possess. 

    • Upvote 4
  12. 13 hours ago, letsdothis said:

    The cost of Trump’s chaos just keeps accumulating

    An essay adapted from the book, “The Cost of Chaos: The Trump Administration and the World”, by Peter Bergen.

    The worst deals

    So many of Trump’s actions as commander in chief were spectacular failures. The seizure of Afghanistan by the Taliban last year was one of Trump’s most disastrous foreign policy legacies. Biden certainly deserves blame for claiming that he was bound by Trump’s 2020 “peace” deal with the Taliban, which really was a “surrender agreement” to the Taliban in the mordant words of H.R. McMaster, Trump’s former national security adviser. And Biden also deserves blame for the botched execution of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan last summer.

    But it was Trump, not Biden, who had laid the groundwork for the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan. In 2018 Trump authorized his secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, to begin negotiations with the Taliban, an effort that was led by US Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad.

    Khalilzad made an agreement with the Taliban that, in exchange for a total US withdrawal from Afghanistan, they would break with al-Qaeda and engage in genuine peace talks with the Afghan government. The Taliban simply ignored those agreements.

    Trump often asserted he was as a great deal maker, but his administration’s agreement with the Taliban was one of the worst deals in American diplomatic history. The Taliban received everything that they wanted without offering anything substantive in return, other than an agreement not to attack US forces as they withdrew from Afghanistan. Since the Taliban’s main goal in their negotiations with the US was a total American withdrawal, this was an easy concession for the Taliban to make.

    And so it went with many other of Trump’s foreign policy initiatives. He apparently believed that by dint of his personal charm he could persuade the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong Un, to give up his nuclear weapons. American Presidents going back to Bill Clinton had tried to persuade the nuclear-armed hermit state to rein in its nuclear weapons program, and all of them had failed.

    While he was President, Trump met with Kim three times, first in Singapore in 2018, a year later in Hanoi and then at the border between North and South Korea. Those meetings generated intense media frenzies and gave Kim and the US President equal billing on the world stage, which was a huge coup for the dictator of a country whose GDP was around the size of the state of Vermont.

    At the Singapore meeting, Trump unilaterally gave a key concession to Kim – canceling joint US-South Korea military exercises, which were a longtime cornerstone of containing the North Korean rogue state – and got nothing in return. Trump and Kim also exchanged 27 letters, some of which had the ardent tone of suitors writing each other. Trump publicly described the missives as “love letters.”

    Yet, these summits and exchanges of letters yielded nothing. While Trump was in office the North Koreans continued producing fissile material and tested short range ballistic missiles in contravention of UN Security Council prohibitions. They also developed hard-to-detect submarine-launched missiles.

    Trump’s efforts to constrain North Korea’s nuclear program failed, while his erratic diplomacy encouraged Iran’s nuclear ambitions. Trump regularly castigated Obama’s 2015 nuclear agreement with the Iranians as the “worst deal ever.”

    But unlike Trump’s peace agreement with the Taliban, the Iranians were observing their end of the nuclear deal. Trump’s own intelligence agencies concluded that the Iranians were adhering to the terms of the 2015 deal. Yet, Trump was determined to get out of Obama’s Iran agreement, which he did in 2018.

    As a result, by the time Trump left office in January 2021, the Iranians were planning to enrich uranium up to 20% purity, far above the 4% purity agreed to in their deal with the Obama administration, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency. While this was well short of the 90% purity needed for a nuclear bomb, the Iranian nuclear program took a large step forward as a result of Trump’s ham-handed approach to the Iranians.

    Undermining NATO

    Throughout his presidency, Trump embraced Putin, while regularly taking pot shots at key American allies such as the British, French and Germans. What was the strategic benefit to the US of all this geopolitical trumpery? It was never clear, although it was certainly a key aim of Putin’s to weaken the NATO alliance, which Trump’s own Defense Secretary, Jim Mattis, described as the most successful alliance in modern history.

    The importance of that alliance was underlined when Russia invaded Ukraine in February. The Ukrainian military, trained by NATO advisers, imposed huge costs on the Russian invaders, and the Biden administration together with its NATO allies transferred large numbers of anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons to the Ukrainians.

    Undermining democracy

    Trump’s affinity with dictators overseas – a key part of his foreign policy – dovetailed with his attempts to undermine democratic processes and norms at home, best exemplified by his continued refusal to accede to the will of the people in the 2020 presidential election and his support for his followers, who stormed the US Capitol days before Biden’s inauguration.

    Trump’s antidemocratic stance – which he still promotes with the “Big Lie” conspiracy theory – has poisoned American politics.

    In part because of Trump’s anti-democratic tendencies, during his presidency current and former senior military leaders issued more than 250 public statements that were critical of Trump’s leadership, according to a tally by New America, the research institution where I serve as a vice president.

