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Everything posted by Ash1

  1. If some people still aren't aware, Frank "I'm new to the forum" Zabba is HarleyFatboy. If he's going to be begging for pictures, videos, social media accounts, etc then I think people need to be aware of that.
  2. All the shit that you've given her in this forum over the years and now your begging for her OnlyFans account? 🤣
  3. Nobody said they returned to Russia. They went to Georgia for a vacation.
  4. She isn't going to be a part of any project. She said she was going to Bali for vacation, for yoga, and to be with like minded people. That there are too many parties where she is now. Luna agreed that there are a lot of parties. She also said that it was an interesting time in the project with the new villa, but a trip to Bali is also interesting, and she was torn between staying where she is and going to Bali.
  5. You're thinking of Aleksandra. Alexandra and Lucian were tenants of B5 in 2020.
  6. And Bogdan has been on the bathroom floor for the last 80 minutes. There were times you could hear him vomiting.
  7. Martina speaks Spanish, English, and Russian. She doesn't speak English often, but I remember a while back she had 3 or 4 hours on a Chat Roulette type site and most of the people she was talking with were English speakers, she speaks English very well. If I remember right, she's been learning Russian since she had a vacation to Russia a few years ago. When Nelly and Bogdan first invited her to B4, being able to practice and improve her Russian was one of the things that appealed to her about meeting up with them. I don't know how good her Russian is because I don't speak it, but she seems to do ok when communicating with them in Russian.
  8. I wondered the same thing. I just hope that one of them isn't that rapist prick, Daniel.
  9. Yes, Luna visited the villa before. I think it was only once, at a party. Luna and Zac had sex in the living room. Gina and Holly were tenants of B4 at the time and both were at the party, as was Bruno. It's possible something was mentioned to her about it.
  10. When Megan was the tenant in what is now Loraine's room, Holly was in the room that she's in now. It would've been September / October 2020. The master bedroom was closed for repairs at the time. When the repairs were finished, Megan moved to the master, Holly moved to the one vacated by Megan (Loraine's), and Amy moved into Holly's. This is the third time that Holly has been a tenant of that room. She's been a tenant of every room in B4, including both beds in the twin bedroom.
  11. No, they don't. RLC doesn't give tenants access to their website. I've seen numerous other tenants checking on the thumbnails over the last few years, including Leora, and it's always been blurry thumbnails that they're looking at.
  12. Aleksandra and Megan were friends throughout Aleksandra's time in RLC and they were still friends when she left the project. I don't remember Holly getting in the way of anyone's friendship the last time she was on RLC.
  13. I'm still not convinced that Radislava has left the project. I think if she was really leaving, she would have been crying, looking at the camera, and trying to get sympathy from the viewer like she did when she was moved to B4. I also think that she and Cecilia would have stopped performing to the camera and stopped walking around naked if she had been told that she was leaving. I'll give it at least two weeks before I start to believe that she really left.
  14. Just to recap some of Radislava's behaviour: Stole food from her roommates. Stole furniture for her room in B4, including a lamp, heater and bedside table from one of the other bedrooms while it was empty waiting for a new tenant to arrive, which meant she had two heaters to herself throughout the winter when one of them should have been available to another tenant. Rufused to help out with any of the general cleaning of the apartment. Even when her roommates talked to her about it, she still refused. Regularly entered other tenants bedrooms without invitation and without knocking. Regularly entered other people's bedrooms just to use them to improve her views, particularly if that room was already above her on the thumbnails. Used her RLC subscription to eavesdrop on the conversations of others. Some people might think it's fair enough if she pays a subscription, but to me it somehow feels wrong when she knows these people personally, smiling to their face and pretending to be their friend and then listening in on their conversations behind their backs. Regularly listened in on Ariana and Pam's conversations whenver they were talking to each other and continued this behaviour after she moved to B4. Often got upset and angry, particularly in B1, whenever other people were above her on the thumbnails. In B1 she'd get so angry about it that she would start talking out loud to herself, talking shit about which ever tenant was above her, including occasional threats to report them to RLC management for things they hadn't done just because they were number one on the thumbnails and she wasn't. Fell out with Serafima to the point that it nearly came to blows. Fell out with Stella that they stopped talking to each other. Pam grew to dislike her and tried to avoid her, and Ariana tried to keep things friendly with her, but had a lot of problems with her and would probably have prefered to have had any one of the other tenants as her roommate in B1. Fell out with the majority of people in B4. Somehow some people still think that Radislava isn't the problem and is a nice person.
