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Posts posted by Nicholas

  1. 28 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said:

    Alejandro Mayorkas confirmed that the Biden administration is in talks to transfer Veterans...


             Just another example of how incompetent and worthless the puppet and his puppeteer handlers and cronies actually are. One of many now in the past 16 months. The days of reckoning in the not too distant future cannot arrive soon enough.

  2. 3 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

    Repetitive posting is hard to control.  It happens in each and every topic daily.  I would have to pretty well put the whole forum on vacation. If you do it to one person then you have to do it for everyone. 

    I have said many times over, if one persons posts are that bothering to someone then place the member on ignore and one won't see their posts. If one has an issue with someone's post or postings then it should be taken to Rants & Flames and challenge one another there. 

           Repetitive posting in and of itself is a form of spamming whenever and whereever it continues occurring on a regular basis and particularly repetitive posting that is off topic from what a thread listing or title is designated as. I've noticed some repetitive posting in some other forum threads occasionally, but not quite as much as I have in the threads of this section of the site's various forum threads.

    • Upvote 2
  3. 44 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    If anyone wants too keep up what caused this topic to be locked in the first place, continue the ripping of each others corn chutes in Rants & Flames. Any continuation in this topic will be a very long weekend for whoever indulges. 

            I suppose that should include the posts of repetitious sarcasm that have been occurring in a forum thread designated as a 'Fans' thread that are close enough to being the same each time they have occurred that the only differences have been a change of a few different numbers. Such continued off topic repetition is close enough that it could be considered spamming a forum thread.

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  4. 10 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

    Guy's!!  I know I probably have no right to say it ( Pot calling the kettle black comes to mind ) But haven't you all taken up enough off this topic with your argument. And where has it got you? ......Absolutely nowhere !!

    Enjoy your day !

           Such thoughts have already crossed my mind and been being taken into consideration since this is supposed to be a 'Fans' thread for the person it was established for. Although I feel confident that you are aware that there are some comments that should be responded to though.

    • Upvote 2
  5. 7 hours ago, Max Ragnar said:

    RE: Something sent by pm that might substantiate a claim made by someone

    With all due respect you aren't entitled to be the arbitrator as to what's fact and not.  The fact you have suggested getting a PM with verification of evidence of a person's claims disturbs me. You are not entitled to ask for proof and if convinced then give your imprimatur.  If you doubt what I say, or what anyone else says just ignore it and get on with your own comments about Leora, respectfully disagree. .

    My main concern is to accept what the Russian speakers say and trust their revelations. Everything else is up for individual comments, speculations, theories (even what a person might personally think are stupid, wrong, repetitious) in a free forum.

    I really am not offended if you see anything differently than me. Please just use some respect. I will do the same to you.

            I don't believe that I claimed nor insinuated to be entitled to be any arbitrator as to what's fact and what's not in this thread nor on this site for that matter. You were the one making a claim that you claimed to know to be factual just as you have previously, so if such a claim was actually factual, most would probably not mind substantiating such a claim of particular subject matter.

    Furthermore, most others would more likely then not, not even make such claims whether having been done in regards to themselves, or even more so in regards to someone else since claims of such subject matter are more often noticed coming from those who are in their younger years, and particularly their teenage years. 

    As far as your claim goes, until such time that any evidence or proof to support such a claim was revealed to myself or someone I might actually believe, if nothing more than having been done so privately, as far as I'm concerned it is nothing more than unsubstantiated, unproven insinuative conjecture from you that has already been observed on other previous occasions, and I'm sure that it wasn't only by myself since it's been noticed how others have responded to some of your other insinuative comments as well. 

    • Upvote 2
  6. 23 minutes ago, Max Ragnar said:

    I would never divulge personal information about another forum member that I possess. I am not arguing with you about me right you wrong.  I am frustrated you can't, basically, shut up and let other people makes comments without you filtering them via your imprimatur.