    This was unprecedented, as military leaders, both those in uniform and in retirement, generally stay out of politics. Following the murder of George Floyd by a police officer in Minneapolis on May 25, 2020, Trump threatened to send the federal military to quell the unrest that was roiling American cities. On a call about the protests with the nation’s governors on June 1, Trump told them, “If you don’t dominate, you’re wasting your time. They’re going to run all over you, you’ll look like a bunch of jerks.”

    Later that evening protesters gathered outside the White House and were met with violence when Trump walked to St. John’s Episcopal Church wielding a Bible, which resulted in a now-infamous photo op.

    Mattis broke his long silence about Trump, issuing a blistering statement: “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people – does not even pretend to try. Instead, he tries to divide us. We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort.”

    The events of January 6, 2021, further turned the leaders of the US military against Trump. On that day a crowd of many thousands of his supporters gathered outside the White House – some wearing body armor and many wearing quasi-military outfits. To the assembled crowd Trump spouted a geyser of baseless conspiracy theories about his loss in the presidential election. Trump then urged them to go to the Capitol. A mob then assaulted the building.

    That evening, Trump was unrepentant about the mayhem he had helped to foment, tweeting: “These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!” This tweet was later deleted. Twitter then suspended Trump from its platform.


    The service chiefs of all the branches of the military – led by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Mark Milley – took the extraordinary measure of sending a joint letter to the 2 million members of the active-duty, National Guard and Reserve units of the US military decrying the insurrection and confirming that “President-elect Biden will be inaugurated and will become our 46th Commander in Chief.”

    The message was clear: The US military would not be assisting Trump in any of his efforts to mount a coup against the Constitution they had sworn an oath to serve.

    The assault on the Capitol triggered Trump’s second impeachment trial. He was once again acquitted by the Senate, but he now had the distinction of being the only American President to be impeached twice.

    The Covid disaster

    It was, above all, in his mishandling of the Covid-19 pandemic that Trump revealed his many weaknesses as a leader. First, he never did any homework, meaning his understanding of complex issues, such as how best to mitigate a pandemic, was always cartoonish. Related to Trump’s first failing was his second: He always believed he knew more than the experts about any given subject. Third, Trump always trusted his own gut. This was not likely to produce relevant knowledge or coherent policy. And it didn’t.

    Trump had a lot to say publicly about the coronavirus, a great deal of it misleading or simply false, and he also modeled and even encouraged irresponsible behavior.

    Before effective vaccines, there were two tools that worked to stop the spread of the virus; they were social distancing and wearing a mask in public. Trump denigrated mask-wearing and he also hosted events at the White House with large numbers of attendees socializing without masks, such as the celebration of Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court on October 26, 2020.

    As Americans first became aware of the threat from the coronavirus, Trump said on February 26, 2020, that cases of the virus would go down to zero “within a couple of days.” He also wrongfully claimed that the coronavirus was no more dangerous than the seasonal flu.

    In the first phase of the pandemic, the federal government abdicated its role by not issuing a national shutdown order and a mandate to wear masks. In late April 2020, Trump suggested that injecting bleach might prove to be a treatment for the virus. A month later Trump said that hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malarial drug, was likely a “game changer.” In June 2020, the FDA revoked “emergency use” of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine for Covid-19 patients because it could cause heart problems.

    Even when Trump had the chance to make a public statement that really might have made a difference to the scope of the pandemic, he failed to do so. He and his wife, Melania Trump, were vaccinated at the White House during the closing days of his presidency. Any leader with the slightest regard for his own people would have allowed the media to cover this event, especially given the prevalence of vaccine hesitancy in the country. Trump chose instead to be vaccinated in secret.

    His weak leadership produced grave results: More than 400,000 Americans died from Covid-19 during Trump’s final year in office, which was more than the death toll of all the Americans who had died in wars going back to World War II. Many of those deaths could have been avoided with better leadership; Covid mortality in the US was 40% higher than the average of other advanced nations such as Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom, according to a report from the medical journal The Lancet.

    Dr. Deborah Birx, Trump’s coronavirus response coordinator, told a congressional committee in October that “we probably could have decreased fatalities into the 30-percent-less to 40-percent-less range.”

    The first duty of the commander in chief is the protection of US citizens, and Trump clearly was derelict in this duty. In short, Trump was the most incompetent President in modern American history. 