  15. Olivia and Masha didn't meet in 2020. When Masha was in B2, Piper and Taylor was in the master bedroom and Mimi was in the other one. Olivia and Ulyana had already returned to Russia several weeks before. Masha briefly met Fiora, Masha slept on the sofa during Fiora's last night, and then moved in to Fiora's room right after she moved out. Olivia first met Masha when Masha stayed in Holly and Tweety's room at the end of last year.
  16. I don't agree with this. From what I remember from watching and also from some conversation details that were shared with me, it was Sam that wanted to have sex with other people and he was the driving force behind it. In phone conversations with friends, Eva had some concerns about him wanting to have sex with other people and what effect it would have on their relationship. She also expressed regret and a feeling of shame of some of the things she did on camera. I got the feeling she was partly motivated by wanting to please him and partly motivated to get views. Russian couples apartments got bonuses too. If I remember right, Sam had sex with three other women. The first two, Eva was also involved in some threesomes and her involment with each lessened with each visit. The first couple of times, she was involved for the duration of the girls visits. By the third time, she was less involved, maybe participating for the first round of Sam having sex with them, but for the second and / or third rounds was either in the living room or out of the apartment. By the fourth or fifth visit, Eva would no longer be present, typically staying overnight at a friends house while Sam had sex. For the third girl Sam had sex with: Eva was there the first time she visited, lying on the bed with her for a short while kissing and carressing, maybe just warming up the audience. When Sam entered the bedroom, Eva got up, got dressed and left the apartment, and she was away from the apartment every other time the girl visited. If she only ever got pleasure from watching her boyfriend have sex, I would have thought she would have been present a lot more when Sam had sex with other women than she actually was. I think the threesome with the bald guy was one of the things she regretted. She didn't have any problem with it in the moment, but after, once she started to sober up, she started crying and she cried for one or two days. She was uncomfortable around him for several weeks after, until he sat her down and talked with her, after which, she seemed much happier. The bald guy was in love with Eva, I think he he told her this on New Year's Eve 2018, he was drunk at the time. He told her that she was a wonderful woman, if she wasn't already with Sam he would be trying to get with her, and he really wanted to have sex with her again. Eva didn't feel the same way, but I think she sometimes enjoyed teasing him. I don't remember Eva trying to have sex with the bald guy when they visisted Masha's. I don't remember her trying to have sex with Masha during that visit either, or during the visit with the next guy she was with, or during her recent visit with Matvei. And I don't remember her trying to have sex with Sasha, although I do remember some people thinking she was when they were layed on the bed together, but according to the conversation details I recieved, it was the other way around. Sasha enquiring and Eva telling him that she liked him, liked talking to him, but she didn't want to have sex with him. And considering how Masha is, how Sasha was, and how much the bald guy really wanted to have sex with her, I think if Eva had really tried to have sex with any of them, she would have succeeded and with very little effort.
  17. Use the multi quote tool. It's the plus symbol at the bottom of each comment, next to the "quote" button. Press it on each comment you want to quote, then press the little pop up in the bottom right corner. You can edit and delete text in each quote if you want to focus on a specific part of it.
  18. RLC doesn't send tenants to visit other apartments and they don't give them tasks. Radislava's visit is purely motivated by her obsession with the thumbnails and with top cam. During the day it's mostly empty rooms, people sleeping, or other such things that she's competing against and mostly her solo click baiting bullshit will get her near the top, but between 7pm and 2am she can struggle when she's on her own. You'll rarely see her alone between these hours. Sometimes you see it during the day as well, if there's a little more activity than usual and she starts dropping down the thumbnails, she would sprint to one of the other girls room, typically Holly and Tweety or Loraine's, and use them to improve her views. She knows if she does her usual routine on someone else's bed and with one or two other girls in the room, she'll get more views than if she does it in her own room on her own. Up until two weeks ago, she would regularly use the tenants in B4 for this. Since the argument two weeks ago, I don't think she's done any shows with any of her regular show partners, Olivia, Tweety, or Loraine, and she hasn't been visiting Holly & Tweety's room or Loraine's room to point her pussy and ass at the camera under the pretence of socialising either. It's no coincidence that during this period, we see her visit B2 for the first time for shows. She did the same thing last year when she fell out with Stella in B1, with Radislava and Stella the only tenants in B1 at that time, she soon headed to B2 to recruit Mila as a show partner. It's also why Cecilia has been on extended visits during the same period.
  19. Anyone would be an improvement on Radislava.
  20. Martina viewed this video of her own doing, it wasn't shown to her by Bogdan.
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