            Something sent by pm that might substantiate a claim made by someone would not be quite the same as far as divulging something out in an open setting such as a thread. I have noticed quite a few of your comments that I thought of responding to but decided not to just as I have others comments including the individual related to your claims. When I notice comments that someone should respond to in some way to bring attention to what most others who notice particular comments consider them to be, I will respond and make it a point that particular comments are noticed even more by others regardless of whether it frustrates you or not.

    • Upvote 2
  7. 7 hours ago, Max Ragnar said:

    RE:  The majority is almost always wrong huh

    Response:  Democracy is a low form of government as the minority is always under the subjugation of the majority right or wrong.

    I'm too much of an idealist to follow any crowd. We just disagree, Nick. It's okay.

    RE:  if you believe everything you might see on the internet, or what someone may send you on the internet, you are more gullible and naive than you may have appeared to be.

    Response:  Who alleged that? Show me the data.

    RE:  You claim to 'Know' something for a fact in regards to someone who lives 1000's of miles from you in a different part of the world, that you knew nothing about before you ever registered on this site, yet now you know enough about someone who you first became aware of since you regustered on this site to know for absolute certain whether they have been having sex with women or not. Care to reveal in pm any evidence or proof to substantiate such a claim ?

    Response:  I would never betray personal information from a person I know and trust. Would you? I most certainly could provide this info, but to a skeptic like you, a person unable to accept anything other than what they want to think, I suspect you wouldn't believe it if I did.

    RE:  I could care less what you think of my opinions or comments, and particularly any that are not in response to any of yours.  

    Response.  Man, Nich, you had me fooled. If you didn't care why do you take every opportunity to respond. Why not let me (anyone) comment?  Why even respond if "you don't care"?

    Bottom line, Nich. I commented. Commented on many things. So what? Do I have to be right? Seriously it would be idiotic to present views contrary to what I believe as views I believe. Just on a "forum", dude. Just like you are.

    Can't I say anything without the apparent pope of CamCams criticizing my opinions? If you don't like what I say just ignore it. I only answered you because you directed comments about other people and myself that in my opinion was unwarranted.

    Can we write about the RLC employee called Leora without hammering each other? She is the topic of the content not what you think about what I think about whatever. Do you have the ability to disagree with what someone says without making comments denigrating the person rather than the remark?

    I don't know you or what you do for a living. I only know how you react to other people. Disagree with me 100% if you like. Can't you at least be respectful?





            Fact is you can't provide any evidence or proof to substantiate such a claim because if you even actually had any, the only way you would have it was if it was sent to you via pm on this site, or some other website, or by way of email and regardless, there is no way for you to actually know for absolutely certain as you claimed that what you may have received, was actually genuine and not altered or photoshopped in some way or even recent or therefore factually true for that matter as far as that goes, but you keep on believing what you want and I will believe most of what I do based on what I know to be more for certain. I've been around plenty long enough to experience quite a bit of life myself, and I've become quite accustomed to being able to recall what I've noticed and read at various times in various places as well as having an ability to be able to read between quite a bit of some lines as well. 

    • Upvote 2
  8. 37 minutes ago, Max Ragnar said:

    RE:  She might be more appealing to someone who apparently possesses that sort of immature mentality. A mentality that is unusual to say the least for someone who is supposedly in their mid 40's.

    Response:  Please explain.  She appeals to me and I'm 70+ BTW.

    RE:  You've seemed to go along with that type of jealously obsessive repetitive ridiculous nonsense since you first registered and started participating in certain threads.

    If you mean who I think (ddhm) he's getting as much pussy as anyone in the forum, certainly as much as he wants. That I KNOW for a fact.

    RE: Everyone doesn't go along with those types of revelations being made by anyone and I believe I am more than likely correct in expressing that a substantial majority of others who notice such revelations do not go along with nor agree with such matters of opinion.  

    Response:  Nich. The majority is almost always wrong. Having said that it matters not who is right or wrong.  What matters is anyone can express themselves without being verbally maligned by a person that disagree with them.