             Just another attempt to distract or divert as many of others attentions away from the continuous string of failures one after another of a puppet and his puppeteer handlers since the first month of last year. The post was nothing but a waste of quite a bit of space just like the ridiculously worthless puppet in a position of which he damn sure doesn't belong, who is  actually in reality the most incompetent and worthless excuse of a political office holder there ever has been and obviously fools like you with Trump derangement syndrome are responsible for it, and therefore are also responsible for all of the failures that have occurred since the cognitively impaired incompetent puppet was installed in such a position, including the failure of the withdrawal of military forces in Afghanistan that resulted in the loss of 13 American military servicemens lives, as well the record high inflation that is on the verge of being a full blown recession which will probably break a number of unprecedented, unwanted records as well, that has been causing everyone to have to pay a hell of alot more for everything since then with costs continuing to increase substantially, along with all the other failures of that puppet and his puppeteer handlers and their supporting cast of cronies since then. Some days of reckoning are coming though and the first of which will be arriving in another five months which will probably give those with such ideological mentalities other excuses or reasons to have derangements and mental meltdowns.

  13. 9 hours ago, pulo filipe said:


      Happy Birthday GIF by swerk

    Birthday Cat GIF by memecandy Hungry Happy Birthday GIF by hoppip

    Today is my birthday

    pulo filipe


             Would that gif mean that you have finally made it to two in your second feline life filipe', or would it mean that two was incorrect to assume and is why the feline is slapping the #2 candle flame out ? 😹 Irregardless, Happy Birthday filipe' and I hope you have many more to come ! 🥳

    • Thanks 1
  14. 12 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

    The pandemic killed demand for oil and gas, leaving the world an easy mark for Vladimir Putin’s...


               More hogwash from someone at Forbes who thinks more of others than not might believe such hogwash.. The pandemic didn't kill demand for oil and gas in the U.S., since there has continuously been a demand for oil and gas in the U S. since the pandemic was first noticed to have arrived in the U.S. More than likely just someone trying to distract from the absolutely ridiculous assbackwards and unpopular so called energy and economic policies from a puppet and his puppeteer handlers and their cronies who have intentionally been trying to kill demand for oil and gas in the U. S. by intentionally causing fuel prices to skyrocket which in combination with their idiotic economic policies, have had direct effects on the costs of everything else to skyrocket as well. In a little over five months from now, they will see just what enough of a majority of the country's population actually thinks of them and their idiotic incompetent wacked out b.s.. 

    • Like 1
  15.       This song is one that I have always liked alot and particularly as much saxophone playing that occurs during the song that is sung by a fellow by the name of Leslie Sebastion Charles, otherwise known as Billy O., and it goes out to the attractive woman known as Leora because some of the beautiful women in the music video remind me of the attractiveness that she has been gifted with:



    • Upvote 2
  16. 34 minutes ago, Max Ragnar said:

    Even if he is it's a forum of opinions.  Obviously his differs from yours. Mine may differ from both. Ain't forums grand?

            Something to read to pass some time. By the way, although this is a bit off topic, isn't Wpong actually some sort of video game or the name of someone who invented such a video game ? I do believe it happens to be if I'm not mistaken.  

  17. 7 hours ago, ddhm said:

    It is so many things that can be said about your post ...


    But i will say only one ..Who guarantees that Leora and Paul and Eva will be what was from 2013-2019 … they both have moved on with their lives and for reasons that I prefer to keep for myself as I don’t want to create chaos of fire comments here , they just like this decide to live together again ..

    Let’s see it first and when this happens and the way it will be happening , we can say if this was the right choice or not ..For what I can tell , this is Europe,other culture , other way of living , Leora has in a way adapted and still she’s not fully there with the European style ..who guarantees Paul’s approval of Leora’s lifestyle ? Who guarantees that Paul will accept all of her friendships and the way she has made it ? How will Leora react to his adaptation ? 

    I have rarely seen second chances work , except if people here believe that Leora and Paul never got “ separated “ and were always a couple .. I will like them to succeed but in pure cold personal opinion , Leora and Paul for me is a finished story ( for the people who want to see them together but mostly for these two and whatever they think , I hope I am COMPLETELY WPONG ).


    Again , money rules Leora’s life , if it was always the love of her life , the man who couldn’t leave behind , she would have stayed in Russia ..But whatever , bullshit 😂🤣😂😂

              🙄 I doubt very seriously that you are COMPLETELY WPONG, but you might very well be COMPLETEY WRONG. 😏

    • Upvote 6
  18. 11 hours ago, jugghead said:

    Many women do it just for hygienic reasons. Bacteria build up on a hairy bush after a day of sweat and stank inside underwear.

            I am aware of such conditions jugg, and there is always hygienic cleanser's made specifically for such conditions as well as water.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  19. 35 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    I never voted for Trudeau.  I just kind of got stuck with him because too many stupid fucking Canadians are brainwashed by Liberal Policies. 

          Well there you go Stn. Considering that once upon a time, I like my father before me, actually voted in multiple elections more so on so called democratic tickets than otherwise, yet since then, I have had more of an open mind as to what is actually occurring when it comes to political issues and what would actually be more beneficial to the overall population than just certain groups of the population since doing so, not only reflected on my own well being, but also my family's well being as well.

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