    My only dispute with you is that I hope you can learn to live and let live without implying you are right and everyone not of your mental persuasions is wrong.

    Can you comment without personal insults directed at those who have different opinions? Just asking. Not meant to be rude


           The majority is almost always wrong huh....well that you are almost assuredly incorrect about and if you believe everything you might see on the internet, or what someone may send you on the internet, you are more gullible and naive than you may have appeared to be. You claim to 'Know' something for a fact in regards to someone who lives 1000's of miles from you in a different part of the world, that you knew absolutely nothing about before you ever registered on this site, yet now you know enough about someone who you first became aware of since you registered on this site, to know for absolutely certain whether they have been having any or any particular amount of any sex with women or not. Care to reveal in pm any evidence or proof to substantiate such a claim ? I seriously doubt it and if you cannot, your credibility on what you claim cannot be considered legitimate or genuinely factual. I could care less what you think of my opinions or comments in regards to other comments, and particularly any that are not in response to any of yours.  

    • Upvote 4
  9. 16 minutes ago, Max Ragnar said:

    Let me ask a question, assuming negative comments will be directed at your post(s).

    Where would Leora be if she didn't live panty less,  shower, and masturbate in front of us. Would anyone pay $45.00 (worthless printed paper fiat Federal reserve notes) to just watch her only fully clothed talk on the phone, look at her phone, the TV while using the shower and dress behind closed  doors  completely out of view of the 14 (!) cameras?

    Just asking a question.

    ddhm has every single right known to man to say what he does without being rudely maligned.  Hard as it might be for some to consider, he possibly could be right in his observations, not that it would matter.

    Why can't people - even those we may disagree with - freely express themselves without intimidation?  I don't get . Personal attacks, name calling, anger.  Who made other individuals the popes of our personal attitudes being right or wrong. The expression 'agree to disagree' is something incomprehensible to many on this forum.

            She might be more appealing to someone who apparently possesses that sort of immature mentality. A mentality that is unusual to say the least for someone who is supposedly in their mid 40's. You've seemed to go along with that type of jealously obsessive repetitive ridiculous nonsense since you first registered and started participating in certain threads of this site. Everyone doesn't go along with those types of revelations being made by anyone and I believe I am more than likely correct in expressing that a substantial majority of others who notice such revelations do not go along with nor agree with such matters of opinion. As long as such ridiculous revelations continue, such revelations can be expressed by someone elses opinions of them.  

    • Upvote 4
  10. 20 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

    That is one of the dumbest and most uninformed statements I have ever heard. Luckily, it appears the vast majority of the American people are not as dumb as you. I can't wait to hear you cry after the November, 2022 election.

           I agree, and the first day of reckoning is getting closer everyday and there will be everything from excuses to even more actual disinformation and propaganda as well as outright dishonesty and whining when the day arrives and the meltdowns begin.

  11.       Why should it make any difference whether that woman spends a night or several nights away from that apartment occasionally or not ? It really should not imo. That woman is only in her early 30's, she's not 50 or even 40 years old or older. She should be doing what she wants to try to enjoy her life while she is still in what should be the first half of her life, and I suppose her spending a night or several nights away from that apartment occasionally might have something to do with her trying to do just that.

    • Upvote 7
  12. 8 minutes ago, Anode said:

    dessoler , mais je suis perplexe a l'arrivée de Paul ,comment conte t"il venir il n'y a pas d'avions et il n'a pas de voiture

           Perhaps he may arrive on horse back or on the back of a camel. Lol. 😂 Just joking of course. Be hilarious if he actually did though. 🤣

  13. 9 hours ago, ddhm said:


    35/400, 365 more performances to go in the next 

    2 years , 3 months and 23 days 


    Tik Tok

            Ahh yes....the latest installment of repetitious immature comments from an individual referred to as a Lonely Boy of Corfu. Him has now posted such comments...

    35/400 times, and apparently intends to post additional such comments an additional 365 more times in the next...

    2 years, 3 months and 23 days...

    an apparent Immature Personality Disorder affliction must contribute to a naiveness of not realizing how foolish it is for anyone to continuously reveal such an unfortunate condition. Me thinks the woman known as Leora as well as others likely thinks so as well. Oh well...until the next time him feels particularly lonely enough to continue revealing such an unfortunate condition...

    Tik Tok

              Jack Nicholson Reaction GIF

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  14. 4 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    There is an Ignore Feature that every member has.  If you do not wish to view the Members Posted Content then that prevents one form seeing it. 

           I'm aware of the ignore feature Stn. I'm also aware of the reporting feature.

    • Upvote 4
  15. 8 minutes ago, Max Ragnar said:

    I don't nor do I have to agree with someone who thinks differently.  Let him think what he wants, me what I do and go ahead and think what you do. No reason to jump on each other for having different perspectives is there? Rock on, Nich, it's all good.

            The same old repetitious comments reflecting sarcastic negativity coming from anyone over and over and over is not all good. Particularly such repetitious comments that reveal a level of psychological  immaturity when they are from anyone of particular age groups.

    • Upvote 3
  16. 4 minutes ago, Max Ragnar said:

    I will say as an aside, ddhm is getting plenty of pussy. Disagree with his comments but never assume he is "a Lonely Boy of Corfu" because he ain't.  I wish I got as much pussy as he gets (sadly my lovely wife's disabled or I would, I used to).

    ddhm is lonely. Just say'n...

           Yeah right, and I got some ocean front property in Arizona I'll sell you too. 😏

    • Upvote 3
  17. 1 hour ago, Gregg said:


            I don't believe anyone mentioned anything regarding people not being able to be different since everyone obviously is, and his comments have revealed quite a bit in regards to what he thinks, just as yours have as well. If you don't happen to agree with or like what I mentioned, I suppose that's just too bad for you Chris Hillman, or Hard on Chris, or Gregg, or whatever other username you decide to use on this site.

    • Upvote 3
  18. 5 hours ago, ddhm said:


    34/400, 366 more performances to go in the next 

    2 years , 3 months and 26 days 


    Tik Tok

            Ahh yes...another revelation of an unfortunate Immature Personality Disorder from a Lonely Boy of Corfu. Him has now done so...

    34/400 times, and will apparently do so an additional 366 more times in the next...

    2 years , 3 months and 26 days...

    oh what a lonely existence it must be for him to have nothing better to do. Me thinks the woman known as Leora along with others probably thinks so as well. Until the next time him feels compelled to reveal even more of such an unfortunate condition...

    Tik Tok


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  19. 1 hour ago, ddhm said:


    33/400, 367 more performances to go in the next 

    2 years and 4 months


    Tik Tok

           Ahh yes....apparently it was time for another installment of repetitious immature comments from The Lonely Boy of Corfu. Him must have been partcularly lonely and anxiously awaiting hims next opportunity since him has no one else to associate or socialize with. Him has now done so...

    33/400 times, and will apparently do so an additional 367 more times in the next...

    2 years and 4 months...

    what a lonely existence it must be to feel compelled to continue revealing such an Immature Personality Disorder. Perhaps him wasn't breast fed enough in hims younger years. Oh well, whatever the reason...until the next time him feels compelled to continue revealing such a condition...

    Tik Tok

                 Happy If You Say So GIF

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  20. 33 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    Masha does things for herself , her interest on cameras is below zero , she knows she’s watched no matter what ..Masha simply respects all the people who provide for her comfort life the last 7 years and that’s why she hides nothing and suffering many times inevitably the criticism of people who don’t like to see variety or different things .


    Eva is class and sensual , Nelly , well she used to be class till she moved in Barcelona and lose her way ..Eva and Mat , fresh couple , fantastic ..let’s see how it evolves ..

            Apparently The Lonely Boy of Corfu is also an RLC participant expert. How unfortunate his expertise was not available until a few years ago. Apparently, him likes the promiscuous kind of women though. 😏

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